2/19/2023 - Donuts and a Country Breakfast


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
ah... a Country Breakfast of eggs, hash browns, sausage and toast would be lovely.... if I didn't have to make it or clean up after it and I actually had all the things to make it.... alas it looks like me and a bowl of Cheerio's this morning.....
The house next door to my Sacramento house is having a garage sale today.... it's up for sale and the traffic on the street is driving my son nuts.... so much so he asked me to look to see just how many places she's advertised this sale.....

One more nice day in town before another storm comes through.... keeping the eye on the weather as am headed to Disneyland on Wednesday..... the park is really more fun if it's not cold and rainy.....

Have a good Sunday....
It was sunny this morning, but now partly cloudy and close to 60. I don't have
anything planned for the rest of the day.

robin, a Country breakfast sounds wonderful. Alas, I only have oatmeal.

I hope everyone has a restful, relaxing afternoon and evening.
Colder and windier than I thought it would be. Sunny, for the most part, and 45 degrees, but the wind was a huge factor in making it feel colder. I was underdressed when I went out to run errands. Rest of the week will be 40s and 50s, going down to the 30s next Saturday. Stores are carrying not only Easter items but St. Patrick's Day items. They sure rush the seasons in retail stores.

I don't think most of us ever treat ourselves to a nice breakfast and end up with cereal, yogurt or a bagel. I had a challah roll with cream cheese.

robinsnest - Maybe you'll get your country breakfast when you are at Disneyland, even if not exactly a country breakfast, but one that is a treat.

kat - Even without plans, hope the day turned out well and that you rested.

Everyone enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
ah, yes, we were supposed to get near 40, but it was cloudy, grey and windy 25 when I went to church. Sun did show up around 10:30, but didn't help much, as it only got up to 35. And now it has gone into hiding, leaving the wind to do it's thing. (we are to get snow tomorrow, and a couple other days during the week. Really a lot by end of week, but......we don't say weather guessers for no reason. Meanwhile, we still have a lot of snow, but folks were saying it really is ice, because of that rain we had.
This coming week.....Ash Wednesday, then our church has this big spaghetti feed on Friday, as Saturday is that huge ski race (50 km) with around 9000 entered. The Birkebeiner.

Got an eye opener last night on the National News, which broadcast from a town called HELL, in Norway!!
You might not care.........but The year was 1206 and Norway was in the midst of a civil war when Birkebeiner skiers, so called for their protective birch bark leggings, skied through the treacherous mountains and rugged forests of Norway’s Osterdalen valley, smuggling Prince Haakon, the son of King Sverresson and Inga of Vartieg, to safety. The flight took the Birkebeiners and prince from Lillehammer to safety in the town of Trondheim. Inga of Vartieg never became queen as the prince’s father was killed before he could return for her in Vartieg. Norwegian history credits the Birkebeiners’ bravery with preserving the life of the boy who later became Norway’s King Haakon Haakonsson IV and forever changed Northern Europes’ history by his reign. The story and painting of the flight were the inspiration for the first Birkebeiner ski race held in Norway in 1932.....and in America it began here in 1973, just after we moved up here.
Ah, we have had our share of pick ups over the years. Ridden in them, but never drove one. Hubby always got stick shift, so....nope, don't do that. Admire O.C. as it seems like nothing to her.
Robin, that's funny, I just got through reading that about the farm truck on Facebook a few minutes ago! Generally speaking, the work trucks around here are in better shape, appearance-wise, than described in #5, and I rarely see Border Collies, #6, and they do go faster than 45 mph but it's true that you may run out of gas before you reach your destination, since about 9-12 mpg is common. The preferred work dogs around here are Australian Cattle Dogs (NOT the same as Australian Shepherds) and Heelers. Other than that, the rest of the list seems pretty accurate. Also, most of the work trucks here have flatbeds with large cube dispensers and hay spikes mounted on the back. Most have club cabs and the majority of them are white, which might actually buy the thief some time in escaping.

Poirot, I found it interesting to read the history behind today's skiers, who come to your area. What devotion these people must have to that sport, which was once more of a necessity than a sport.
I wrote this hours ago but got a phone call from camper son in northern CA, which lasted nearly 3 hours! Then a call from my niece. Also e-mailing back and forth with my cousin, who is coming out here from Fort Worth in the morning.