2/24/2024 - Donuts and a Pink Moon

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good Saturday morning. I woke up at 6:00 this morning and decided to strain a point and go ahead and get out of bed. I've got to get my schedule shifted to earlier rising because week after next I'll have to get up outrageously early to go sit in the polling place for the primaries. Also, Daylight Savings is coming up soon and that will be an adjustment that I never seem to successfully make.

I was glad I did get up before daylight this morning. Just as the sun was coming up in the east I happened to open my curtains on the west and was delighted to see an almost full moon about ten minutes away from reaching the horizon. It was pale in color, seemed almost like you should be able to see right through it, but with the rising sun reflecting on it, the moon was the most beautiful pastel pink color. I wanted to take a picture of it but a tree limb was in the way. By the time I got my phone and went outside to a place that was more open, it was too late.

As I started back to the house I heard a clattering noise out back. I rushed around to the old junky shop to check it out but found nothing unusual. As I went back inside the house I looked down toward the tank and saw two deer running in a panic. I guess they'd been in my yard and were startled when they heard me moving around outside. These are the kind of distractions that take up my time and it's one reason why I don't get much done. But why not spend time that way? It's what I enjoy. At least I've already had breakfast and a shower this morning so off I go to putter--or as we say in Texas, piddle. (I didn't know that word had another meaning until I married a Yankee).

Wishing all of you fair weather and a good day and weekend. Weather looks good here.
Had to take Boomer in to the Vet. He was having a side effect of the phenobarb. It was affecting his hind legs. I looked up side effects since his hind legs had suddenly gotten weaker.The cut his dose in half. If the problem persists we go back on Monday. Please pray the lower dose works.
Good afternoon all..... it's another nice day in the middle of the country.... clear skies.... today is going to be the "calmest" of the next few.... tomorrow and Monday while it will be sunny and warm it will also be windy as all get out the weather guessers have forecasted.... oh joy....

OC I am familiar with the other definition of piddle..... they Yankee version, I would have looked at you oddly had you headed out to piddle/putter....

I hope everyone has a great Saturday piddling or puttering around.....

rf I hope Boomer is able to adjust to the lower dose of medication.
It's sunny today and will be in the high 60s. I'm meeting my former Sunday school class mates for lunch, so
I won't be outside today. (oops forgot to post before I left).

rf, sorry to hear about Boomer's new medicine. I hope reducing the dose will help.

OC, I'm glad you were up to see the pink moon.

robin, I hope your Sunday going well.

I hope everyone is enjoying the day.
Sexton, I will pray about Boomer's ability to tolerate the lower dose. Is this something he's going to need to take ongoing or just until there's improvement?

Kat, I hope you had a good lunch and visit with the S.S. classmates.

Robin, your reaction to my use of piddling would have been the same as my husband's was. Haha. I've trained myself not to use it unless I'm around fellow Texas of my generation. But I thought it might give some of you a smile so long as I made it a point to explain myself. Well, I got the same weather warning as you earlier today--enjoy it today because the next few days are going to be dreadfully windy. Sure enough, the wind started picking up this afternoon. Not horrible yet but enough to stir things up. At least it's not cold. Got up to 78* with sunshine.
we had such a calm warmish day today, was nice, even tho I did not go out. Am in a rather downish mood of late, don't know why. gotta say, Bette Davis hit the nail on the head....aging is not for sissies. LOL. Aches & pains come and go..........in areas you don't expect, and wonder why, and then vanish. LOL. Hey, friends, gonna surprise you when it happens, even if you think it won't, or it is years away for you. LOL
Just realized that March will soon be here, meaning the start of spring like days, then reverting to winter ones, and back to spring ones. Ha. Really has been mostly a rather mild winter for the far north. Surprising, but welcome. However, the lack of usual snow & cold has a negative impact on business here, which are reporting roughly 70 % decline. That is a lot. As one said, you cannot afford to lose your help, as too hard to replace, so you pay them to stay, not go elsewhere, and not enough income coming in to cover the cost.
Don't see any buds appearing on trees, bushes, etc. so not sure how the warmer temps will be affecting Spring here. A guessing game.
We've had a warmer than usual February and I haven't seen any buds here yet either. But the grass is green and growing! I know what you mean about the aches and pains. I've had a little nagging pain in my thigh for a couple of days, kinda gives way when I go up and down the steps. So today it made me think of my dad. He'd get some kind of a pain and when we'd ask him what was wrong he'd say, "I've got a bone in my leg." Silly but it made us laugh. Today it made me smile.
The past few days my dupuytren's has been acting up. I have an appointment Monday in the hopes there are some hand exercises I can do or something to help with the pain and finger folding....
but yes this getting old stuff is not for the weak.....
Have any of you heard of Tyler Henry?

He can read the thoughts of people that have passed.

I hope my people come through, there are many...Thursday. very exciting!
@OldCowGirl Boomer will be on seizure meds from now on. He seems to be feeling poorly
Please everyone pray that Boomer will improve. He gives me a reason to get up in the morning. Since Mom died I have been very lonely