2/26/23 - Donuts and early walk


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's in the 40s this morning and I decided to walk early. I checked the weather map to be sure no rain.
I got around one time and it started to rain. I should have taken my umbrella. I got the papers by the
doors of the neighbors so they shouldn't get too wet. The papers have plastic sleeves, but sometimes
that doesn't help with heavy rain. Hopefully, next Sunday no rain so I can walk before church.

I hope everyone has a restful, relaxing day.
New York is overcast, 33 now, supposed to go up to around 50 later, but I don't think it will get higher than 45. Snow showers predicted for tomorrow and Tuesday but nothing significant. Yesterday was bitterly cold. Only walked a few blocks but ended up with a frozen face and hands, despite gloves.

Kat - Glad you got a walk in.

Wishing all a peaceful Sunday.

Just back from church, it is sunny, calm, 35° AND all the extra folks up for the weekend are mostly on their way home. Also, just a mention, but winners....lst place was from U.S., 2nd place from France, 3rd place from Canada!!!
At the end of the race, they have to cross a lake, which then takes them down a small road that leads to the supermarket, but every year they erect a wooden bridge OVER the 4 lane highway, for the skiers & pedestrians to get to main st., the end of the race. Well, it is still up, they were taking down the huge tent, I drove UNDER the bridge, lol. The banners are down, church paid tribute to volunteers, and then to those in church who were in the race. Am just happy the crowds and traffic is mostly over.
Tomorrow, have dental appt. in the a.m. so.....see you all tomorrow afternoon, hopefully. LOL
I was able to get out and walk another time before getting ready for Sunday school. If I took
an umbrella the first time, I could have walked more then.

I found out when I went to Sunday school my area had a thunderstorm with bad lightening
around midnight. I slept through it. It knocked out the wifi at church and Sunday school today.
I do online hosting after Sunday school class and there were still issues until the sermon started.

Wilde Woman, keep warm during the cold days.

robin, good luck at work tomorrow.

Poirot, I'm glad the tourists are leaving your area.
Good Sunday morning! It is currently 78 * and partly cloudy.

I spent yesterday and this morning at a women's retreat where I was in charge of directing the choir. This group, only larger, meet annually in October for a full weekend of fun, Bible Study and fellowship nd lots of music. However, we also meet for a shorter time each February. It was a lovely service at 9am followed by a brunch. The women members host the out of towners and all help with the program. We are ALL the choir on Sunday morning. I invited the congregation to join us on the last verse and they were awesome. About 20 in the choir and about 30 in the pews. It's a small country community church. Most of the men have a men's weekend fishing when we are there. I hurried back to my church, about 45 miles away and got there in time to practice with choir for next Sunday.

This afternoon I will attend the Showcase Concert with are 2a Texas State Championship Gold Medal Winners! Many were chosen to go to the State Symphonic and Concert band contest and did well. My youngest granddaughter is a senior in the band this year.

Many of you know I have had lots of problems with my legs and have been trying to see a neurologist. I saw one in Corpus and will NEVER return to him. My appt with another one was schedule for late July but was bounced up to March 21 due to a cancellation. While I was sitting in MD office on Friday (another story), I received a call that I had to reschedule. BUT, the receptionist stated she had just had a cancellation and if I could be there at 9 am Monday, the doctor could see me! I guess miracles DO happen. It's about 1 1/2 hrs away and a friend is planning on taking me. I could drive it, but I want a second set of ears and none of my kids can go. Please pray they can figure out what is wrong.

I better stop for now and put my feet up before I go sit in the bleachers at the school. Fortunately only a mile away. Praying the rest of your days are Blessed!
You are very lucky, indeed Nanahl......I have asked, but never happened for me. I hate that you have to wait so long for an appt. these days. Not just doctors........My car has an appt. mid-March.....and was made last October!!
Good afternoon everyone. Yesterday was a snow and ice storm with many multi-car accidents. Cindy came once the roads were clear.

She grocery shopped first, and brought many goodies and surprises. Then we sorted and packed up my laundry. She has several loads of sweats and pj's to do for me.
Cleaning out the refrigerator was also in her agenda so the neighbors could take my garbage bin to the road today.

I was so exhausted that I slept last night...about 6 hours in all with the longest stretch at 2 hours.

kat, you're very brave to walk in the rain. I hope you don't get sick.

Poirot, it'll be nice to be able to get around town and find parking.

WW, please me carefull walking in that cold.

robinsnest, you didn't get much time to recuperate from your trip before going to work.

Nanahl, are you on a statin drug? Those can do horrible things to the nerves and muscles in your legs.
Good afternoon. It was foggy here all morning, now a little bit of sunshine, with rain expected before midnight. It's 73*. I went to church and Sunday school and haven't done much since. Got a lot done on my taxes yesterday. Hope to finish up in the next day or two but I have cows in neighbors' pastures on two sides, and don't know where they're getting out, so that will require some time and attention. Not today though.
I was on a statin for 30 days, and have muscle and nerve damage in my right leg from it. My family doctor told me to stop taking it immediately. When he reported the problem to the heart surgeon, that doc dropped me as a patient. Turns out I've never had a cholesterol problem, but the surgeon put everyone on a statin regardless. The surgeon was soon gone from town never to be seen again.
rs, that's terrible. Thanks for telling us that. I sometimes get odd feelings in my arms and legs.
It's hard to know if old age or what I'm taking for high cholesterol or something else.
I just spent a couple hrs. looking up side effects from various drugs........and the cholesterol ones.....only tiredness & fatigue.
Poirot, I'm not sure where you looked, but not all cholesterol meds are statins. You have to look up just statins.

OK, I just now googled statin drugs, and got:
muscle pain
muscle damage
kidney damage
feeling of sickness or nausea
sleep problems
digestive problems
unusual tiredness or weakness
low blood platelet count

That list has a lot of the things that I went through. Also has a lot of things that Nanahl has been suffering from.
OC, the wind just picked up here. I'm under a wind advisory until Monday morning. The weather channel
suggests to stay awake and be prepared since severe weather is suppose to happen after midnight.
Kat, I hope your storm is as uneventful as the one was here. It may have been the fastest moving storm I'd ever seen. I heard it rain for about 30 seconds and the windows sucked in and out as the wind got really loud but it was gone in a flash. It looked very scary on the radar.
My chime is going crazy right now. The wind might get over 25 miles an hour later.
Poirot, I'm not sure where you looked, but not all cholesterol meds are statins. You have to look up just statins.

OK, I just now googled statin drugs, and got:
muscle pain
muscle damage
kidney damage
feeling of sickness or nausea
sleep problems
digestive problems
unusual tiredness or weakness
low blood platelet count

That list has a lot of the things that I went through. Also has a lot of things that Nanahl has been suffering from.
Yean! I just found some of this out on Monday when I had my neurologist appt. He made the same comment. I am tempted to stop taking my statin med and see what happens. My cholesterol stays around 150 and the HDL is excellent.