2/26/24 - Donuts & Wind


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Good morning, all. It is calm here this morning, but that was a quite a wind storm last night. Power was out a few times. Sounds like there are trees down in some places. I'll find out more when I get to the store later.
I keep my big saw out on the patio, covered with a hood that people use to cover their grills. It is a pretty tight fit. This morning, I discovered that the wind had blown that hood completely off!! Not quite sure how that could even happen.

Wishing you all a good and safe day.
Sunny and 49 here. Still using my small heater. Sometimes just need a bit extra warmth on top of the heat they are sending up.

Very busy at work, morning flew by. That's a good thing.

Lil0: So sorry you lost power. Wind can be so destructive. The fact that the hood was blown off the saw confirms how intense the wind was. I know the type of hood you mean, and they were very sturdy. Thank goodness the saw itself didn't move around. Glad you are okay and hope no one was hurt from falling trees, etc.

Let's look Monday straight in the eye and say, "I got this."

It's sunny and in the 70s today.

I had my yearly physical this morning. I'll be going outside soon and do some yardwork.

Lil0, that was a big wind to blow the cover off. I hope your weather has settled down.

Wilde Woman, I hope your pigeons are behaving themselves :)

Wishing everyone a pleasant rest of the day.
Good afternoon.... I was up and out of the house early today. I still have no feeling in my right hand. Makes for an odd typing.... I've been told to try a brace pictured below for the next three weeks. They said that there isn't a lot of response that it helps long term but when your hand is painful and sore it helps a bit.
looks like a lovely club to sleep with doesn't it. Stupid genetics.... I just hope I didn't pass this along to my kids.....

We are supposed to be very windy today but so far it's quite calm here.... maybe it's windier elsewhere or maybe it's going to get windy...
Happy Monday to all....
Sure is windy up here, boy. Blue skies, no clouds, but the pine tree branches are really swaying. And of course, it feels colder than the temps indicate. Only got around 4 hours sleep, maybe 5, mostly tossing and turning. And thus was very lazy this morning, Just got dressed at last, about 15 min. ago..and that means it was 1 p.m. before I told myself past time to get out of the jammies. Actually am late eating some lunch/./so, be back later.
73° here at106 CT.
Winds 16 mph SSW
Consulted with vet today via phone
Boomer is back on appetite stimulant. He ate some dogfood so I'm les stressed. They reduced the phenobarb again. Now just 1x a day. What I want to know is how can it either stimulate or decrease appetite both.
They sure don't explain anything, probably don't know, can only guess. Sorry your dog is not well, it truly is hard to know exactly what one should do in all the various situations with a pet. Truly hope it all goes smoothly. Blessings.
Oooh--eee, I should have gone out and walked this morning. Just now went and the SW wind nearly knocked me over. It's mostly sunny and the temperature is somewhere between 92* and 96*, depending on which one of the four different places I checked. I only went around two times instead of three. It's been comfortable inside my house all day though. I had the heat on for an hour or so first thing this morning, then turned everything off. Had on long sleeves until I went out to walk. I imagine I'll turn on the a/c tonight. In February!
Seems the wind was everywhere today. And was really flexing it's muscles. Found a For Sale sign on the road, had to be blown there by the wind, looked as though it was one you stick in the ground. No idea from where it came. I took it off the road and put it up in a grassy area. Got to call the agent to let him know.