2/27/24 - Donuts & Snow!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Egads! I got up at 1:00 AM and just happened to glance out the window. The world is white. That can't be right. Put glasses on. The world is still white and huge flakes of snow coming down. Judging from what I see on the roof of my car, I would say there is at least 6 inches. And here I thought spring had arrived. Nope.IMG_1317.JPG
Ooooooh, I'd love to have your snow, Lil0! We're having nasty old thunderstorms.

Finished with my school yesterday so I finally get an office day. These 11 to 12 hour work days are getting to be too hard. Long days again next week for kindergarten registrations then things will finally get back to normal the following week.

I've caught up reading most of the Donuts threads with doing a few each night, but I'm so far behind reading the summaries. Is it even worth going back to read about a month's worth?

Muzzaman.... The Penguins will be invading Calgary this Saturday! Should be a good game even though my 'Guins are down in the cellar of their division.
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We are going to get to 75 today.... and by 5 pm we will be in the 40's and by 7 am tomorrow it will be in the 20's!!!!! Not enough water in the atmosphere for rain or snow..... but should it snow it won't me much and shouldn't stick around..... then by Saturday back into the 70's and Sunday is our first of I'm sure many weather alert days.....
Beast is at day care.... HB is struggling with insurance cards.... then we are going to finally get his car tagged for the state... his old AZ tags expire in a few days so that's what I get to do today....
rs great to see you back on board.... I hope you are feeling better......

Off to a Tuesday....
robinsnest confirmed that we aren't the only place but Kentucky has some nutty weather at times. This being one of those times. Saturday we had a few flurries. Yesterday was nearly 70°. Today rainy/very windy. Thursday 40s. Thunderstorms this weekend. These weird days continue through next week. Spring is coming though. Saw a couple of Robins in my yard and hearing frogs in the evening. One of my favorite sounds. And baseball spring training. Not much of a sports fan but love the words SPRING training.

Today would have been my mom's 92nd birthday. She died in 2015. Miss her every day.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!!
52 sunny degrees.

Wow, Lil0, what an image! Fret not, Spring WILL knock at your door soon.

redsquirrel: Good luck with your work load.

Robin: Crazy temperature fluctuations.

Nameless and rf sexton: Right there with you missing parents. The loss is always with us, but we get through it best we can, never over it. Cherish your memories.

Everyone have a great Tuesday!

It's cloudy now and in the 80s. It was in the 60s this morning at walk time. I went out earlier today since a
busy day for me. Temps drop all night. It will be in the 30s in the AM. We're under red flag (fire) warning
because of the wind. I smelled a lot of smoke at bedtime last night.

I was able to get to church earlier than I usually do. I got home and got most of the summary done before
lunch. It's posted. I'll have to wash dishes and finish studies for tomorrow.

Lil0, was there snow in forecast or was it surprise?

rs, I'm glad you got some office time.

robin, good luck getting the car tags.

nameless, hugs for your mom. My mom's day is tomorrow.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the sunshine.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
Wish I knew what the reason for the wacky weather........everywhere. Did something happen in the atmosphere.....did a meteor hit a star, Did Jupiter move closer to the sun? Or did the inhabitants of Mars decide to get back at earth for invading their space? LOL, all kidding aside, guess what is normal, is just not the old normal, but a new or different one. :)
Well Poirot I did a quick search and No planets are currently in Retrograde so we can't blame them....
I have no idea what it means to have a planet in retrograde, but have a dear friend who lives by planets and stars that are astrology

And we are back to the proverbial drawing board on getting the car tagged.... the state of Kansas won't accept the E-Title, it has to be an official title to the car..... oy oy oy..... he was able to contact his insurance company and get them to send copies of his card to him new email so I was able to print those out.... I've contacted AZ Department of Motor Vehicles and in up to another 10 days we may get the official Kansas will approve title... otherwise I have no idea how to proceed. At the VIN check station the guy next to us just purchased a brand new to him Tesla.... he loves his Tesla..... anyway he was getting it registered and it didn't have a clean Title, so now he has to get paperwork and such to get a clean title and get back to the VIN check in 25 days..... heck it takes 14 days to get a title mailed from AZ to us I'd hate to think this car won't have a clean title..... he drove off in an unhappy mood because he is aware of the hassle to come..... We have to wait for the mail and then go back too.... sigh.....

windy outside.... trash blowing around.... I try to pick it up before it gets by me but if it's successful I won't chase it down the street since it isn't mine....

did my Tuesday vacuuming... was putting the machine away when I saw HB sit in his chair with a big ole bowl of peanuts..... sigh.... he's napping now covered in peanut shell and skins.... I'll be vacuuming again..... grrrrrrr
I remember when we moved to Wisconsin, and it was such a hassle getting drivers' licenses, car plates, transferred from Illinois to Wisconsin. At least Wisconsin only required you to get a new picture for the driver's license. Although next renewal had to do the written/verbal exam. This last time, in January, new picture required,...........and it is in black & white instead of color. Odd. And they look awful. They sure don't make it easy to transfer titles, do they?

You are to be commended for not getting all upset and yelling after vacuuming, and then seeing the mess requiring another go round. It has gotten all dark and gloomy, looking a lot like rain, however, the weather station predictor on the table no longer shows rain to come. My friend told me it was to come between 3 & 4 p.m. Told her I'd believe that when it happens. Well, tis after 4 now, nary a drop (nor a single snowflake). Currently 38 here, yesterday was 52! LOL

Wonder if Lil0's snow will eventually make it's way here. That is sure a lot of snow Lil0, egads! Hope it melts fast.
After discovering it at 1:00 am, I went back to sleep and dreamed that it was all gone by 4:00 this afternoon. We'll see. If it is gone within the next hour and a half, I would probably be labeled as a witch if I lived in earlier times!! The road is clear but there is still snow in my yard.
@Lil0 I remember the year we got a big snowfall for Christmas deep fluffy snow. It took me totally by surprise
At the whole get together the kids were more interested in snow than presents. It was called the Christmas miracle snow. It just doesn't snow like that on the Gulf Coast
It's 5:15 currently and it's 44° but at 3 it was 78° tomorrow morning it will be 20° with a wind chill of 8..... Ya, I won't be going out......tomorrow... I will be leaving shortly to pick up the beast....
temp been falling all day, currently, at nearly 6 p.m., it is 27, AND it is snowing. Yep, it got here, lots faster than I would have thought. LOL And just think, snow was all gone, ....well, about 97% gone....I guess it had to make room for the new stuff. Ha.
Lil0, your picture is beautiful.

The day got away from me. I spent all morning in the kitchen and just got those dishes washed tonight, about half an hour ago. Today I had to make two phone calls and I got three phone calls. Did a little bit of paperwork.

We're on the weather roller coaster too. Today was warm but dreary, cloudy, then at mid-morning the wind started in. There were fires in some parts of the state and warnings everywhere. I didn't go out and walk.....but Kat, my step counter came today. Yea!

Squirrel, I'd been thinking about you and wondering if you were okay. I wish you didn't have to work so hard.

Hope all of you sleep well.
OC, good luck with your step counter. I have a way to hook to my pants. I read to put on
the loop by the thigh.
Oh, I didn't see that about the thigh. I'll have to give that some thought. I just clipped mine onto my waistband. I guess the number that shows up means how many steps you've taken, right?