3/10/2018 - Donuts and Blueberry pancakes


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good Saturday morning to everyone.

Today, I'll be making some granola to take on my trips the week after next. They called for raisins or dried blueberries. I'm using a mix of cranberries and blueberries because raisins are evil terrible snacks. Love grapes. Used to love wine (way too much) but raisins? Blech.

I hope everyone has a nice Saturday. I've got outside things to do and it looks like it is going to be a good day to work outside too.
Robin, it's great there are so many options available these days for snacks and meals. Taking along your homemade granola sounds like a good idea!

For the fourth time this winter my chronic throat-tickle cough has turned into a barking throat cough. My throat feels so irritated and I have watery post nasal drip. I think it might be allergy but still, I don't want to take a chance on spreading it, if it is something more, so I'm staying home today. It seems all winter the wind would be out of the south one day, the north the next. We're just now approaching our windy spring season so it isn't likely to stop.

My youngest son and family were planning to come out today. I woke up in the night, coughing, and thought I should probably send him a note and tell them not to come. When I turned on my computer I found a note from him, saying they'd have to postpone until next weekend. He had some unexpected work stuff come up, and also, they've had their backyard flood into their house, not once but twice, over the past two weeks. Had to pull up carpet, do repairs. So they had a contractor out yesterday, and coming back today, to fix the yard. Putting in a French drain and buried barrels, and pumps. A big project. They do most things themselves but not this. Now they just want to get the repairs done and sell the house.

Hope everyone is safe from weather. Have a good weekend if you can.
Good morning. I lazily slept in til 9am and can't find my mojo. Wherever I lost it must be in a sneaky place. Ever just want to tear up a to-do list and go back to bed? Me too.

Robin: enjoy your outdoor work in your beloved sun and summer temps.

OC: so sorry this hacking cough is back. Sure hope a weekend indoors heals you. Your son has quite a repair job on his home in such a short time period. Rest up friend.

JS: please don't insult the bunnies. :)

Aww, kiddos found my list and mojo. Time to rock and roll.
LOL, I love raisins, good source of iron. Love raisin bread toast.

OC...absolutely hate the cough, sounds like bronchitis...hope you have cough drops & cough med on hand. (I have it always in the house, carry cough drops in my purse, lol)

I think wind makes it worse probably.

Blueberry pancakes...so good, but makes me think of a something that happened long ago, and I am not gonna ruin your morning by relating.

By the way, love grapes, my fav. fruit. Grape jelly, too. Hubby doesn't. LOL
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fabulous day. Today has been an okay day. I went out really early this morning and did a little bit of grocery shopping and then came home and have been doing a few chores around the house. I also took a nap and read some. It has been a relatively relaxing weekend.

The weather has been okay but it has been pretty cool. Right now it is sunny but the winds are making it pretty cool. Oh, where is Spring?!!? I am so done with Winter. I can't take it anymore.

I have an idea of what I will be getting back in taxes. I still have to copy the forms and send them in.

Wishing all of you a super Saturday and sending each one of you so much happiness.
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Afternoon all. Some questions as i wait for the timer to go stir the granola I'm making. Sure smells good. Noel would love it. It smells Christmasy.

Speaking about Noel, HEY, what happened to my sunny day??????? What did you do with it???

EricMSweetie - think I missed an update on your cat. Doing better, I hope.

Poirot - Grape jelly is the worst. Sorry, I have to side with your husband on that.

Timer is chiming. Off to stir.
The perfect spring day here. Cloudy and in the high 60s. You can hear birds singing.

After lunch, I spent time outside. I did leave raking. I took a break then to the flowerbed.
I weeded an hour and didn't put mulch down.

All my clocks are fixed except on the computer. Instead of losing an hour of sleep, I
lose an hour in the daytime.

OC, I hope you're feeling better.

robin, I hope you had a good day outside. I like working outside when it's cloudy
better than a sunny day.

Noel, I hope you got things off your to do list.

I hope everyone has a good evening and good night.
This morning I heard on the tv that there was rain moving through California and into Arizona but I didn't hear what part of either state.

Kat, I'm glad you mentioned the clocks. I had forgotten about it. Not a bad idea to change them during the day.

I don't mean to gang up on Poirot but I can't stand grape jelly either. It seems to be popular though, so I guess she has a lot of company out there.

I'd better go set my clocks before I forget again.
lol.......my father, a creature of habit apparently, had the exact same breakfast all his life...no matter what, and he died at 81!...... 3 pancakes with bacon, two pieces of toast w/grape jelly, small glass O,J. & a cup of coffee......
Good evening everyone.

It has been another long day here. After my own chores, I did all of the shopping for my friends. 2 hours in 3 different stores isn't my idea of fun, but these are the friends who did everything for me when I had my heart surgery so shopping I went.

I had planned on a Sam's Club trip for both houses, but my back still isn't up to lifting the heavier items we need from there.

I ended up doing some things at the house that her totally blind husband couldn't do like writing out her checks so she only had to sign them and separating the laundry for him to wash.

She's going to have a fistula put in next week (joins an artery and vein together above the wrist) to make dialysis easier. Her doctors think they finally have her heart and diabetes medicines straightened out, but they think she had another mini stroke. She keeps telling them that she wants out of the wheelchair.

Clocks are changed except for my Regulator with Westminster chimes. It is easier to do that one at 6:00 am when I change the batteries. Batteries are also changed in all of the clocks and remotes. Watches are all moved ahead an hour as are the stove and microwave clocks.

After all of that, I'm ready for bed.

OC - I hope you feel better.

Blackberry, black raspberry, and mango are my favorites for jelly flavors. I can't get mango here so I have to stock up every summer when I take a day trip to Smucker's in Orville, Ohio.
Robin - the sun was out on the west side til an hour before sunset.

Poirot - grape is my siblings' favorite jam/jelly/preserves. I prefer cherry, pineapple or apricot ones.

Red - you deserve a long night's sleep for being such a great friend.
Heck, I like really, all different kinds of jams & jellies. Strawberry jam, apple butter, peach or apricot, blackberry, .....the thing is, even a small jar seems to take forever to use up. LOL. And it is difficult when your grocery stores don't stock much in the way of small jars. Smuckers IS the brand of choice for me. LOLOL