3/10/24 - Donuts and Do You Like the Time Change?


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Feb 19, 2018
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Personally, I absolutely HATE it. It screws up my body clock.
Staying home from church today to keep an eye on Boomer. So far it looks like the meds may be helping. He still doesn't want the pill pockets which he usually loves, so I have make him take them the old fashion way.
Good morning from a winter wonderland!

I was awakened at midnight by thunder and heavy rain. Then again at the new 3:30 by the wind. Not one snowflake in sight then. At 9:00, we have 4 inches of snow on the ground with another lake effect band (coming from Ontario, Canada, down over Lake Erie) on the way.

rf - hopefully Boomer's meds do the job.

Lil0 - I hate this time change, too! I'm usually behind a school bus when driving to work in the morning. Most parents here wait with their kids either standing outside or sitting in their cars at the end of their driveways.
RS - you have the lake effect and we have the Puget Sound convergence zone. [That is what keeps your cousin in the dry!]. Weather from the west gets to the Olympic mountains and moves to the north and south. When it gets around to the other side of the mountains, it converges right about here. It gives us some rather intense weather at times.
Good morning...count me in as another despising the time change. I woke up late, due to it, the body clock doesn't recognize physical clock changes. Fortunately found Mass on TV at 9 a.m. Central, so was able to attend there. They have a really nice prayer on screen for those who partake of "spiritual communion".
It is rather chilly, 16°, but sun is out, will get into 40s I believe. Tomorrow will hit into the 50s. Yes it will dive down for a while, before attempting to climb out of the cold again! Bad enough no snow to speak of this past winter, no rain either. We MAY get a few sprinkles Thursday, so they say. Believe it when it happens. Meanwhile, very, very dry this way.
Hope everyone is feeling o.k. Have a nice, restful day. God's blessings!
It's sunny and in the 40s. It was in the 30s when I woke up. It's going to be around 60 this afternoon.

I fixed my clocks yesterday and went to bed at the new time. I woke up around 3. It took awhile to
get back to sleep. I don't like the new time since it will be dark when I walk in the AM.

I'll work on my taxes today. I should rake in the front since the nice days are Tues and Wed. Wed is
my first PT.

The finches have been noisy the past days. Not sure if they're in the baby making stage yet.

rf, I'm glad Boomer is doing better.

Lil0, I wish the government officers would ask us what we want with the time instead of making
a mess of it.

rs, do you think Mother Nature has PMS giving you the crazy weather? Enjoy the white stuff.

Poirot, have a restful day.

Wishing everyone a relaxing day.
You know, I remember one time, having gone to visit my best friend & my sister in Chicago in late fall, it was end of October. And how surprised I was that it was still light there at a time it was pitch dark up here. Stayed down a week. My good friend wanted me to stay longer, and really delayed me leaving in the a.m. (I wanted to leave around 7, didn't get going til 10!! Sure enough, it was dusk before I got to the last 100 miles, thus it was pitch dark when I arrived home. (I do not ever drive in the dark).
Anyway, I called to say I was home safe, and......it was still light there. Only mentioned cuz here, it is now getting light pretty early and some of you are saying it is still dark. And of course, we probably are currently darker earlier while you are still light. Shows how far north I am, and how far south from me some of you are. Nope, I don't drive long distances either any more. LOL
Ugh, almost over my 3 day headache. Very unusual for me. Grew up with migraines and this hasn't been that bad, but 3 days is long enough.

Have a meeting at 2:00. Several of us are getting together to plan our 50th high school reunion! It's scheduled for May. Curious to see how many show up. There are several of us still in the county and some that live within 30-40 miles, but the closest ones usually are the no shows.

Cool today 40s, but up in the 70s by mid week.

Being old and retired the time change doesn't really bother me, as I get up "whenever". But with my overnight headache, I did not sleep much.

Hope y'all have a great day
Good late morning.... count me in as disliking the time change.... those 17 years in Arizona really put me on the side of why is this done?? I changed the clocks last night, will do the car and the timers that have lights on them today.... if I remember.... if I don't they will be fine on Monday or so..... I'm with Nameless as I don't generally have anywhere to be in the mornings.... that part doesn't bother me.... I wake when I wake.... go to bed when I want....
The boys lost the game last night.... it wasn't even close... they were just unable to get a ball to go in the basket....but the band, the reason we went was loud an provided music during time outs, half time and other moments of the game... it took a while to get out of the parking lot, which was really odd as it had never been a problem before.... we got home had a late dinner and then watched a few things on the telly before off to bed...

Today will be a slow work around the house kinda day.... once I figure out the time change.... now two hours for stepmother's weekly call..... that will be the only thing that has to be done today....

Good Sunday to everyone....
I doubt morning is a problem for anyone. It is meal times, feedintg farm animals times, schedules based on those. Those who tummies growl at noon find it odd they are not hungry til 1 p.m. If you eat dinner at 5 or 6, it becomes 6 or 7. Our body clocks take some time to get used to the change, and then we do it all over again in the fall. Time to start writing our congressman, complain & ask for year round standard. Yes, it is Congress (or your state Congress) that has to get on the ball.
I decided to go outside and rake before working on taxes. I raked up three cans of leaves. I'm suppose to go somewhere
for lunch tomorrow. I'm going to skip so I can do yardwork. Rain might be here Thurs and I don't know when my mower
will be coming. I have weeds to get out around mailbox, etc. etc. etc.

Nameless, you're a year older than me. I need keep a schedule otherwise nothing will get done.

Poirot, it was light enough at 6:30 Friday to walk without a flashlight. This morning, it was dark at 7.
I started to set my alarm last night and didn't but should have. I woke up late and barely made it to church in time for Sunday School.
So yes, mornings are a problem for me. I'm usually awake some during the night and I have a hard time getting up at a decent hour to begin the day even under the best of circumstances. DST only adds to that problem. Then it sets meals and everything else for the day running late. This will never get changed because there are too many people who like having extra light at the end of the day--despite that it appears most of us here don't like it. People who live busy lives after their workday, and want to do outdoors activities want this to continue. Though I can't understand how anyone in Texas wants to do outdoors activities at 7:00 p.m. in the summer, when it is often still over 100*. What I don't want is for them to change it to Daylight Savings year round. Then light won't come in the mornings until a ridiculous hour during the winter. Oh well, very little in the government is run the way I think it should be! Why should this be any different?

It was in the upper 20s* here this morning. Partly sunny and cool now. Tomorrow should be warmer. I saw on Facebook that my mower guy was advertising for help in mowing. That doesn't sound promising. I sent him a message yesterday to get on his list.
I love the time change. I'm so depressed when it's dark as soon as I get off work. I'm so incredibly happy now to have my clocks back to where my kids and I can be outside again. I wish we could keep the time this way, and never fall back in the fall.

So sorry about Boomer, sending up prayers for him.
Ahh, but in a week or so, it would not be dark when one gets off work. The sun works the same no matter what time zone or season.