3-11-2016 - Donuts & Kleenex


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2011
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Winter Wonderland
A very early good morning my friends. It is 4:25am here and I am ready for work. Thank goodness it is Friday! I am one exhausted lady.

It is supposed to be 90F today and then 72F tomorrow with a return to high 80's on Sunday?!?! The weather here is plain weird this year. The high heat keeps the viruses, flu bugs and bacteria accelerating at a very high rate.

My headache & cough returned last night. The symptoms went dormant but evidently the virus is mutating. So my weekend plans are rest......rest.....and yes more rest. Another round of this folly is not acceptable.

Take care everyone. Weather this year is a merry-go-round it seems. Thinking of you!
Oh, Noel, i was really hoping to read that you had decided to stay in bed today. Maybe you can at least get off early???? Ginger and honey tea for you -- and more vitamin D and turmeric. Please take care.

Good morning all. Our nasty wind storm seems to have moved on. We had gusts up to 55 mph here, and some places got hit harder. My power went out 6 or 7 times, but only for about 10 or 15 minutes each time.

Looks like a nice day today.
Good morning Noel and Lil0!

I hope you get lots of rest this weekend and that you aren't having another attack of the flu.

Another sunny day in the 70s here. We've had to turn on the a/c because it's been so warm.

I might need that Kleenex too. Allergy season has begun here. I've started my daily dose of Zyrtec, my twice a day showers, and my nightly dose of Benadryl to keep my allergies from a full on attack.

What's weird is we have people needing medicine for allergies and people needing medicine for the flu here.

Laundry and cleaning out my bird's cage this morning. Babysitting my niece this afternoon. Can we talk about how weird it that she looks so much like me? It kinda freaks me out but at the same time it's kinda cool.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good morning everyone. Hope everyone's cold and flu clears up soon. Weather has been unbelievable. The weather all winter has been so mild that you almost have to ask, "What's winter"? murphy's law states, we will get snow now. LOL!

Busy week coming up and will be travelling to Winnipeg, Edmonton and Vancouver in a whirlwind trip to meet with staff.

Have a good weekend, everyone.
Morning all. Thank goodness it is Friday. I have a half day class tomorrow so I will spend at least part of Saturday being an active living person. And the time change for all except Noel and I takes place Saturday night/Sunday morning. I just need to test my smoke detector batteries, which will test fine until say, next Wednesday at 1am. Because they never fail except in the middle of the night.

Noel, I hope you are able to get off on time and are able to rest. I'll enjoy today's way too early 90's and shiver through tomorrow's normal 70's.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and a good Saturday.
Good Morning Everyone,

Noel & Red feel better. :( I know my allergies are working overtime right now too.

Lil0 - glad you only had short spells without power.

Muzz - I think I'd take some snow right now to put my allergies back to bed for a bit.

Robin - we just change the batteries in our smoke detectors every spring whether we need to or not. No point in taking chances.

Not much going on today, which is fine as we have another busy weekend ahead. Cookie booth tomorrow morning/early afternoon. My great-niece is sleeping over tomorrow, as this little girl loves attending church with us. Meeting up with a few people to deliver cookies. And of course, we'll have to spend time visiting my mother-in-law in there somewhere. Gah, I miss sleeping in.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Good morning all.....and I really had hoped Noel would have stayed home, and in bed. See, Noel, you went back to work, too soon, and that flu said "yippee, I get to go another round or two".

Well, we fell below freezing last night, was 29 at 6 a.m. but.....but sun came out, shining brightly and it is already 42. I agree with Muzza, more snow definitely WILL make an appearance. So will the cold. Weather up here is so unsettling, it is a cardinal rule not to even THINK of planting anything til after Memorial Day.

Hubby had me trying to get him allergy pills, as yes, it will all show up sooner this year, for sure. He has those spring allergies as things begin to bud, open, turn green, etc.
Prayers for your family, Manda.

To answer OC from the other day, the bathroom is almost finished. He has the shower almost finished, just some trim and minor stuff. There is some drywall work to be done outside of the shower, but he has it "workable" for him. I'm waiting to use it until I can move all my stuff back into the rest of the bathroom. Until then, I'll stick with the girls' bathroom.

Ava got Blue Jay of the Week this morning at assembly. Spring Break is next week, so we'll have a week to relax from school stuff. I hope everyone has a good day.
Noel, do you think it would be helpful for you to sit outside in the heat (shade!) for as long as you can stand it? All the while monitoring your temperature. Have broken a fever by sleeping under heavy covers; I know now that's not the safest thing in the world to do. :eek:

Speaking of Kleenex, here is an "invention" I will share. I don't remember if I posted it before. :)

When the box is half empty, it's hard to fish out a tissue. Mark a line around the box an 1 1/2", or so, above the bottom. Cut along this line. Flip the detached bottom over, and push it into the box (squeezing the remaining tissues.) Staple the relocated bottom into place. "Try it, you'll like it!"-- Mikey
Noel - so sorry you had to go in to work today! Hopefully off and stay down all weekend!!

Lilo - glad your weather is better and you didn't lose power for too awful long. I think it's coming this way Saturday!

Imared - A day off - how nice! Have fun with your niece.

Muzzaman - enjoy the traveling next week - nice to get out every once in awhile

Robinest - enjoy your class

Poirot - your weather is like a yoyo

Manda - so sorry about your mother-in-law

Hope everyone starts feeling better soon and all of our weather seems to settle down some
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Manda, my prayers are with you and your family.

I went to group this morning and learned some disturbing news when I discussed an issue about a family member. I ran some errands after group, but didn't have the patience to deal with my mother's computer today.

Remmy got all excited about something in the yard this morning. It took me a while to find the tiny tortoise causing all the commotion, lol. It was stuck at the fence and couldn't get through.

Noel, do take care of yourself first. If you don't, you aren't going to be able to help anyone else.

Stay safe, folks.
Just home. Thanks for all your caring remarks. Once the doctor OK'd me for part-time this week & the schedule was adjusted only he could get me off the schedule. He feels these 5 days helped to start rebuilding my energy level & stamina. Personally I disagreed, but that is the outcome. Going to bed & plan to sleep in tomorrow with no alarm. Rest rest & more rest.

Thoughts & prayers for you all. Good nite.
Good afternoon Salemites!

So it's been awhile since I last checked in with everyone. It is partial being busy, life, and being lazy as well yes. Last you heard from me I said I was in a new relationship lol.......ah gosh I feel like Salem is in Portland these days, ya we broke up on the 21st of February one week after Valentines.

There was some red flags but I didn't want to seem like the prude, controlling, not cool boyfriend so I held my tongue even there was things I did not like. I thought it was weird that he was okay with his friends flirting with me and all that.....at first I felt like ya know hey he is showing me off......but then I started to feel like...this is disrespectful to me....he should CARE and be upset if someone is flirting that heavily and getting too fresh. So long story short a big fight broke out after holding all that in and I broke up with him it was done.

I was upset for a good week because I felt like a complete idiot sharing all the photos on Facebook and the relationship status change and all my friends in Los Angeles seeing this. Then oh 2 months later broken up.....there ya go again Shaun hehe ya know. But after some good advice from my Ma I feel better. My Ma and I are close like that, she noticed I was grouchy and upset and I told her all that. She told me that she was happy that I was happy in that relationship and she was praying and I was praying, but sometimes God has other plans something better and those red flags already would have led to a bad path.

So ya that's my update where I been. Kind of sucks because I found a new job a few blocks from his house I turned down since I couldn't stand to work in that neighborhood, so I'm staying strong and been with my friends and looking into marketing again. I hope you guys are doing well.
Good luck on your job search. One of my Sunday school members, has same first
name as you, just found a temp job.