3-12-2016 - Donuts and New Brave Squirrel



Good morning. I think one of Brave Squirrel's babies, now all grown up, has taken over the oak tree in my yard. He/she has been cautious about Remmy, but is getting bolder by the day, driving Remmy crazy, lol.

I didn't get to watch Days on the NBC website until a lot later than usual yesterday, but noticed they had changed a lot of things. I can't say it was an improvement, though. I had to search for the preview pictures and never found the video. I must say, the commercials in the full-show video still look outstanding, lol.

It's looking like rain off and on today, so playing it by ear.

Take care.
Good morning........I always have a huge problem viewing video on the NBC site, and Wayne has said the same. Don't know why he doesn't tape the show, he has every toy under the sun, lol, anyway, he has missed a lot.

Sun is out again, we got into 50s yesterday, is already in 40s, so guess it will be the same today. This is just so rare for us.....I know we had a mild winter, but thawing out never starts so early. Well, next week, we get back to normal cold, so....suppose it evens out. Gonna try and declutter this desk area again......I get all these magazine offers, like $10 for a year of Readers Digest, or Consumer Reports, or Reminesce. and I think, maybe I will do that........but of course I don't, or decide no, or the time limit to accept is past. I really try to throw junk mail away right away, doesn't work too much, as SOMEONE just keeps adding things, unbeknownst to me.

I have a squirrel running around here all winter, love to watch it jump from my roof to a big pine tree branch. However, have not seen it for a couple of days. Probably is scared cuz it is warm too soon. LOL
Good morning. My three oldest grandkids arrived last night, to stay until Monday. Ages almost 16 (boy), and two girls, 13. My daughter brought them but will go home today, then she and my daughter-in-law will come back for them on Monday. Glad the weather will be clearing out later today but we did get more rain yesterday so the pastures are muddy.

Wishing all of you a good weekend. Hope Noel is getting some good rest and recovery.
KT sounds like Remmy is going to have a friend this summer!

Poirot - we take the mild weather as much as we can but they will be complaining this summer!

OC - enjoy your grandkids. They sure grow up fast.

We were going to take our granddaughter to the St Patrick's day parade but it's raining and really windy. Maybe we will just take her to the jump & bounce instead.

Have a great day!
Hello friends.

The family has
now joined the flu crew. Awoke at 3:43am to them needing care. All at urgent care for prescriptions. Our home must be one mega germ breeding site now. Put soup in crock pot & tea kettle on stove. None of us want to move much with fevers, cough & congestion.

Take care all & enjoy your Saturday.
Afternoon all. Well it is that time of year again, when I have a condo in the front yard. I'm not sure where this one lives, as I have several open choices at the moment. It's a terrible picture but given they are only out at the early part of the day and the sun works against me, I've done the best I can with a cell phone camera. Click on it and it should get a bit bigger.

neighbor w arrow.jpg

Class was okay. There were 12 of us. I got another bougainvillea, which I didn't want. And the other plants were picked over, so I took the rosemary because even if it makes a lousy bonsai, it will make for good seasonings. Doesn't matter what time you show up to these classes, you pick a number. I got number 3 so I was the 3rd chooser for the bougainvilleas and the 9th chooser for the other flowering plants. I had 3 terrible trees to choose from. I took the one that made the most sense for an "after" life.

Hope everyone at Noel's house heals.

Hope everything at Manda's house is okay.

I'm looking forward to Remmy's squirrel stories this summer!!!

Off to move the plants outside.....have a great rest of your Saturday
Another busy Sat morning. It's cloudy again, but not raining. I had lunch
with one my Sunday school class members. It was nice to do something different.
We already know where we want to go next time. We just have to pick a date.

Noel, I hope you and your family get rested this weekend.

kt, I posted in next week's spoilers about the promo. A lot of web sites
are changing to that format. I guess for those phones.

OC, enjoy your weekend with the grandkids

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
Oh no, Noel. How can you care for all the sickies when you aren't well yourself? I'm praying for speedy recoveries for everyone.

KT, do you think it possible that Remmy could ever become friends with a squirrel?

I doubt it, unless a squirrel bit Remmy and put her in her place, lol. Remmy likes to think she is bad, but she is a wimp. She can try to dish it out, but can't take it, lol.
LOL...........just reminding you all to turn your clocks ahead an hour tonight. I usually try to do mine early in the evening.....then it is "done", and I won't forget. In fact, I already turned 2 of them ahead.

How awful the entire family is sick, and Noel as well. tea. toast, soup. Hope Noel has some nice neighbors, that might bring over something light and good.

Have a good evening all. (By the way, watched Groundhog Day again last night. I have seen it a few times, but is interesting to note parts that were edited out other times to fit into time slots & commercials. LOL
Another storm on the way!!! High school baseball season opened today with a Jamboree. Looks like we just got that squeezed in between two storms! I just saw the weather forecast that said we were in for more strong winds tomorrow. Enough!!

Noel ~ I hope the whole family can just stay in bed all day tomorrow and try to sleep this thing off!!!!! Sleep is good medicine.
I feel so bad for you and your family, Noel. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone staying sick this long with the flu, and now the rest of your family has it too! I pray all of you will heal sooner than you might think.

Having a good time with the grandkids. This is a treat for me. I haven't been able to be around them much in several years. They've grown up so much, it seems like I hardly know them, so it's really nice to spend some time around them. They came prepared to do their own food. Grandson cooked burgers for them tonight. Okay, it makes me wince a little to say it, but--egg burgers! He puts a fried egg on the hamburger! I'd never heard of such a thing. He's into photography so they spent time out today taking pictures.
Hamburgers confuse me. Why are they called hamburgers? Most aren't made
out of ham.....Maybe they used to be. I don't like hamburgers... long story.
JS, that makes sense.

Nope, I don't like hamburgers any, which way. I try not to eat
too much beef nowadays because of the antibiotics and that's all I'm
going to say