3/12/2017 - Donuts and loss of an hour sleep


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good morning.

I hope you are all recovering from the time change that happened earlier today.

I've got the pictures from the show. I'll be heading back later today.

Pegasus stone.jpg sm coastal oak.jpg sm Juniper.jpg sm Kingswood Boxwood.jpg sm line of trees.jpg sm shohin.jpg sm Weeping Willow.jpg

The stone is mine. It's my Pegasus stone. That is how it was pulled out of the river bed in Northern California.

The Coastal Oak has a nice big base, but it is still early for full leaf out.

A Juniper, the brown strip is the live vein.

A Kingswood Boxwood, this tree is 7 inches tall from plant soil to top.

A picture of one line of trees.

A showing of all the Shohin trees. Shohin trees are trees 8 inches or smaller. There is one that is 9 inches tall so technically it is too big.

A weeping willow tree. It is really spectacular tree.

We had over 250 people from the community come visit and see the show. Hoping tomorrow is another good day.

Have a good Sunday.
Good very early morning everyone!

It's a toasty 31 degrees this morning and will only get to 49. I miss the weather we had in February.

What beautiful pictures, robin! Glad you had a great turn out.

I worked 3-10 last night and today I'm working 7:30-3:30. I feel like I could go to sleep standing up. Hopefully the coffee will give me jolt of energy.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy Sunday

This chick hasn't been to bed yet due to my lazy day yesterday. I have to be able to sleep early tonight for my schedule Monday.

Inside the house it is 74F as we move into another 90ish temperature day. We are watching movies indoors this afternoon to avoid the heat.

Robin: what gorgeous trees. Thanks for including descriptions as I would not recognize all of them otherwise. Enjoy the show today.

Red: those type of shifts are mind numbing too. Hope your day is light and easy. Get some sleep tonight woman.

Wishing everyone a peaceful day.:)
Good Sunday a.m. Got you all beat......tis 13 here, gonna warm up a bit, so that it can snow this afternoon and tomorrow. LOL Yes, the snow doth come. Ol Man winter is not done with us yet.

Changed all the clocks yesterday evening....well, most of them. Have not changed the living room chimer yet. I have turned off the chiming a year or so ago. Bad enough the time itself would get behind (or ahead) when batteries got low, but then it was the chiming, not the time, that would go wayyy off, even with new batteries. i.e. it would be 3 p.m. and it would chime 4 then, then, in a few days it would be chiming 5 times at 3 p.m. Easier to just turn the chiming off, tho I miss it.

Bad night's sleep, woke at 1 a.m. ...(old time) awake til nearly 4, fell asleep, wake at 6:30.........only now it is 7:30, and I have to rush now, breakfast, and get ready for church.

Have a good day, all.

P.S. Robin, those pics are beautiful. Facinated by the weeping willow. Had a huge couple in my back yard when I lived in Illinois, planted as saplings. Loved them. Cannot imagine how one would keep it so tiny. Thank you.
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My niece (and her 12 year-old grandson, who is out here for spring break) fed my cows this morning. I think it will be the last time for this season. They all came to eat but they weren't as interested as usual.

It was 40*, overcast and windy this morning, so rather chilly. I had to air up a very flat tire on the truck. It's been going down for the past week or so but only started going flat two days ago. So that is a priority to get fixed in the next day or two.

We had pot pies for dinner (lunch). First frozen meals I'd bought in a long time. They came in handy today and weren't too bad.

I hope everyone is having a peaceful Sunday.
A sunny, cool day. It didn't take long for the snow to melt off the grass.

Since I start setting my clocks early, I go to bed at 10 which is actually 9.
I lose an hour in the day and not my sleep time. Not many people in early
service this morning, was it because of the time change or the weather?

robin, thanks for posting the pictures. I love the stone you found.

red, I wish someone realized your schedule wasn't the best since you
worked late last night and you had to be at work early this morning.

I hope everyone has a restful night for the busy work week ahead.
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fabulous day. Today has been an okay but busy Sunday. I really hate time changes especially when it gives me one hour less sleep on the weekend. I woke up but did not wake up as early as I wanted to due to that one hour time change.

I had a quick breakfast. After breakfast I started doing all the things that needed to get done around the house. I was finished just in time for lunch which I had late too, as I was not very hungry. After lunch, I read and then took a nap. After my nap I did a few more things I needed to get done and right now I'm relaxing until I have to prepare dinner. I cannot wait for dinner this evening as I am having some cheese cannelloni. Now, this is something to get hungry for.

The weather this weekend has been extremely cold so it has been nice to be at home today. Right now it is sunny and 21 F, a really cold March day here. This weather is driving me nuts, especially since it's March.

Robin: These trees are absolutely beautiful, nature is truly an incredible force.

Wishing all of you a Super Sunday evening. Sending you all so much happiness.
Good afternoon everyone. Another cold but sunny day here.

We have a major winter snow storm coming tomorrow night that us coming by way of Michigan and Wisconsin. It'll pick up more moisture as it comes down over Lake Erie. I've already tried to blame Poirot and Amanda on Facebook, but Poirot turned the tables. She's blaming it on Shanrick from her storm this past week.

I can't remember if I posted this Friday or not. My neighbor came over when he noticed my car didn't "look right". He got the trunk lid to open and close for me. A little later, he came over with his dad who lives on the other side of town. They had a machine that pulled the back bumper back into position so they could reclipped it. (Only one place won't hold.) They then straightened the trunk hinges. You wouldn't know it was such a mess on Thursday. I bought gift cards yesterday for both of them. They saved me a $500 insurance deductible plus a $250 to $500 a year jump in premiums.

robinsnest - wow, you all are so talented. Thank you for sharing.

Phone battery is just about gone. Will pop in later on the laptop or tablet.
OC: good relatives are helpful ones and since it was nice your niece did the feeding for you. Kind of a bummer to have a flat tire though. Hope your evening is relaxing.

Kat: hope you regain some sleep time tonight. Many people oversleep the first day of time changes and miss church/work/school. You can tease some of them next week.

McSweetie: you have really accomplished a lot today. Hope your weather warms up to your liking soon. Enjoy your dinner. Sounds yummy.

RS: what great neighbors you have to volunteer to repair your car!! That definitely saves you insurance fees plus time dealing with an agent. What a blessing. Your appreciation was lovely. Reading this put a smile on my face.
I hear you, RS! When a kid hit my car recently, her insurance adjuster came out, did the assessment and cut me a check. I promptly deposited that check in the bank and bought some repair paint at Walmart to cover the damage. LOL

It has been a gloomy day: raining off and on, windy and cold. I watched a good movie on Netflix, "Finding Altamira", about the discovery of cave art in Spain in the late 1800s. People were skeptical and called it a hoax. Then I ordered a pizza, went to pick that up and pigged out, lol. Not such a bad day after all, eh?

Take care everyone.
Kat, it's great you are able to adjust your sleeping to cope with the time change.

Sweetie, your dinner sounds good!

Yes, Noel, good relatives are a blessing. I'm very thankful my niece is a good one, since she's the only one I have who is near enough to impact my day to day life.

Squirrel, your neighbor and his dad went above and beyond. Some of the good guys! So nice to know there are still some out there, in this crazy world.

Kt, pizza to the rescue--the perfect gloom buster!

The sun didn't ever really make it out here, just a couple of failed attempts. Should be nice tomorrow though. I am concerned for all of you in the path of that storm. It sounds pretty nasty. Maybe it will be short lived, at least I hope. Oh, things are definitely popping out here earlier than usual. My niece pointed out some leaves starting on the mesquites, and also some of my Irises are already blooming.
OC, I'm glad I can change the clocks during the day and go to bed early. I wish
they would stop daylight savings time. I was just getting used to having the
sun up early in the AM. This morning, it was dark again.

rs, I hope you can stay home if the snow fall is bad. You can send me some :)

Prayers for all who in the path of Stella.
Evening all.

What a long day.

Stepmother loved the show. Picked her up at 10:30 and took her home after 7. I didn't have time to take her home before the show ended so she stayed till the end. I made her help. She folded the tablecloths. She loved having something to do. With her limited sight, it was a perfect job for her. Then back to her house. We did have a nice lunch. She got home after the dinning room closed but she said she had food to eat in her room so I didn't stop to get her dinner, but I offered.

Those of you in the path of the storm, be safe. Those of you in the valley of the sun, use sunscreen.

Good Sunday evening all.