3-14-16 - Donuts and fog

Good morning.......dreary here, some fog, cuz guess what? It rained during the night! Yep, and yet they are talking rain/snow towards end of week, lol. We have now lost probably 90% of the snow, still having 50s during day, which will change in the next day or two to 40s, which is more in normal range for this time of year.

Well, I guess the basketball gals returned from Madison with their trophy yesterday afternoon, and had a police escort, sirens, bells ringing etc. as they drove down the 4 block long Main st. LOL. (Just heard it on the radio)
Good Morning!

The sun is rising to blush colored skies. It is supposed to be mid-89's today. Yesterday was a brief respite but we were all too sick to enjoy it except from our bedroom windows.

Thank you for the caring thoughts expressed yesterday. I am the strongest as round 2 doesn't seem tobe quite as strong as the first one. Rather a boring weekend and perhaps the rest of the week.

KAT: Kudos for your determination to finish what you started. Hope your day is a good one.

POIROT: your weather is very interesting. Such the opposite of here. Kudos to the girls basketball team.

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and joyful Monday.
Good morning everyone. I apologize for being a hermit this week. I didn't even go out of the house Friday and Saturday, and only went out Sunday for Mass and laundry.

It is still raining here. My basement pumps have been getting a workout for almost a week, and it is supposed to rain for the rest of this week. I'd rather have snow.

Kat - It sounds like you have a busy morning cleaning.
Poirot - Congratulations to the girls' teams at your local high school.
Noel - I hope your family is feeling better today. The nasty flu is still going through the schools here. (This is the same strain that put me in the hospital last year.)
Yes My oldest loved New York.
She said the best and worst thing about New York was the same thing, that everything is so different and fast and sometimes foreign.
She also said things were very expensive and thank you very much for the credit card I gave her.

Things are about to change in My life and I am going to have to make some big decisions.
I will probably make the wrong decision which is right for Me.

Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi) in the US. Pi Day is observed on March 14 (3/14 in the month/day date format) since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π.[2][3][4][5] In 2009, the United States House of Representatives supported the designation of Pi Day.[6]

Good day to you all.
Morning Everyone,

What a crazy stressful weekend. My mother-in-law is still hanging onto life, although as miserable as she seems, I can't fathom why she won't let go. I was there for about 15 minutes yesterday as Gena wanted to see her and held her hand for a bit and told her she loved her, but then she was ready to go as it was too hard for her to see Grandma like that. She just sleeps and breathes these horrible gasping ragged breaths. I actually broke down and cried yesterday in front of everyone, which shocked the whole lot of them as I rarely cry in front of people.

Our cookie booth did extremely well Saturday morning at the meat market. I spent most of the time outside with rotating girls with a giant hot pink sign to draw in extra customers and it worked well as we had at least an extra 10 cars stop because the saw the sign. :) The only thing I painted on it was Cookies Here - Daisy Troop #2471.

Kat - be careful in the fog

Noel - hope you all recover from the flu soon.

Barb - I saw part of the basketball game, seemed very exciting.

YPG - glad you daughter had fun, hope your choices work out. And drat, I forgot to bake the pie to bring to work today.

Lil0 - glad your weather is calming down

Happy Monday everyone.
Good afternoon and Happy Pi Day everyone!

Cloudy and in the 60s here.

It was foggy here this morning too.

Congrats to your local girls basketball team Poirot!

rs, sometimes you just need to be a hermit. I do that myself occasionally. Especially when I start to feel burnt out.

Good luck with your life changes YPG.

Enjoy your weather Lil0!

Prayers for your mother-in-law and family manda.

Working 3-10 today. And it's Monday so I'll probably spent a little bit of time back in the pharmacy. We've been hitting around or over 600 prescriptions entered on Mondays lately. And since my store is next to a hospital and one stop light down from an urgent care we enter a lot of new prescriptions which take way more work than refills.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Hello. I had an appointment at mental health this morning and there was someone filling in for the regular nurse practitioner (via video conference, as usual). She was nice, but still didn't order a blood test for my lithium level. I didn't say anything, either. I've had so many problems there, I've decided to tell them what they want to hear and then get out of Dodge ASAP, lol.

I went by my mother's to check on her malfunctioning computer and couldn't even get an internet speed test to run, grrr. She will have to call the phone company and find out if it's on their end or her laptop. I'll go from there.

I've been enjoying watching the lizards and their courtship rituals since I got home. I kept a running commentary going for each one to amuse myself, lol. One time, the male got to the female and she kicked him to the curb, literally, lol. She was at the top of the screen and he ended up sent to the floor of the porch in a heartbeat!

Take care and I'm praying for wellness and peace for you in need.
So glad Lilo checked in. Our news this morning said the winds were still kicking up but had about half of everyone back with power.

Noel so sorry you're still sick. You have had your share and more.

Amanda - Congrats on the cookie sale. Sorry about your mother in law. It's so sad they have to suffer so much.

Iamred - sorry about your full day - but we sure do appreciate the Walgreens we have.

KT - I loved your pictures and the following of the courtship

Red - I'm so sorry you're having all the rain also. Playing hermit is sometimes the best medicine.

Weather is again rainy - cloudy, but thank goodness not the winds. I'm getting so tired of the grey skies, though. I didn't like coming to work in the dark but this evening will be nice to have the extra daylight.

have a great day
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LOL, my local paper, via e-mail, sent me a big chunk of pics of the girls basketball team, the Main St. parade, ceremony at the H.S.,coaches, girls, stands full, (this parade had to be impromtu, otherwise there would be no cars parked. Streets were full of people cheering and clapping). :)
And hey, I don't know the first thing about Basketball except throwing the ball in the basket, but I just think it great that it is the GIRLS who are getting some recognition.
KT, are your lizards sometimes called "cameleons?" I have seen ads selling them in old magazines. The ads wound up with, "Buy a pair, and watch the fun!" Guys used to stand outside the state fair entrances hawking them; they had a string tied to them as a leash. They were crawling all over the salesman, and were very inexpensive. The high school science lab had an oft played-with pet in a terrarium that lived for quite a while.
Afternoon. Ahhhh. I am so happy this will be a short week for me. I have 3 products to support and all 3 need a different vpn connection. One of them I am the lone support person for. And of course today they had to have issues. The other one, I'm just learning. And the vacation relief package? OY. I was "trained" for 4 hours about 12 months ago and then 8 months ago I was told that I didn't need to support the product any more. And now I'm supporting. One manager has been emailing, trying to micro-manage the process. 17 hours to go before I am off work for two days.