3/14/17 - Donuts in the Blizzard


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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And we don't mean Dairy Queen! I put the NY station on last night, it was already snowing lightly then, but they warned that they would probably pre-empt programming today, especially Days of Our lives, which over there, can then be seen on another station.

Well, this a.m. I briefly checked, and egads, everything is closed, and I do mean everything. NJ has places that already have 10" of snow....but in NY, various places currently have from 3 to 6", and still snowing. They are hunkering in out east and there is going to be a lot of shoveling, for sure. I think they expect it to end or slow down by mid-afternoon.

Am sure the northeast will be much later. I hope everyone there is prepared. Last night they were warning the residents to charge up their phones, have batteries, water in containers in case of power going out. Bet the supermarkets emptied out. :)

Tis 4* here, the sun just came out, there is a radio auction going on so I cannot get news/weather this a.m. But it is C O L D
Good morning and hoping the storm isn't as bad as they say it's going to be. Funny how opposite sides of U.S and Canada experience totally different weather. Currently our snow is melting and temperatures are in the plus however March isn't over yet and we can always get more snow. I'm sure once it warms up in the east, it'll turn cold here in the west.

Weekend was great with another trip out to Banff and hiking Johnston Canyon. We've rented a room in Canmore, very close to Banff and are going out to do another winter hike, hit the hot springs which we didn't do on Saturday and spend the night. My nephew's basketball team made it into Provincials which are being held in Calgary this year so I will try and catch one of his games on Thursday. Friday my uncle's band is playing at a pub for St. Patrick's Day. They play east coast music which if you are not familiar with has elements of gaelic, irish jigs, and fun fiddling.

Have a good rest of the week everyone and everyone affected by the storm are safe and warm.
Good Morning,

Stay warm Poirot, 4* is mighty cold.

Muzz - Sounds like you have another fun weekend planned for next weekend :)

It's 12* here. Most of the snow stayed further south. Our official total was an inch, but I still say we got 2 or 3. But I do know a lot the snow melted in the sun yesterday, as my car was still covered when I arrived at work yesterday, but was completely now free when I left. Not much on the agenda for tonight, other than to continue my reading for class tomorrow and helping Gena with her homework. I like slow quiet days.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all.

Up early to take Hunny Bunny to the airport to fly to Houston. His uncle passed and the service is tomorrow. They held off till spring break so the grandkids could come. Due to work issues I am unable to attend.

I did talk with my brother last night. He was hoping to get out of NYC last night but didn't make it. He went to the NYC opening of Beauty and the Beast. So as soon as the trains run again, he will try to get to upstate NY to his country home. It's easier to ride out the storm there.

Be careful. This storm seems to be all it's supposed to be.

Happy Pi Day.
Good morning. I hope those of you in the blizzard stay safe. It's cold here, but nothing like some of you are having. We just have a freeze warning for tomorrow night.

Happy Pi Day to you, Robin.

A quick good morning. The kids just now got up! I was up earlier and cooked up some bacon for them to have. Now they are getting ready whatever else they want to go with it. They have such busy, hectic schedules at home and always have to get up very early and rush off somewhere, so when they come here, I let them sleep in.

I just had to check in and see if everybody in the path of the storm is all right. I hope so! Glad several of you have checked in.
Been watching the NY station (am sure no Days today on that one) and they have had the plows out all night, trying to keep ahead of the storm...Then they got sleet, icy rain in parts....egads. NJ already has 14".Nearly everyone heeded the requests and have stayed home. The cops, plow drivers, etc are putting in 16 hr. day, getting 8 hr. off, and then having to show up lst thing after 8 hr. off. Bless all their hearts. I know we have members up in various areas there.

We now have a freezing rain forecast for tomorrow. Unreal.

Muzza, your weekend sounds grand fun.

OC, I want some of that bacon.

Robin...saw on the news the trains are shutting down at noon there, and those going north already have ceased running. Airports have shut down as well. Amtrak, Metro has ceased, tho they have plow trains running on the tracks.
Yikes that's a lot of snow to get in such a short time, even for a weathered old Wisconsin girl like me. If you live in the storm's path, please be safe.

Just got some bad news. I had lab work done on Saturday. The doctor is so concerned about my numbers he wanted me to go in tomorrow!! I can't tomorrow, as I have class, so I'm scheduled for Monday. He was booked full on Thursday and is off on Friday. Now I'm totally stressed. I know it's my diabetes. I already saw the numbers through the website. I've tried to be so good. I'm totally at a loss. :cry:
Good afternoon to all. In NYC and here on Long Island snowmageddon didn't happen. The storm track shifted by about fifty miles west, meaning that Northern New Jersey and the Hudson Valley are getting the worst of it. Instead of the expected foot or more, there is about an inch of wet, sloppy stuff on the sidewalk. Nevertheless, our weather hyenas are in their all snow-all-the-time mode, but they've had to focus their efforts north and west to get maximum effect. Their reporters who are out and about in NYC have no dramatics to report, so they have been forced to limit themselves to stories about gusty winds and people trudging through the slop to work. Remarkably, none of these people are dressed like Salemites. I guess they haven't heard that the perfect cold-weather gear is short skirts and sleeveless, low-cut tops,
Hey, saw one reporter stop a lone police car.......and another get some plow driver, who was trying to take a nap after 9 hrs. plowing. LOL Did not realize Long Island only got an inch or so, as with alll that is coming down, plus the sleet complaints, warnings of black ice, etc. All I could says (to the TV) "hey, reporters, everyone was asked to stay off the roads, why are you on them?" LOL

It is amazing, though that people did stay home, and the plows are able to do their work.
Thanks for all the updates on the storm Poirot. We have been getting some reports but not a whole lot.

Muzz - sounds like another fun weekend planned and St. Patrick's Day sounds really fun!

Manda - your doctor's call sounds scary! So sorry you have to wait until Monday to find out what's going on. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

JS - your weather people sound like ours! If they keep screaming long enough about the snow coming they will get it to come!

OC - glad your daughter got there safely and now you can maybe enjoy sometime with them.

Noel - yesterday when you said 122 temperatures, rattle snakes and scorpions, I was taken back. I guess with the heat you get the critters. I cannot do snakes so I will have to chew my words and say I will stay here snow and all.

Rainy and 47 right now! We have a lot of flooding going on. I wanted to go to my Mom's grave on Friday, as it was her birthday, but the route I have to take is flooding, so that is not going to happen.

Stay safe & warm,
Hi everybody. We only got 4" of snow last night, but have already gotten another 5" of the white stuff since this morning. It just keeps coming down.

The snow is higher in the northern part of my work territory so today's school and tomorrow's senior center are closed. That makes for more office time for me to get things caught up and ahead. (Plus I can keep April live streaming in the corner of my laptop screen.)

Amanda - Sending prayers up for you. Hopefully, it was just a little glitch in your numbers from stress or not eating on schedule.

Prayers going up for everyone. Stay safe.
Another cloudy and cool day here. I'm disappointed my area isn't getting
the snow everyone else is.

manda, sorry to hear about your numbers. I hope the doctor will help you
get them back in line. There's a woman in my Sunday school class who is diabetic.
She has to check her blood all the time. She appreciates it when I bring goodies
to class, I bring her something sugar free.

rs, I'm glad you don't have drive today in the mess.

Muzzaman, sounds like St Pat's day is going to fun. I would love to hear
the music and dance around.

I hope everyone stays safe and warm during the winter storm.
Thanks Squirrel, it's not a glitch. I checked my numbers from 3 months ago, they are the same, which is not good considering he doubled my one medication last time. I will admit that I'm horrible about checking my blood sugar, and haven't really done it since Gena was born and I went off insulin (was only on insulin for 9.5 months of pregnancy). But they've always been very consistent. I'm actually eating healthier and moving more than I was before so I don't get it.

Kat - how sweet of you to make a special sugar free snack for the friend at church. :)
Netflix has recently added some new nature shows and I've been having a blast. I just watched "Beak and Brain: Genius Birds from Down Under" and I must say, the running commentary had me cracking up. It was interesting and so funny!