3-22-17 - Donuts and snow!


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Yep, it went from spring back to winter this morning with snow coming down. It is currently 25*F with a projected high of 31*F for the day.

I'm bundled up since I'll be working in a very cold basement preschool at a Masonic building. I always freeze at that school.

I fell asleep last night before even seeing the first half of NCIS, and never heard my 11:00 pm medicine alarm go off. Finally woke up at 12:30, and went to bed.
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Happy Wednesday.

Well some kind of virus has lightly touched us. Just fatigue and restless sleep. Hopefully it passes quickly.

Hope your day is a good one.

RS: wow, wnow! Glad your body got some much needed sleep and rest. Stay bundled up in that basement today. Maybe you can make a quick snow angel before the snow melts!
Good morning, all. I've got some catching up to do in Doughnuts for the past few days. Hope everyone is well and that you all get over your virus, bugs, illnesses.

Feeling like it is getting close to spring here but forecasters still say we can expect to have more snow. I'm not seeing that happen this week. Today is to reach a high of 12*C (53.6) and stay around that daytime high for the rest of the week give or take a few degrees. It was lightly drizzling on my walk to the train. As much as it's nice to have a bit of rain......I would take snow over rain any day. Especially when it's that weather between spring and winter.

We had a nice weekend in Canmore and did an 11km hike, round trip up Sulphur Mountain. Then when we walked off the trail we walk 200 metres to the Banff Hot Springs and soaked there for about an hour or so, drove to Canmore and had a relaxing night doing nothing. I think we were both asleep by 10pm. Came home Sunday morning, cooked some meals up for the week and chilled. This weekend we some company coming for a visit then we have the following weekend free to plan nothing.

Have a good rest of the week everyone.
Glad you are back home safe and sound, Muzza. Heard last week about the couple who went snowshoeing in Banff, evidently got caught in an avalanche, no one knew they were missing until they did not check out of hotel on time, and a check revealed their room unused. Made me so worried about you.

Sun shining here, is 23* (about -5*C) but the rains are coming. However, while originally they expected warmer temps, evidently it is going to be colder than expected, so they are saying maybe icy rain, sleet, regular, even that wet snow. Who knows? Guess we will find out when it gets here. LOL

Despite not going above 29* the sun got rid of more snow, lots of broken branches, brown grass, brown pine needles, etc. But, being we are really not done with winter storms yet, no use raking, or anything.

Besides, there is still some snow, and definitely frozen lake. LOL
Morning all.

I love all the color in the desert at this time of year. Given that most of the year you have to look for color, it is really appreciated when it does appear. I don't even mind that starting soon, as in later today most likely, I'll be living on Sudafed and my inhaler, as after 11 year springs I have managed to develop wicked allergies. It is worth is for the 2-3 weeks of blossoms.

Spreadsheet completed yesterday. One had over 1700 rows, the other a mere 900 rows. I swear I was going blind by the end of the day.

Muzz - your weekend sounds wonderful.

RS - try to stay warm, and congrats on the extra sleep. NCIS was a repeat, with bit of, "oh, come on" moments.

Noel - hope you and your troop heal quickly.

JS - I agree with your angry face. That would be upsetting.

Poirot - melting snow. What treasures you might find.

Happy Wednesday.
Good Morning Everyone,

RS - Glad you got some sleep. Hope you can manage to stay warm today.

Muzz - your trip sounds heavenly. Gad you enjoyed it.

Robin - the spring colors must be wonderful there. Enjoy

Noel - hope you all feel better soon.

JS - glad you had a nice walk yesterday.

Well, let's see, the girls loved the visit to the shelter and asked all kinds of great questions about the dogs and cats. What they eat, how often the get a bath, how often they go for walks, learned they all get clean blankets 3 times a day. We all learned that our shelter actually gets dogs, cats and occasionally rabbits and lizards sent to us by bus from kill shelters down south. Our shelter has about a 1 week turn-around for adoption of the animals (all of them) and rarely has to euthanize an animal. Even the elderly pets tend to get adopted, or at the minimum, fostered until their passing.

I think all the girls liked being able to play with a puppy and a kitten the most. The puppy was a lab, retriever and blue healer mix, such a cutie. The kitten was rather shy, but did eventually warm up to my co-leader and let the girls pet her. One of our girls and her mom applied to be pet visitors who go in and play with the animals to help them learn social skills. She's very excited to play with the puppies. :)

Today I get to relax a wee bit and only have my class this afternoon and choir practice after supper.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Good morning. I'm recovering from a horrible migraine that developed late morning yesterday. It included the extra treat of the blinding auras, which only happen rarely for me. Today I'm practically holding my breath, in hopes the migraine doesn't return and that I can stay fairly headache free, at least until I've had more time to recover and rest.

I'm so frustrated in trying to get my husband's glaucoma eye drops renewed. After waiting a couple of weeks for it to happen at Wal-Mart, they told me to get in touch with the doctor's office. The past two days I've called the doctor's office and talked with real people who said they'd have somebody call me but it never happened. Now I'm getting an answering machine that says if I need a prescription renewed, call my pharmacy!

On a positive note, the turkeys gave me an entertaining show this morning. Three toms were out there trying to impress some females. No gobbling today, just strutting around all puffed out and hopeful.
Muzza: what a relief you are safe. Not knowing Banff, I had no idea if you were near the area of the avalanche. Since you prefer snow to drizzle hope your walk to the train is clear or snowy.

Poirot: your weather always sounds neither hot or boring. Hang in there.

Robin: our area has weeds, no desert color. They just don't landscape like the eastern side of town. The desert out if town is showing color but it will drop once we get warmer temps.


Manda: what a great troop activity. Love that the one girl gets to volunteer as a pet visitor. Learning to care for animals teaches us to open our hearts to care for other people too. Kudos. Enjoy your class and choir practice today.

OC: sure hope no migraine touches you all month. You deal with more than enough daily. And how exasperating to have the doctor's office not return your calls. Can you stop by the office when in town? Glad the Toms put on a good show for you.

We are all mostly laying around and dozing off. We are not sick, just exhausted and not hungry. Weird but we will be fine.
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Yesterday it was sunny and in the 80s when I mowed. Today is cloudy and in the
50s. If anyone has snow they don't want, please send it :)

OC, sorry to hear about your migraine and the problem getting your prescription filled.

Muzzman, I'm glad you had good weekend. Enjoy the next one too.

rs, I hope you don't get too cold today and get sick again.

manda, I'm glad the girls had a good time at the animal shelter. It sounds like a wonderful
place finding homes even for the older pets.

Noel, I hope you and your family feel better soon.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day the best that they can.
Kat, thanks for the good wishes. Hey, that would be funny if you got snow, right on top of all that mowing you just did. Funny but nice!

Noel, feel better fast, you and your family. Hope the symptoms stay mild and don't get any worse. You know, if I went a month without a migraine, I'd probably to the ER, just to make sure I was still alive. But I appreciate the thought!

It seems some progress is being made on the prescriptions, strange though it be. I tried one more time to get through to the doctor's office, without success. So I called Wal-Mart Pharmacy again and explained the whole saga, to which the lady replied, "Oh we have one of the prescriptions ready to pick up." Then she took the name of the other one and said she'd send it through again. Okay, if I haven't learned another thing in my many years, I've had enough exercises in patience to last a lifetime. Oh, Noel, in order for me to go by the doctor's office to check, I'd have to drive to a different, larger town, which is 65-70 miles away. We used to go there a lot but now, only when absolutely necessary.

Manda, I'm glad the girls enjoyed their trip and were so inquisitive. Also glad there are some no-kill shelters these days. I forgot who said what about the one that takes in lizards but that's pretty neat. I like lizards.
Noel - the color I'm talking about is from the Palo Verde trees, the Mesquite trees and the Ironwoods. They are all in color, and amazing. I have some cactus blooming too. Not the landscaped stuff. However, my bougainvillea is quite spectacular today.

In the fall, or when temps drop, one of my front cactus turns purple. It is very neat.
OC - the shelter here will take in any kind of animal, at least for a while. Our tour guide said lizards, bunnies and birds typically get sent to a local pet store which has a faster adoption rate than the shelter, but he said they've received horses, goats, and even had a ram once. They also currently have a litter of puppies that are half German shepherd, half wolf. Those are in quarantine until they can get vaccinated and evaluated for homing. A postal worker found them coming out of the woods and rescued them. It's really quite amazing.

Good Luck with the pharmacy. They can be challenging on a good day.

Kat - I'd send you our snow, but currently it has all melted. I'm not holding my breath that we will have spring like weather all the way through to summer though.
I hadn't heard about those people who died in an avalanche. There have been a few deaths this winter due to avalanches.

Migraines, ugh. I really feel for those who get them. In southern Alberta, the wind that we get here and drastic pressure changes are believed to be a major contributor to these awful headaches.

@mandamiee - I think I would've fallen hard for the shepherd-wolf cross pups. So cute. My Uncle used to have a half wolf and half husky that was probably the most friendliest dog I've ever met. So well behaved, big, and a big suck. My uncle used to work for Alberta Fish and Wildlife and was in central Alberta doing a wolf study for 5 years, where he acquired his pup.
@Muzzaman - we didn't actually get to see the shepherd-wolf pups. Only the shelter staff members are allowed into the quarantine area, but I imagine they were adorable. I imagine they'll have pictures on their website soon.

Here's a link to the site, although it the pictures aren't available at the moment:

After another frustrating call or two, I think my prescriptions are finally ready, and I learned something that should help in the future. The lady this morning told me one was ready and to call back later today to see about the other one. So late this afternoon I called and listened to the automated choice for checking on the status of a prescription. It told me there was no refill request on those prescriptions. So I called again and finally got a live person, who told me both prescriptions are ready to pick up.

Most of you may already know this but it turns out when a prescription expires and they have to request a renewal from the doctor, a new number is assigned to the renewal. So the automated message was telling me there was no request because I was putting in the number on the empty bottles I had, since I had no way of knowing that there even would be a new number and wouldn't have had it anyway. How are you supposed to know these things? I guess by going through the kind of hassles I've just been subjected to--unless you happen to have worked for a pharmacy!
I've had to call and talk to a pharmacy worker to get a refill. I know there is supposed to be a refill called in, but I have the old number, too. I have to do this every 3-6 months, depending on how long the prescription is written for. I guess there is no way for prescriptions to continue with the same number.

I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but April the giraffe seems to be acting differently. I also watched her long enough to know she is swelling and it's not a poop, lol. I can't find any updates for today. I'm no vet, though. I keep thinking I'm going to witness this birth, but who knows, lol!