3/22/24 - Donuts and More Snow


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2023
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Calgary, Alberta
Good morning, well, in 48 hours Calgary has had 24 cm of snow and a more to come. Still not cold though. We are expecting anything 5 to 15cm of snow coming tomorrow. Just enough time to shovel our driveways again. I actually enjoy shovelling and quite often do some other driveways in our cul de sac.

A little work today and a lot of cleaning before my nephew and girlfriend arrive.

Have a good Friday and weekend everyone.
Snow here as well.........began around 11 p.m. I woke at 12:30, pure white out there. this morning it snowed some more.......we had a couple inches so far (I think around 2.5 centimeters to an inch, Muzza..) more to come here as well. Weird that temp is higher today (24) than yesterday (14). But no wind so far, and that is good.
Have a few chores, see you all later.
It's cloudy with some rain this morning.

This morning, I had to take my cat to the emergency vet. I thought he was hurt by a cat fight since his back legs
weren't working. He had a heart condition and you don't find out until it's too late. He was so alert when it was
time to say goodbye. I had him 14 years. I'm going to miss him.

I hope everyone has a nice day.
37 and sunny, but the "flooding rains" will develop tonight and last all day Saturday. Ugh! But better than snow, I am sure you will all agree.

Kat: I am so, so sorry about your beloved cat. 14 is an incredible age. I had my childhood cat 15 years, and I still treasure the good memories. Actually can see her in home movies. Please take care of yourself during this initial grieving time, Kat. As with humans, I believe our pets' spirits are always with us. Take comfort in that.

Muzza: I don't think I ever knew anyone who enjoyed shoveling! Can you carve a snowman that resembles any of the Days' cast? If you do, please post that.:)

rfsexton: Sounds like all is well in your corner of the world.

Poirot: Maybe you will stop getting snow by June.

Everyone enjoy your day.

Morning all.... yesterday is over.... but sadly we still have stuff to move.... bleck..... we have to be out by 10 tomorrow morning..... so back at it today... we got home after moving stuff at 8, it had become too dark to move boxes, too dangerous to do in the dark, so we headed home, I think I fell asleep shortly after and slept a good long time as in after midnight before moving to bed......
I'm glad it's not snowing here, I couldn't imagine moving in the snow.... it's foggy so that will be different.....

kat I am so sorry for your loss, 14 years.... you were a great pet parent.....

on to a Friday....
Kat, so sorry about your furbaby. That's what happened to my 19 yr old cat, except it was her front paws.

No amount of time can erase the memory of a good friend from the heart.
Kat, I'm so sorry. My niece, who has loved and buried more cats than most of us can imagine, finds consolation in knowing each one them had a good life. I hope you'll also find comfort in knowing you gave your beloved pet a very good life.

Robin, I hope you and HB are able to get everything done.

My mower guy showed up today and got my yard done. Such a relief. It was getting a little scary to walk through the tall grass. I feel for him. He's having a whole of trouble trying to get a helper. It's the same old now-familiar story. Nobody wants to work.

My son is having to fly into the Metroplex from northern CA to take care of business for a few days. He's coming out here tonight and will stay until Sunday morning. He sent me a note his flight was delayed so he won't get here until bedtime. I don't know exactly how long that flight is but it seems strange that it will probably take him as long to drive here from DFW as it does to fly from California to DFW.
It's a shame so many companies need workers, but the workers don't want to return to jobs. Easier to stay home, collect unemployment, welfare, etc. Maybe take a side job here or there that will pay you cash!
My regular vet called me this afternoon. I guess the emergency vet hospital contacted him. He checked his
records and didn't show Sherlock had heart problem. It was nice of him to call.

robin. I hope you were successful getting the boxes all moved today.

OC, good news about your mower coming. Enjoy the visit with your son.
Looks like busy weekend for some of you. You know, losing a pet is really hard......and is why I no longer have one. As a kid, we had a dog, Toby, who just, one day, passed away. Then, after I grew up, got married, we had our beagle, Sugar. Same thing. And then our Golden, the one we had the longest, Taffy......But she also was eventually gone. My son still has a Golden, Breeze. She has visited here, is a wonderful dog. so well behaved, am so happy she has lived well, and is still with my son.
Am sorry for your loss, Kat, you had him a long time, and I know how very attached you had to have been.
Hope you all have a really great weekend. Just realized it will be Palm Sunday. Easter is early this year, for sure. And we, up here, have nothing but snow and more snow to come. LOL
Poirot, sounds like you gave some pets a happy life too. I've had my share but no more. At this stage of life, they might outlive me!

I'm sitting here waiting for my son to arrive. He sent a message an hour and a half ago and said he was still over two hours away. Guess I'll get up and move around a bit, turn back beds and such. He said I could go on to bed but of course I don't want to do that.