3/3/23 - Donuts and World Wildlife Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Good morning, everyone.
I could use some prayers this morning. Had trouble sleeping last night, and I'm teaching the Sunday class for Mrs Joy this morning. She could use prayers too, she's sick
Good Sunday to all..
rf I'm sure you will do great at the Sunday class..... thought for Ms Joy too.....

and while not technically wild life as OC has said hers aren't exactly tame..... I present to you my picture for wildlife day

cow week.JPG
Want to wish Oldschool a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today....Hoping it is a fun day!

Was s upposed to be a lovely 50° day here, but instead it is cloudy, overcast , it rained a bit with more to come later they say, breezy which makes it seem chillier than the 49° out there.
However that is warmer than what is coming during the next week. But.....spring just has to be on it's way.....Even if it still has a few weeks to prepare. LOL
March is coming in like a lion at my house today. It's sunny and close to 80 this afternoon.
Tomorrow nice too.

After waking, I did more cleaning. I'll finish tomorrow. After lunch, I worked outside. I raked
up 5 cans of leaves out of the backyard. I'll rake more tomorrow. Then I have to rake front
yard before mower comes. I'm going out again to pull weeds out of the flowerbed. I saw
a small bee and small snake when was raking.

rf, I hope Sunday school class went well and Mrs. Joy is feeling better.

robin, that cow has angry eyes.

I hope everyone will have a restful afternoon before the new week begins.
Sexton, sorry I didn't see your request in time to pray about it but I'm sure God knew your heart and your needs. I hope Mrs. Joy is feeling better or will soon be.

Poirot, considering all the strange weather you've had lately, maybe spring will come your way sooner rather than later.

Robin, I don't think the thing about cows killing people is supposed to be funny, since it is true that there are deaths and many injuries each year from handling cows. But somehow the image of "stepped on by a cow" makes me laugh! Trampled, charged, run over, gored, kicked, etc., yes, no doubt, and I've known enough people who've been injured in such ways. I suppose if you went out and lay down on the ground in a cow lot, you might get stepped on. Or to take it more seriously, you might get knocked down by a cow and then stepped on as she walked or ran away. So there I am, back to where it started and I have to admit, it could happen! :)

Kat, if you mean you have wind, then March is coming in here like a lion in the same way. Sunny, in the 80s, and windy. Mower time already? I guess I can't ignore that any longer. Need to get on the list.

I no longer get tv reception when the wind is out of the south, even if it isn't blowing very hard. I must call Dish and get something done about it. It does the no signal thing and unplugging it no longer works. But the wind can be blowing hard out of the north and it still works.
OC, yes it's very windy. My neighbor next door mowed this morning, but he has a lot of those purple flower weeds. Mowing
also helps get the grass started. One reason, I need to get the leaves picked up. I don't like them chopped up in my yard.
I spoke to one son in Sacramento, it had been cloudy, then clear, then hail, then clear, now it's clouding up again, or was when I spoke with him earlier this late afternoon. AS for Long Beach folks I have no idea. The other Sacramento kid maybe running the snow train over the mountain. I hope not.
I'm trying to find out how much snow we are getting at our cabin, so far all I can see is the road into the National Park has snow, the little town nearby has some snow not much so we might not be in the 87 inches and counting end of the storm....Lake Tahoe is in that storm.

OC I agree about the threat of cows, they are very curious creatures, but I had no idea that they killed that many people each year. I wonder if the running of the Bull's yahoo's get counted if they are extinguished? Still, like you it did make me laugh.
Mercy, those tumbleweeds are wickedly scratchy and hard to handle! Hope they can remove them with a machine.

I talked with my son around 5:00 p.m. Central time. They moved last night to someplace less than an hour from Sacramento. At the foothills of the mountains. He said it's been pouring rain where they are but there was lots of snow in the mountains. Due to some things going on with them, they ended up having to move after dark last night. He said he nearly froze while out doing all the preparations for moving and then getting it all settled after the move.