30 years ago this week - 6/10/87 summary


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Dec 4, 2006
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Flashback to the past. 30 years ago this week - June 10, 1987.


With no new episode today, enjoy this look back to "Days" Episode # 5502, which aired 30 years ago this week on June 10, 1987. The detailed episode summary is thanks to Diana, a "Days" fan who posted many summaries like this from the 1980's on the rec.arts.tv.soaps board. Work is continuing on compiling and posting detailed summaries for many pre-1996 episodes that do not yet have them.

6/10/87 (summary by Diana)
Anjelica: "Would you excuse me a moment, I have some business to take care of."
Alex: "Something I said? Don't be shy."
Anjelica: "I have no idea, I wasn't listening."

Victor to Alex:
"Doesn't the fact that everyone left the table when you arrived suggest something to you?"

Adrienne is looking at the book of poetry that Justin gave her when Jo comes out having trouble doing up her blouse. Adrienne does it for her and they're both worrying about Steve when Jo notices the poetry book. She turns the subject to Justin, enthusiastically saying how nice it is of Justin to be
helping them.

Adrienne says she doesn't want to talk about Justin but Jo persists and says he's only doing this because he really cares about Adrienne. Adrienne says she's wrong and Justin doesn't care about her. Jo insists he does but Adrienne doesn't want to talk about it and says all she cares about now is finding Steve and Kayla. Jo says alright but says she's going to have to face this situation with Justin sometime. Jo hopes, when she does, she keeps in mind that she must have cared about Justin a lot for him to hurt her so badly.

Justin comes downstairs and asks Victor if the investigator has called in. Victor says he has and tells him Steve and Kayla were in a light plane crash and there were no bodies found at the crash site. Justin asks if they could have been thrown clear and Vic says they don't know. Justin says he better get to Adrienne and give her the news. Victor asks why he's doing this for them.

Justin says he likes them and they're good people. Victor says an assassin and kidnapper is hardly what he would call a good person. Justin asks if Victor thinks he should just abandon Adrienne and her mother. Victor says Justin has to think about his future and if Victor were him he would go to them, tell them about the plane and say there's nothing more he can do. Justin coolly says he's not Victor and while he hates going against Victor's wishes he intends to do everything he can to help Adrienne.

Steve is asleep with his head in Kayla's lap and she gently strokes his head and is relieved when he wakes up. He doesn't remember much and she tells him he was bitten by a snake and then developed a fever. Kayla says she really thought that was it and she was going to lose him that time. Steve touches her face saying it's okay.

He tries to get up but stumbles and admits his legs don't really want to work. Kayla tells him he's got to take it easy but Steve says they have to keep moving. He says she's going to have to carry him now but Kayla says she doesn't think she could do that. Steve says nonsense and with her arms around him he thinks he could go anywhere. Kayla is stunned and says he must still be delirious. Steve asks if she thinks he will have forgotten by morning. Kayla says he's teasing her but Steve says he's serious and asks if she's going to help him or not. Kayla moves towards him and Steve wraps his arms
around her saying he could stay like this all day. Kayla says maybe she could to and they walk off arm in arm.

Anjelica goes to see Victor and says the hospital was driving her mad and she just wanted to see a friend. She asks where Justin is and he tells her he's trying to help Adrienne find her brother. Anjelica is furious and asks why he is doing that and why Vic is letting him. Vic says he has no idea why
Justin's helping her and Justin's a grown man and does what he wants. Anjelica quietly says not if she has anything to do about it.

Jack and Melissa go into Shenanigan's and see Adrienne there. Adrienne asks how Harper is and says they're praying for him. Jack is nasty about Steve and Melissa scolds him, suggesting they take a table. Adrienne is glaring at Jack when Justin comes in. He sits down with her and Adrienne says she hope she's here to talk about Steve.

Justin says he's here to talk about Steve and them. He tells her what they know about Steve and Kayla and says he admires her belief in Steve. Adrienne says he's her brother and is innocent until proven guilty. Justin says unlike himself who's already proved his guilt. He apologizes again for lying to her and says he's going to start all over again, proving to her that he is genuine.

Steve and Kayla come across some honeymoon cabins and Kayla ducks over to grab a paper outside a door. They look at Steve's photo on the front page and Steve says they're going to have to stay out of sight. While they're hiding behind the bushes a couple of maids come out of a cabin muttering about having to clean it first when no one is checking in. After they've gone Kayla drags Steve over to the cabin saying this is perfect.

Steve thinks it's a bad idea but Kayla asks why as no one is checking in. Steve says he must be nuts but tells her to keep watch while he finds a way in. He breaks in through a window and opens the door for Kayla. They have to smile at all the red in the room and Steve lies on the bed saying he's got to get some rest. Kayla says she can't even think about rest until she washes some of the mud off. She goes into the bathroom

Victor, Anjelica, Jack and Melissa go to Shenanigan's for lunch and after being annoyed by Alex, Anjelica excuses herself to go and talk to Justin and Adrienne. Anjelica asks Adrienne to leave them so they can talk business. Justin tells her to stay and snaps at Anjelica that he came to see Adrienne. Anjelica throws several snobbish remarks at Adrienne who leaps up and bolts out the door. Justin glares at Anjelica and get up to go after Adrienne. He finds his way blocked by Anjelica who says not so fast. Justin tells her to get out of his way. Anjelica orders him to stop helping the Johnson's immediately.

Justin tells her she never owned him and never will. Anjelica warns him that he doesn't want her as his enemy. Justin says what he wants right now is fresh air. He storms out and Melissa goes after him. Jack goes over to Anjelica and asks what is going on between her and Justin. Outside Justin asks Melissa if she's ever met a real snob and Melissa asks if Anjelica is the only one he's angry with. He asks what she means and she says he's angry with himself for hurting Adrienne. Justin knows she's right.

Jack asks Anjelica what she and Justin were arguing about. Anjelica says they had a disagreement and now Jack has seen what she has to put up with as Justin is very immature. Jack doesn't believe that and Anjelica says she doesn't think she is going to be able to work with Justin much longer. Jack is sorry saying Justin seemed like such a good partner for her. Anjelica says he was but now she thinks it's just about time they called it quits.

Kayla is in the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and obviously in pain when Steve comes in. He persuades her to let him look at her leg and she says she's sorry. Steve asks for what and she says for everything, she insisted on tagging along and has been nothing but trouble for him. Steve says she hasn't and asks who saved his life when the snake bit him.

Kayla quietly says she did. Steve says that's right and asks who pulled him up when he went over that cliff. Kayla says she did and Steve tells her he'd be dead three times over if it wasn't for her. Kayla smiles and Steve says he's going to have to clean out her leg with a bit of soap. He tells her to grab hold of him as it will hurt a bit. Kayla says she trusts him and Steve cleans her leg. He then gets her up
saying they better get her in the tub to clean the soap off.

Kayla suddenly stops and asks what the third time was. Steve says he doesn't know why he said that but Kayla persists and Steve tells her he thinks he was talking about the day he met her. They stare at each other for a moment and Steve says she better get into the bath as they haven't got all day.

Adrienne goes to her room and starts packing, telling Jo she is sick of sitting around and is going to go to Colorado to look for Steve herself. Jo says she can't do it and asks how she's even going to afford to get to Colorado, let alone find Steve. Jo says she's worried sick about Steve and doesn't want to
be worrying about Adrienne too. Jo talks herself almost blue in the face trying to talk her out of it but Adrienne is insistent.

Justin knocks on the door and opens it asking if he can come in. Adrienne asks why and Justin says he is going to go to Colorado with her. Jo asks him in while Adrienne stands with her back to him. Justin says if she's really made up her mind to go and look for Steve then he's going with her. Adrienne asks why and he says because he wants to and she doesn't stand a chance of finding him by herself.

Adrienne glares at him asking if that's right. Justin asks why he can't seem to say anything right around her these days. Adrienne thinks it's pretty obvious but Justin says his family have nothing to do with it now. Adrienne says they do but Justin points out he wouldn't have been able to talk to her before if
that were the case. Adrienne says he better leave but Justin says not until he's finished.

He looks at Jo and says with her permission of course. Jo says she'd like to hear what he has to say. Justin says he's offering to provide transport, accommodation, food and everything they need to find Steve and Kayla. Adrienne asks why he's doing all this but Justin just looks at her while Jo says she thinks it's a good idea for Justin to go along as she wouldn't let Adrienne go by herself.

Adrienne eventually agrees and Jo is very relieved. Justin rings Victor and arranges everything, getting off the phone to say they leave tomorrow. Jo thanks him for everything and Justin promises to take good care of Adrienne.

Victor rings Simon and tells him that Justin and Adrienne are going to look for Steve. Victor tells him to put a tail on Adrienne as Steve is most likely to come out of hiding for her, then Simon knows what to do. He tells Simon to make sure Justin remains unharmed.

Kayla is soaking in the bath when Steve knocks on the door asking if he can come in. Kayla sinks under the bubbles and tells him to come in. Steve brings in a basket of fruit and Kayla asks where he found food. Steve grins saying it was on the table and Kayla asks him to get her a towel for her hands.
Steve says no, she looks too contented in there, and he gets out a banana and feeds her.

Later Steve is in the bath when he hears Kay on the phone. He puts on a robe and goes out, asking her what she's doing. Kayla says she tried calling the hospital to find out about Dr Hopkins but his secretary was out and the records department closed. Steve says he knows she needs some rest and suggests she get some sleep for a while. Kayla asks if he's sure they don't need to get going. Steve is sure and Kayla lies down on the bed.

Steve lies next to her and Kayla asks if he's going to get some sleep too. Steve says he's got to stay awake and gently strokes her hair telling her to sleep. Kayla quickly drops off and Steve lies down next to her and quickly falls asleep too.
Same for me.........lol. I was watching back then, and DO know the character and actor who played him, but just cannot remember "Alex Marshall". Sheesh.
I know who he is, I have books with all the stories, year by year. Just did not remember his presence on the show, tho I remembered the others. Victor was a nasty individual back then. LOL
I posted his bio for those who weren't aware of who Alex Marshall was. Most newer (as in the last 20 years) viewers have probably never heard of him.