4/12/23 - Donuts & Avocados

Wilde Woman

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Queens, NY
Happy Wednesday To One And All!

Sunny and 72 in NY. Gorgeous day, but will be indoors all day working on computer. Oh, well. Grateful to be working.

One more breakfast until I can have bread again. Today had scrambled eggs with avocado slices. It looked very colorful on the plate.

It is a beautiful day here in the desert. We are expecting a cool down..... an 18 degree drop in temps.... for the next few days.... which for us means a more pleasant day to be outside. We go from 99 to 81, barely survivable drop in temp right Poirot???? I honestly don't know how to do cold weather.... but will learn quickly in a few months I'm guessing....
The results of my squish test came back..... all normal..... see you next year..... so as expected and and off my plate for a year....... good deal.....

Happy Wednesday to all....
It's another pretty day here. I'll be going outside soon to work in the flower bed.

I'm having problems with my brother's things. No personal effects with his body so no wallet or
keys. The security guard in hospital checked ER to make sure nothing left there. I'm going to
call landlord tomorrow. I need to get in his apartment to see if any paperwork I need. I want
to that first before getting lawyer. Also, funeral home needs his social security number. Bank
and hospital wouldn't give it to me. I wish one of you lived close by to give me hand.

Wilde Woman, tomorrow is almost here and you can enjoy a bagel.

robin, enjoy the cool down where you are.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.

I know your needs are more immediate than filling out a form to get your brother's SS number, but this is what I found:

Perhaps contact your local SS office and see what they say; better yet, if they are not that far away, go there. Face-to-face will probably produce better results.

There just has to be a better way when someone does not leave behind a Will nor any other legal documents.

I am sorry I can't be of much help, and if I lived nearby, you bet I would be doing a lot more.

Keep us posted, and good luck.
kAT...check with where the cremation was done.....Usually wallet, keys are in the pockets of clothes, and they have all that.
The funeral home didn't get any items either. The guard at hospital said usually if someone
is having a heart attack they take them and go.

I checked some paperwork I have after parents died, but no numbers on those either.

WW, thanks for the suggestion. I'm hoping once I get to apartment I can find either a tax
return or his SS card. I hope anyway.
Sorry, Kat. Did not know the funeral home does it's own cremation right there. Here, it is 2 separate places. Am sorry you are running into all these roadblocks. However, your brother had to be dressed when he was taken to the hospital......and then the funeral home. Am puzzled as to what happened to whatever he was wearing t the time??
Blessings my friend. Stay strong.
I'm having problems with my brother's things. No personal effects with his body so no wallet or
keys. The security guard in hospital checked ER to make sure nothing left there. I'm going to
call landlord tomorrow. I need to get in his apartment to see if any paperwork I need. I want
to that first before getting lawyer. Also, funeral home needs his social security number. Bank
and hospital wouldn't give it to me. I wish one of you lived close by to give me hand.
You will probably have to have a police escort to get the landlord to open up unless he knows you well. Was he in the Military? VA can often help. I've know cases where that was the ONLY way to get help. They had to have info that would prove you are who you say you are. I wish I lived close enough to help. I've run into this type of problem before in my profession as Social Worker. I pray that God keeps His arms around you and guides you and gives you comfort.
Kat, my heart goes out to you. Dealing with end-of-life issues is difficult under the best of circumstances. Going into it "blindfolded" makes it way more challenging. Some of the people here have good suggestions. All I know to tell anyone is to be sure and get enough death certificates. It's surprising how things come up requiring them, even after we think everything has been settled.

Wilde Woman, scrambled eggs with avocados sounds good to me, only I'm allergic to avocados. Wouldn't you know it--and they are supposed to be sooo healthy! I know you are happy you will soon be able to return to your regular eating habits.

Robin, glad you got that squish test behind you--with good results! Going from 99 to 81 is a significant drop. I don't know what Wichita is like during the summer but maybe more tolerable during that time than desert life. I'd have to agree with you about the winters though. It will probably be for you what going from Texas to PA was for me. If so, you'll need to do some clothes shopping.

After getting off to a rough start with allergies, headaches, etc. at 5:00 this morning, I eventually had a nice day. I talked my niece in going on a little outing with me. We went to a tiny cafe about 45 miles from here for lunch, then on the way back we stopped at our county seat town and visited the cemetery because it has bluebonnets in bloom this time of year, and it's where most of our ancestors for a few generations back are buried. The weather was nice so we walked around some, trying to locate one plot, which I'd visited many times but still had trouble finding it.
Glad your day turned out nicely for you O.C. Have to say......traveling 45 miles to eat lunch is definitely showing you are a rural person. LOLOL
Robin.....Witchita does not have below zero temps, nor the kind of weather I get up here, so that's a good thing. And it never gets down to zero..Heck, their Dec. & Jan. temps are highs in the 40s & 50s. (but in 20s at night)
You are better off shopping for anything there, especially since it will really be nicer weather now. (today was upper 70s there). Anyway, positively need snow boots.......You will probably meet folks there who will suggest best things for winter wear. And it does get hot in summer. Ha.
I keep picturing your packing for the move, having had to do the same when we moved up north, then again a few years ago moving into town after being out by the lake all those years. Good luck.
Poirot, I'm surprised at the temperatures you mentioned for Wichita. It doesn't sound much different from winters here where I am. I had imagined it to be much colder. Maybe they get more moisture, so more snow. Or maybe because the one time I was in Kansas, at age 16, there was a good bit of snow on the ground. I visited my sister in Junction City, then rode the train home, laying over three hours in Kansas City. A lifetime ago.
Well, Kansas is located right next to Missouri where my sis used to live. And Witchita is down in the southern part of the state, not far from the southwest corner of Missouri where my sis lived in Joplin. (she also lived near St. Louis). Anyway, she never complained of winter weather there, tho she would mention it would be hot in summer.
Witchita is further west, above Oklahoma. Yep, they have winter, but definitely not like up here, or even up in Chicago. Not saying there can't be freak storms. Heck, currently, that has been goin' on all over the country in any season. LOL