4/15/19 - Donuts after the storm


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Whidbey Island, WA
Good morning all ~
I'm eager to hear from RS and any others who were in the path of yesterday's nasty weather. I hope all are OK.
Rain, rain, rain, here. I have to keep an eye out for brief breaks to take Falcon for a quick walk.

This is burrito rolling Monday, so I will head out in a few hours to do that. The rest of the day will probably be inside.

Stay safe and comfortable.
Good morning all, looks like the sun is out, may hang around today for a while. (not liking the forecast for later and tomorrow. Our weather sub lady (SAt,/Sun)knows her stuff, but talks so fast, it is hard to understand her at times. She did refer to storms from south going up east, but did not say all that much about them. The news anchors did, tornadoes, all over. Big winds, rains, etc. I know PA was hit hard in places, so also am waiting to hear from RS, ....DaysDG lives there, too.
21° this a.m. Hope the sun warms us up. Have a couple errands today. I absolutely HATE GOING out with that road construction. Cannot escape it, no other way out of here. Sigghhh.
Morning, ladies. Ya, I read there was a big storm in the eastern U.S. and hope all are alright. I'll have to do some catch up this week on everyone. Have thought about Manda and Gena, hoping things are still on track with her plan.

I took my father to his appointment last week and his eyesight improved much better than they had expected and will not be losing his driver's license. The shots have helped considerably and he has also been reading without the use of his magnifier so that is awesome.

We didn't do too much over the weekend. I didn't play volleyball on Friday night and instead just hung out at home.

Saturday we bbq, as the weather was beautiful and I also made a raspberry sorbet and a blueberry sorbet, a batch of cookies and Mike made some frozen blueberry yogurt popcicles. Sunday, I went and played drop in beach volleyball as it is free for league members, came home and got our lunches ready for today.

This Thursday we are off to Vancouver for the long weekend to continue our payback friend visit tour. LOL! We've had a few friends come visit us so many times over the last coup-le of years, we are finally going out to visit them and looking forward to a weekend away by the ocean.

Must get through work first though. Have a good week everyone.
Hello Friends,

Today we reach 89F and later this week 93F+. That means sunny glaring days without clouds and dust stirring up everywhere as you drive or walk. I look at the pictures of the storm damage from those storms and remind myself there are Americans who lost everything who would be grateful for the sunny heat.

Lilo: glad you can at least find a few moments to walk Falcon amidst the persistent rain. Burrito-rolling sounds like fun -- enjoy!

Poirot: between snow, ice, wind and construction in your area it never sounds enjoyable to run errands. Hoping today it is not quite as difficult -- and admire your grit for hanging in there!

Amanda: thought about you all weekend. Hoping have some time alone Saturday -- knowing Gena was safe with your sister-in-law, gave you a little time to process heavy emotions freely. One of the biggest challenges - for me - to learning to share just enough grief/disappointment/sorrow with the children to model how to overcome. Otherwise they won't learn it is part of the human process. And some rest was also something that would bless you right now. Hugs.

RS: also thinking of you, wondering if your power remained on this weekend, and how things look from your perspective this morning.

Time for me to get busy again -- wishing each of you the best day possible.
It's sunny and going to be in the 70s today. I'll be going outside after lunch.

My plans got changed today. I was going to take two ladies from Sunday school
to the airport. I was going to have brunch since I had to pick them up at 11 AM. I got a
call before 7 that they were already at the airport. Their Houston flight got cancelled
because of the weather up north. They were leaving early to go to San Francisco to
get to the Netherlands. The opposite way they were planning to travel.

Muzzaman, great news about your dad's eye. Enjoy your long weekend.

Lil0, I hope you and Falcon got out for your walk.

Poirot, good luck getting out today with the construction.

Noel, I hope you won't have work overtime this week.

manda, I hope you were able to move this weekend.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Hi all. My dad is having a procedure done this morning. Having angiogram and possible having a stent put in his wrist. I'm here at home alone worrying a bit but a good and close church friend is coming over this afternoon to keep me company and she wants to look at my coloring books and help me pack up some stuff. Please say prayer for my dad. I had a few tears already just thinking about I have the greatest family,friends, and pastor.
Good Monday morning all....... it is going to be a super day......
okay it's going to be terrible but it won't be my fault even though I'll get countless calls about how horrible I am.... it is the 15th the day of pay your student's before/after school care bill or they are dropped..... I mean it's not freaking rocket science...... I've sent you by not 3 emails..... but after their darlings are refused entrance into the program it's my fault...... good thing I'm a mom so I already know everything is my fault.....

Muzz fantastic news about your dad..... losing one's drivers license is a terrible thing..the rest of your weekend sounded lovely how did you know raspberry sorbet was my favorite????

rk.... be strong for your dad... it is scary but the staff at the hospital will take care of him for you..... and I'm glad some folks will come over and be with you so you will have some distraction.... waiting is always the most difficult thing to do......

onward towards the battle today....
Good morning everyone. It is still nasty here with freezing rain mixed with snow due to a drastic temperature drop after the nasty storms went through. There are still roads closed from downed trees and flooding, and over 20,000 in my area are still without power. Thankfully, my lights flickered and dimmed but never went completely out except for about 5 hours yesterday morning. The basement pumps ran all night. So far I've only seen one tree down on my property, but it fell into the woods. It can stay there. My neighbor knows he can cut wood for his fireplace whenever he wants so it may disappear later this spring.

A tornado went through a very rural area about 25 miles northeast of me. The news reported that livestock were killed and a few barns damaged.

DaysD is about 6 hours east of me (Philadelphia area) with a mountain range in between. Most of his weather comes up the east coast. My weather is mainly "lake effect" coming from the Great Lakes Region states: west over Illinois, Indiana, Ohio; northwest from Wisconsin and Michigan; and north from Ontario.

I didn't stay long at my senior center this morning since there were only 3 people plus the director there. I don't blame folks for staying home, but I wish the director would've called so I didn't have to drive 50 minutes each way.

Hopefully Amanda's move went without any problems. Prayers continue for her and Gena.

Lil0 - Thank you for volunteering to aid the homeless and hungry.

Poirot - Hope you have an easy time through and around the construction areas while running errands.

Noel - 93* sounds so foreign to me as I watch the snow and ice out of the office window.

Muzza - It sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend. YUMMMMMM! The sorbets and pops sound so good even though I'm freezing right now. Thank you for relaying the good news about your Dad's vision.

kat - I'm glad you're friends called early so you could change your plans for the day. My assistant's parents just returned yesterday from a trip to the Netherlands and Belgium.

rk - Prayers are going up for your Dad.

robinsnest - Geez, you'd think those parents would know the deadlines by now. Their kids have only been going to them for months! Of course they take no responsibility for the problem of their own making.
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Morning Everyone,
I'm exhausted, but most of the moving is done. I've learned that I have a wonderful group of friends and co-workers who really busted their booty's to get things done. All of our furniture is moved with the exception of my desk which should be moved tonight. My step-dad found a live vampire bug (aka bed bug) on her mattress and a crack in the frame, so he and my mom are loaning me the money to replace Gena's mattress, box spring and bed frame and get me a set as well. Mostly I have some random toys, a few remaining kitchen items, the last of my clothes, the TV & computer/other electronics, and food left to move, but it's probably only a couple car loads, and I have helpers again tonight and tomorrow. My heart is bursting with a mix of emotions right now.

Muzz - I'm so glad that your father's vision is improving.
RS - I pray that you are safe and okay.
RK - saying a prayer for you dad.
Robin - wishing you luck today and some strong armor against those angry parents.
Kat - enjoy your day as best you can with the changed plans.

Sorry I can't reply to you all, but I need to focus on work. I'll check back tomorrow most likely.
Manda: glad to hear your friends and coworkers have stepped up to help you. What a blessing they are in your life! A big adjustment to move but you can create a safe and stylish home for you and Gena in time. Take time for you too...maybe a bubble bath when Gena sleeps? Hugs!
Manda ~ thanks for checking in and letting us know you're making good progress with the move. So glad you have so many folks helping you!
RS ~ glad to hear you have power and did not suffer major damage. Thanks for letting us know you are OK.

I wrapped 106 burritos this morning. I'm back home now and ready to just focus on my own home and yard.
Muzz, what wonderful news about your dad's eyes! I hope the work week passes fast for you.

Rk, I'm saying prayers for your dad, and for you. Hoping he'll feel better after the procedure.

Robin, dealing with angry people who feel entitled is a nightmare. Wishing you skin as tough as turtle shell today!

Kat, shifting gears at the last minute isn't always easy. I wish you could have gone on for your brunch anyway.

Noel, I've got my curtains closed to keep out the glare this morning too. But I did get up early enough to enjoy a hint of daylight before the sun came out. Can you tell if the patio screen you installed is doing any good?

Poirot, it's hard to believe you are still getting down to 21*. Between the weather and the construction, you are almost a prisoner in your home. Watch your step, wherever you go!

I'm so glad Squirrel and Manda checked in while I've been writing this (I've had some disruptions). It's good to hear both of you are safe and doing okay in difficult circumstances.

Lil0, you've got me wishing I had makings for burritos. I'm thawing out some hamburger meat and don't yet know what I'm going to do with it. My cupboards and refrigerator are nearly bare. (I have plenty of meat in the freezer). I found some macaroni but pasta is not something that ever appeals much to me. Guess I'll put some Mexican spices in the meat and empty the few remaining tortilla chips I have in a bag into it. I'm putting off going to town until tomorrow, since I need to pick up two prescriptions and one won't be ready before then.

When those deadly storms passed through Texas last week, my son and his family were at a camping place in south Texas. He said they had gone to a restaurant to eat when the storm hit there. It broke a big tree that fell over right behind their camper but their camper was not damaged. I'm so thankful for their safety. I had been wondering all that day if they were off in their camper. I knew they had a trip to south Texas planned but I didn't know for sure when. Sometimes I'm glad I don't know about things my kids are doing until after the fact.
I'm taking a short break from weeding. I've put down a bag of mulch. I plan
to put down another bag later today.

manda, I'm glad you got mostly moved over the weekend. Sorry to hear about
the vampire bugs.

Lil0, what are the burritos for?

rk, prayers for your dad.

robin, I hope your day wasn't too bad.

rs, I'm glad you didn't loose your electricity last night. What crazy weather
to have snow and a tornado so close to you.

OC, I'm glad your son and his family weren't hurt when the storms went though.
Lilo - your so kind to help with the burrito's! We had rain all day Saturday!

Poirot - Are you getting cabin fever yet? You have had the worst winter! I know you usually have the snow and cold but it seems like it's been twice as bad and longer?

Muzz - So happy for your Dad. It was fantastic news and I'm sure he was elated. Hope you have a great week and enjoy your friends this coming weekend.

Noel - wow your temps are rising fast. I think we are learning to not be so upset about on own weather after watching so many horrible storms. My Best Friend lives in Decatur Alabama and I called her Saturday night and she was just sitting in the living room with her husband and their special radio, water, bike helmets, and flash lights. She sounded so scared and I wished I could have given her a big hug. The tornado missed them by 300 miles - but she said Sunday morning the thunder and lighting was all night long. I cannot even fathom!

Kat - Sorry your plans went out the window but sounds like your getting to get some yard work done!

Rk - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad. Glad your friend is coming by to be with you.

Robin - I don't even want to be you today. Nothing worse than parents screaming about their child's daycare situation when it's their own fault. However, they turn it around real quick and try and make it your fault. You deserve to just get home this evening and go play with your plants to relax.

RS - So glad you checked in also! I'm so glad you didn't lose power for to terribly long. At least your pumps got to run all night. Stay safe.

Manda - thank you for checking in - I know this weekend had to be tough but I'm so glad you had friends and family that helped you. Did Gena do okay Saturday evening? Just a few more days and the new life can begin - so proud of you for sticking with this. I have had so many friends go back and it just gets worst the next time.

OC - Enjoy your Mexican hamburger and chips - that sounds really good. Stay cool - you and Noel have the great weather today!

Have a good day everyone