4/17/2024 - Donuts and Rain & more Rain


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Rained yesterday evening, and during the night, and been raining all morning. Better than snow, for sure. Just lightly, but it is to continue all day, and into the night. Glad I did errands yesterday.
That weather pattern seems to be moving all over, covering a lot of space. Yesterday's raining was more intense, thunder, lightning came with it. Today, just the raining lightly, but sure got colder. Only mentioning it....as if it keeps it's pattern, be prepared.
Overcast and 53 with rain coming later and continuing tomorrow and Friday. Cooler temps will prevail, as well.

Poirot: Agree that rain is better than snow, but can do without thunder and lightning.

rfsexton: Hope you don't have constant rain but breaks in between.

The work week (for some) is half over, yay!

It is a lovely day here today... almost no wind.... but alas it is mowing day.... so I can't work outside as I need to keep the patio and lawn clear till the yahoo's mow. It's a different crew from last year and I'm not fond of this group, they've mowed for 3 weeks, and the day changes, Friday, Thursday and now Wednesday.....
My car is in the shop and I'm waiting to find out how expensive it will be to retrieve it.... when driving to Dallas we noticed no cool air was coming from the a/c.... I'm hoping for just a refresh of the coolant will do the trick and even that's not an inexpensive fix.....
Off to deal with the pharmacist at CVS..... my doctor is changing my thyroid medication (nope not going to be radioactive) but they put the orders in for capsules and the medication comes in tablet form. CVS can't give me the tablets because the script says capsules.... and it's all done electronically these days so it's doubly annoying..... I'm to be on them for two weeks and then check my levels.... so if all had gone correctly I'd be tested this Friday but.... I still don't have the meds.... so I cancelled the blood test because why bother.... now the doctor's office thinks I'm ducking the test because they don't apparently talk to each other, I've only been calling them daily since last Friday trying to figure this out.....

Good Wednesday to all....
It's sunny and will be in the 80s soon.

Today was kid day for my Bible group so I changed my PT appt to the morning. I'll be outside in the
flowerbed this afternoon. I did the kid day last time so I thought ok to skip this time.

Poirot, I hope the rain lets up soon.

Wilde Woman, enjoy your nice day today.

robin, sorry to hear about car and drug issues.

Wishing everyone a nice rest of the day.
Update on car.... it's fixed but he's going to lunch the cost is way less than if I had taken it to the dealer.... so good there..... the mowers started at 9 am drove down between my house and the one next door then we heard them further away.... the mower noise stopped at 11 and just now they have opened my gate and mowed my yard with the mower and drove off, leaving the gate open.... I may have to sic the vicious dog on them... So is Mowing Day Wednesday now? who knows.... as my youngest son would tell me Mom those are Princess Problems......
robin, good news about the car. I would complain about the mowers. They should close the gate.
Robin, I had to laugh at your son's comment about princess problems. Same thing we call first- world problems. Have to say though, I'd be happy if I knew what week or even what month my mower is coming. I've had my request in for two weeks now. Last year it went on for many weeks. I don't dare complain. It's not like I have a backup option. My yard is scary at this point. I've been putting on boots just to take out my trash. What a relief to get the car a/c fixed at a lower cost than expected. That could have been very costly.

Kat, I'm curious....what is kid day for a Bible group?

Robin, I'm also curious about your thyroid med not being radioactive. I had to take the big dose of radioactive iodine when I had thyroid cancer but had never heard of radioactivity being associated with thyroid otherwise.

Wilde Woman, that big ol' sunflower made me smile. We'll be getting wild ones here in a couple of months and they're some of my favorites but on the flip side, they are also a nuisance because they come up so thick and are hard to mow, etc.

Poirot, I seem to remember your area was really needing rain not so long ago. I hope you aren't getting more than you can cope with now.

Sexton, last time I looked at the radar there was rain moving along way south of me. Don't know if it was going to go far enough to reach you. We may get some the end of this week too.

I've been having vertigo, nausea, headaches for a week. Can't get on track to do anything. Thank goodness the vertigo only hits when I lie down or get up. Well, I'm off to the mailbox. Will dump some food scraps on the way.
OC, my Bible study is divided into small groups. We meet for about 45 minutes. Then everyone goes to the lecture.
A lot of the women are young and have kids that are taken care of and taught Bible stories depending on the age.
Each small group has to go to a kid room and take care of kids. Each group does it twice during the Bible study.
It's done like a school. We get out in early May.
The HOA controls the mowers, I don't have access to the HOA, I've contacted the landlord. It is now 3:15 and the gate is still wide open as are the gates across the way... no noise so are they done? Will they be back? Princess problems.....

OC I take thyroid meds, I've been on them for years for my under active thyroid, the orthopedic surgeon lowered my dose for my hip replacement, my Kansas doctor tells me after the lab work that my thyroid is not working and would like to up the dosage. Okay but for some reason the doctor's office and CVS are not on the same plane of existence and can't communicate. CVS tells the doctor's office they can't refill because they just did. The doctors office tells CVS it's a different dosage. CVS tells the doctor's office they don't make the strength in the prescription. When in reality they do but the doctor botched the order and checked the wrong box. This takes an entire new thing where the doctor's office tries again then CVS tells them and me they can't refill because they haven't filled.... it's a big annoying thing that shouldn't be as painful....
Oh mercy, Robin, you run into more frustrations! That almost sounded like a comedy routine except it wasn't funny. More and more I see situations that are too ridiculous to be true but they are.

Kat, thanks for the explanation. That makes sense. Sounds like you have a large number of people showing up for the studies. That's good.

Well, I came here to scream. May I scream now? ........... I just spent 45 minutes on the phone with Dish TV. For no apparent reason a couple of hours ago my wonderful :rolleyes: new Hopper decided to quit receiving a signal. I unplugged, replugged several times and each time the tv would come back on for about two minutes, then the no signal statement would come back up. The lady had me try everything she could think of and finally had to schedule a tech visit for me. So here I am again with no tv until Friday. At least with my old system I could watch my recordings when there was no signal. I'm supposed to be able to do that with the Hopper but if it's possible, I don't know how and I didn't ask her. I was already having too much trouble understanding her and following her instructions. But I did keep my cool this time and didn't snap at her.

Now I'll shout--or give a shout out to my mower. He came and mowed and just finished a few minutes ago, well after sundown. He has a helper now. I'm happy for him and grateful to him. They've been mowing the local cemetery and left off it long enough to come and mow for me.

This is a wild turkey. Apparently reincarnation is a real thing and this turkey used to be a Traffic Cop. S/he comes to this corner daily and chases cars. Someone honked at it I guess in an attempt to move it. The bird attacked the car. I really would love to hear that call to the insurance company. "You see there was a turkey in the street. Yes, a turkey. I honked at it and it attacked my car."

OC how extremely frustrating for you. I hate technical stuff. If you remember make a list and tape it to your front door so you don't forget it and ask the guy how to watch shows when the TV won't connect and other things. I'm glad your mowers showed up. Our guys left, my gate was open, yard not edged and grass clippings everywhere.

Glad this day is almost done....
OC, sorry you can't watch TV. I hope the tech can tell you how to watch the shows you recorded.

robin, thanks for the turkey story. Sorry to hear about the yard guys.
I do plan to ask the tech guy how to watch my recorded stuff. Good Idea to make a note and put it where I can't lose it!

Robin, maybe the mowers had a breakdown and plan to come back and finish. This happened to my friend who works with me on election day. She fretted all day about the mower starting that morning at her house and leaving without finishing. But yours definitely should have closed the gate, regardless.
Oh my goodness, I love that turkey story! And the picture. The turkey looks like it owns the territory.
rf, yes, It's BSF Bible Study Fellowship.
This is too cool. I am in Bible Study Fellowship too. Lake Jackson group is great. I am in one of the zoom groups.
Heck, I still can't get over Lake Jackson.......my daughter lived there several years, before moving to Houston.