4/17/23 - Donuts and Winter's Return


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. Yep, Poirot sent that nasty cold front across to me. Storms all day yesterday with a 40 degree temperature drop. More rain today with snow tonight.

This wasn't the best weekend for me, but at least a few things were accomplished. My house still needs a good spring cleaning.

Last night was like something out of I Love Lucy. After the worst of the thunderstorms had passed around 8:30, I went in the kitchen to wash dishes. A ceiling lightbulb blew when I flipped on the light switch. My ceilings are low so I'm able to remove the cover. As I turned the bulb, it shattered. Hmmm....I have a socket butler (insert in the broken bulb base to twist it out of the socket), but the breaker needed to be turned off. None of my neighbors were home. I called Cindy who said she'd go in my basement to take care of the breaker if I picked her up.

As I was getting my keys, I saw a GIANT spider at the top of the cellar stairs. NOOOOOO! It was bigger around than the top of my tea mug!! I turned the empty mug upside down on its legs so I could get a bug zapper. When I turned around, the mug was MOVING Every word imaginable came out of my mouth including some I made up. I knocked the mug off, and that huge mutant spider ran up the wall. Then I zapped it until it smoked and the sparks quit flying. Boy was my heart pounding.

Finally left to pick up Cindy. She discovered that only a few main breakers were labeled. We had to turn on every light to figure out what each turned off. I threw down a marker so she could label them. The kitchen ceiling light is on the same breaker as the cellar lights...who the heck would do that? Luckily my stairway lights are battery operated so she had light.

When I put in the socket butler, I couldn't get up high enough to get it in straight because the brace won't let me bend my foot. Up Cindy comes to get the broken lightbulb base out. Then she had to go back down to flip the breaker on.

I sure owe her big time for everything she's done for me in the last 2 months.
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Oh, dear, redsquirrel, that sounds nasty. Hope the storm does not last long.

I guess I should not complain about heavy rain and 56 degrees compared to lower temps and snow.

Everyone do your best to outsmart Monday!

It was in the 30s when I walked this morning. There was frost on the roofs. It will be sunny and
in the 70s this afternoon. I plan to be in flower bed after lunch.

I woke up again before 2 this morning. I think I slept an hour before alarm went off.

I called the funeral home this morning so now the death certificate will be done. Man at church
told me the lawyer will call me. I will call lawyer tomorrow if I don't hear from him today. I'm
trying not to think about things, but it's hard to do.

robin, I hope packing is going well and you had a nice weekend with the grandkids.

Blessings to everyone.
Yes, woke to a winter wonderland, very windy, and of course, it is snowing pretty hard. Such fun...NOT!. You'd think it was January, not April. 28° currently. Bah, humbug, to use Ebeneezer's phrase.
This is what I get for putting the boots away, figuring no longer would need them. Ha! Guess will do laundry, and get some things together for tomorrow's appt. There's an old song that seems to say it best.........
Cover art for Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year by Julie London

Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year​

Julie London
Track 4 on
Easy Does It
View All Credits
Poirot, I still have an LP album of Julie London. Wish I had a way to play it. Guess I need to get one of the new players for "vinyls," as the younger people call them. My granddaughter has one..... One of the first things I saw on my tv early this morning was warnings of the snow storm in Wisconsin. My only thought of encouragement is, surely the snow won't last very long by this time of year. I hope.

Kat, it's understandable that you aren't sleeping well at this time, but that doesn't make it feel any better. Working in your flower beds is probably the most therapeutic thing possible.

Wilde Woman, I hope your heavy rain and chilly temperatures don't last long either. The Carpenters sure took me back in time. Such talented singers. Thanks for the beautiful flowers. I'm hoping to see some similar ones in the wild in May.

Squirrel, "not the best weekend" is an understatement. I'm sitting here shaking my head after reading what all happened to you, and even more so at how you are so resourceful at handling things in spite of your limitations--even if it did require some help from Cindy--and God bless her for being there for you. I'd never heard of a socket butler. Good to know. I had that happen to me one time and now I can't remember how it got fixed. I'm pretty sure Mr. Fixit did it for me. I sure do miss him. Oh my goodness, that spider! It's a wonder you didn't fall and break your other foot or worse. Spiders are the thing I dread most about warm weather. The only ones I've ever seen as big as you described are Granddaddy Long Legs and Tarantulas. As much as I can't stand spiders and felt your horror, and I tried not to laugh, I couldn't help it. When I read about the cup moving, I just lost it and started laughing. My mind went farther to the darker side than I Love Lucy. More like the Twilight Zone. Made me think of the time I spent an hour getting a tarantula out of my bathtub. But I'm so glad you made it through all that without any significant injury and I hope today gets you off to a better week.

I've had a good day so far, for which I am grateful. I got up feeling better than I had in a week. Whatever I've had seems to be mostly gone except for the lingering cough, and even that seems looser than it had been. I got up today feeling almost energetic, a delightful feeling after barely dragging myself around in the house and sleeping every chance I got for days. The other treat for the day (for the month) is that my yard got mowed this morning. He was very apologetic. I think he hadn't realized how bad it was before he got here. Like everybody else, he's too busy to keep track.
Good morning..... RS you have had quite the adventure...... wow..... the spider part... ya nah..... spiders need to stay away......
My grandson and I along with his parents have emptied my storage unit. We brought it home till the POD comes so we can load it into the pod starting on Wednesday. He was amazingly helpful and silly. Granddaughter just ran around the storage place having fun. They packed up shortly afterwards and left. I'd have loved more time but just wasn't to be this time.
HB's daughter is arriving on Wednesday and we will together get the POD packed and then pack up his room.
The next two weeks will be hellish it is getting warmer and the end is getting nearer.

kat, prayers to help you get through what you have coming..... just take it slow, it will be okay in the end.

Here's to a survivable Monday......
Wilde Woman, I hope your heavy rain and chilly temperatures don't last long either. The Carpenters sure took me back in time. Such talented singers. Thanks for the beautiful flowers. I'm hoping to see some similar ones in the wild in May.
OC: I always think of you and the flowers so hope I am not repeating myself. Now it is 68 and sunny, go figure! I love The Carpenters. Her death was a tragedy. I saw them at Westbury Music Fair eons ago. Timeless.
I was outside over an hour. A Sunday school member came by with a plant and some food for tomorrow.

I finished going through all the papers I brought home Sat. One person found his mail and I got important
stuff sorted. I have his tax info and someone will have to do a tax return. I have a lot of questions for lawyer.

rs, I'm sorry about your weekend adventure. I'm glad you can drive now.

Poirot, I hope you won't get too much snow.

robin, I'm glad your family came to help. I'm taking it slow, but I feel it's too slow.
Good morning everyone. Yep, Poirot sent that nasty cold front across to me. Storms all day yesterday with a 40 degree temperature drop. More rain today with snow tonight.

This wasn't the best weekend for me, but at least a few things were accomplished. My house still needs a good spring cleaning.

Last night was like something out of I Love Lucy. After the worst of the thunderstorms had passed around 8:30, I went in the kitchen to wash dishes. A ceiling lightbulb blew when I flipped on the light switch. My ceilings are low so I'm able to remove the cover. As I turned the bulb, it shattered. Hmmm....I have a socket butler (insert in the broken bulb base to twist it out of the socket), but the breaker needed to be turned off. None of my neighbors were home. I called Cindy who said she'd go in my basement to take care of the breaker if I picked her up.

As I was getting my keys, I saw a GIANT spider at the top of the cellar stairs. NOOOOOO! It was bigger around than the top of my tea mug!! I turned the empty mug upside down on its legs so I could get a bug zapper. When I turned around, the mug was MOVING Every word imaginable came out of my mouth including some I made up. I knocked the mug off, and that huge mutant spider ran up the wall. Then I zapped it until it smoked and the sparks quit flying. Boy was my heart pounding.

Finally left to pick up Cindy. She discovered that only a few main breakers were labeled. We had to turn on every light to figure out what each turned off. I threw down a marker so she could label them. The kitchen ceiling light is on the same breaker as the cellar lights...who the heck would do that? Luckily my stairway lights are battery operated so she had light.

When I put in the socket butler, I couldn't get up high enough to get it in straight because the brace won't let me bend my foot. Up Cindy comes to get the broken lightbulb base out. Then she had to go back down to flip the breaker on.

I sure owe her big time for everything she's done for me in the last 2 months.
I'd never heard of a socket but I hadn't either but Used to use a potato! Just cut off a slice and stick it in socket. It works