4/19/19 - Donuts & a foggy Good Friday morn to all


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Nov 23, 2006
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Amazing how the fog got heavier and heavier as it got lighter and lighter, (30°) I woke at 5:30 and could not get back to sleep, so could see it get thicker, spread out, etc. The sun is trying now to break thru, so it seems to be trying to dissipate somewhat. I am in town, of course, but funny thing, my son posted a pic this a.m. out by the lake where I used to live, 20 miles from here.....NO fog. ! LOL.
Don't know where this week has gone, I have not even shopped for Easter dinner.....I know stores will be overwhelmed, shelves empty. Alas, will try anyway. Roads are worse as the construction areas have spread, one cannot get to anywhere easily. The laundromat had it's water turned off the other day for a while, has new huge pipes were installed, culverts, etc. And when their water came back on, full of sand, and a whole bunch of their machines were clogged up, thus put "out of order". No idea what will happen with them now. Neither do they.
We are to have a nice weekend, yep, that "chance" of rain is there. (I even vaguely heard "snow flurries" as well, but that could be because temp will fall during night.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning. That is strange that there is no fog by the lake. You would expect just the opposite.
Raining here. I did get in a bit of gardening yesterday. I'm building more raised beds for my dahlias. The newly arrived ones are sitting in their box by the front door -- waiting for me to finish constructing their new homes.
Wishing you all a happy Good Friday.
Gonna be a while before we see even a green blade of grass, let alone even a flower petal, or tree leaf bud. Snow mostly gone here, (rain helped) but the woods still have it, and where piled up from plows or huge trees shade. Just nice to even see brown grass. Of course the maple syrup thing is going on, this is the time of year, as long as it gets warmer during day, and cold at night, the sap runs like mad. My youngest made syrup a couple times when a kid, but gotta tell ya, it is a lot of work, you have to get a lot of sap to boil down just for a small jar of syrup.
Wishing each of you a blessed Good Friday & Easter! And a sacred Passover to our Jewish friends.

Today I have 2 Bible studies, a prayer meeting after Good Friday evening services. No special meal is planned and for Easter we are thinking of eating out with friends. This feels odd as I usually fix a dinner as big as Christmas on Easter Day

I hope to check back in tomorrow -- after sleeping in!
It's partly cloudy now. No plans to go outside today since it's windy and
not very warm. This morning, I'm trying to straighten up my office. It's
looking a little better.

Noel, I hope you can relax on Sat.

Lil0, sorry you can't get outside today because of the rain.

Poirot, I hope you find something for Easter dinner.

Wishing everyone an enjoyable Friday.
Good Morning.... school is closed 90% of the district is closed... but we are working.... or a skeleton crew is working...... should be a quiet day...... or so I hope....

I hope all who posted above have a good day and weekend... and all who post after this the same....

prayers for Manda and rk.......
Morning Everyone,
Another busy day for us, working today, then I get to run over to pick Gena up from my mom's house (no school and my sister is home from Chicago so they are hanging out today), then fly back to get to church. I'm supposed to be there at 5:30 to warm up for our Choir Tenebrae service, I'm 99.9% sure I'll be late for warm ups, but plenty early for the service at 6:30. No idea what we'll do for dinner tonight since I still need to unpack the pots and pans and dig out the stove from the boxes surrounding it. We'll be spending Easter with my mom.

Poirot - I don't mind most weather, but I very much dislike fog, I hope it clears for you soon.
Lil0 - I hope the rain stops for you soon.
Noel - enjoy your time of reflection today
Kat - good luck with your office
Robin - thanks for the prayers, I hope you have a quiet day with the schools being closed.
RK - how's your dad doing and you too?

I'll check back later
Good morning. Sunny but cool, will get to 70* but another windy day. The mower guy said he'd be here this morning so I went out and moved the few remaining obstacles. Parked my truck and car out on the hill where he doesn't mow. Last time he said he was really nervous about mowing with vehicles and all the other glass around.

I still don't know what is happening here for the weekend. I had a note from daughter last night. They and my oldest son's family want to meet me somewhere to eat tomorrow. They suggested a mesquite barbecue place in a town that is two hours from here and is on the edge of the DFW traffic. I can't stand being disagreeable but I'm not inclined to go there. Trouble is, there are no very good places to eat in the scattering of towns that I frequent, and my family is used to having unlimited options in the Dallas area. She also said my son's family might come on out and spend the night with me but they were still undecided. I knew they were considering it two weeks ago but I haven't heard anything else from him on it so I keep wondering.....

Wishing the best for each of you this weekend and always.
Poirot - how weird you have the fog but the lake doesn't? Good luck getting your food for Easter - the shelves are getting bare here.

Lilo - Please keep your rain on the west side - LOL! Every day this week we were told it was going to be sunny and warm -- haven't seen the sun yet!

Noel - I hope your day goes quickly and you have a lovely evening -- and sleeping in tomorrow sounds nice.

Kat - enjoy your day indoors - hope you have a great weekend.

Robin - how come school's are closed? Enjoy your slow day!

Manda - Another busy day for you! When we have a busy evening like your going to have tonight we sometimes (don't laugh) have cereal & toast for dinner! It's fast and different.

OC - I wouldn't want to drive 2 hours by myself to dinner and then turn around & drive the 2 hours home. I know our kids mean well but no thank you. I hope you get to stay home.

My daughter did pretty good getting the sharpie off of Harlow's face. She said the one thing that worked the best was vegetable oil???

Have a great day
Shan - cereal would be a good option, if I could find spoons. I think I know which box they are in. I'm glad Harlow is coming clean, vegetable oil, that's interesting.
Evening all......

Robin - thanks for the prayers, I hope you have a quiet day with the schools being closed.

it was so quiet that I brought in $0...... I spoke with 2 people who called in... I spent the day shredding papers..... you'd think a school district would have a shredder company on speed dial but not ours.... we fill paper boxes with documents that need to be shredded, then on quiet days we shred, with our one shredder ... it is so ineffective that I normally bring the boxes home over the weekend and then shred them over the weekend with my 3 shredders..... today I'd shred till the machine overheated then go file forms for a half hour, then back to shredding.... two large garbage bags of shredded material so much fun

Robin - how come school's are closed? Enjoy your slow day!

we were closed for Passover and Good Friday, our spring break was earlier in March.....