4/19/2022 - Donuts and Cold Rain


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. We currently have slushy rain coming down. It kept changing back and forth between snow and rain over night.

I ended up going to the airport with my co-worker yesterday to pick up a new client. The one hour drive alternated between nasty white outs and monsoon rains. Then the lady's bag was put on the next plane from Philadelphia instead of the one she was on. Repeat the horrible weather on the way back. What should've been a 2 hour round trip was over 5 hours.

OC, you asked about Allegra yesterday. I buy the Members Mark (Sam's Club) generic brand of Allegra because I get 100 tablets for the same price as a bottle of 24 name brand Allegra. It is non-drowsy, and is supposed to last 24 hours. It seems to last about 22 to 23 hours for me. I always took it at 6:00 AM, but my doctor had me switch to taking it with my dinner meds at 6:00 PM. That's only because I started waking about 4:00 AM from my asthma and allergies. Otherwise, it does clear me up with less dripping sinuses and runny nose.

Poirot, you should sign up for the USPS Informed Delivery on the United States Postal Service website if it is available in your area. (My area was a testing area 3 years ago.) I get an email every morning with photos of the the mail being delivered that day. It also lists the senders of any packages being delivered. If I'm not getting any mail, then there isn't an email. Then I know not to bother checking my mailbox. It is especially helpful in the winter when the weather is so bad.

OC, this would be good for you too if available there.
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Happy Tuesday To All!

NY is seeing overcast skies, some leftover rain and 43 degrees currently. A real soaker with heavy winds last night.

redsquirrel - Hope your weather improves. So sorry to hear about the airport fiasco. Good to know about the Allegra, thanks for the info.

Hope everyone enjoys their day!

It's sunny today and will be in the mid 60s. I'll get out this afternoon and work some in the flowerbed.
Thanks, Jason :)

rs, sorry to hear about your trips to the airport. I hope the new client appreciates the extra time you took
to get her than go get her bag. I hope you won't have to go out in the nasty weather today.

Wilde Woman, I hope you have happy Tuesday too.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.
Good late morning, early afternoon...... we didn't hit 100° yesterday..... maybe today before the big plunge...... currently 85 outside......
My neighbor detailed my car yesterday and this morning.... I thought I was getting a car wash... the price is over $100 I only wish he'd told me before hand now I need to go to the bank and get money out of savings..... grrrrrr My other neighbor has a friend coming to visit and the friend needs to borrow my hot spot.... so I have to go out today to put minutes on the thing...... I don't mind sharing but the friend is driving from California to work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and in order to work she needs to borrow my hot spot?? I guess I'm not feeling very Christian today....

Good Tuesday to all......
kat, enjoy working in your flower beds today.

We waited at the airport all of that time due to the nasty weather and wrecks on the interstate. Actually, I waited in the work van while the caseworker kept going to check on the client. The van couldn't sit in the arrival's pick up lane without it running and someone sitting in it.

robinsnest, that sounds pretty hinky to me that someone you don't know needs to borrow your hotspot. I sure hope the person is going to reimburse you for the time used. Or they can go to a McDonald's, Panera, etc for the free wifi.
I only share my internet with my brother and sister-in-law when they come to visit. Nobody else has ever been given the user name and password.
Detailing a car for $100 would be cheap around here, but definitely not when you were expecting just a car wash.
Robin, you sure found yourself in a couple of unpleasant situations. I don't think I would ask to use someone else's hot spot. I hope it works out with no unexpected problems for you.

Kat, I hope you don't have wind. Mid-60s* can be cold when the wind is blowing.

Wilde Woman, your "Happy Tuesday" picture makes me feel good. Those flowers are about my favorite color of flowers. I had some daisy-shaped earrings that color and wore them a lot until they broke.

Squirrel, I wouldn't want to be flying in that kind of weather--or waiting around at the airport either. Thank you for the information about the Allegra. I will buy the smallest package I see, so I can get a feel for how well it works for me, before buying more. I know the 24-hour coverage is a selling point for allergy medicines but I don't like taking anything that lasts that long, at least in the beginning, because if it disagrees with me, then I have a long wait before it wears off. But most of them do last that long so I just have to bite the bullet and try it. I was eager to hear your take because I know your doctor wouldn't have you taking it if there were any common reactions/concerns about it.
I've been meaning to sign up for that USPS Informed Delivery Service. I first heard about it from my son. When they went to living on the road they had to have a way to get mail. They picked a town in south Texas for their "permanent" address and they use that service. They can see what they got each day and ask the post office to send anything they want on to whatever place they'll be for the arrival time. It works pretty well, considering there's always an element of "guesstimating" involved in coordination their arrival time with the mail's arrival time at any given location. It amazing to me that there are so many systems of all kinds in place throughout this country to meet the needs of people in countless situations. The innovation in a free-market society is truly remarkable! Oh, and now my niece also has this informed delivery service and she loves it! I know it would be helpful to me too. I just need to do it!
I have two hot spots.... one is attached to my cell phone bill the other is a pay as you go..... because at our cabin sometimes one works and the other doesn't depending on weather and such..... the neighbor will get the pay as you go....

I love the USPS Informed Delivery Service.... I've been using it for years now..... as in today I know I don't have to rush out to the mail box.... if you want to steal my mail today you'd be getting a flyer from the Husband and Wife Law Team and a Value Pak envelop full of coupons to things I have no interest in purchasing..... But on days that the School District mails my check I'm out there as soon as I hear the mail truck.....
Same for me, robinsnest. Ads can sit there, but if I'm home I get out there to get my mail order medicine. If I'm at work when they come, I call my neighbor to get them out of my mailbox . I swear he stands at his front window watching for the mailman every day, but he doesn't mind getting mine when I ask. Especially when he gets homemade desserts when I make anything.
Medicare is pushing HB to get his meds via mail..... several of which need to be refrigerated.... works well the 6 months out of the year when it's over 90° outside and who knows how warm in the mailbox.... just sit there and melt.... nope won't go that route...... I'm guessing you'd have the opposite problem with freezing.....
I got a little work done in the flowerbed. Instead of sitting in one spot clearing out
a section, I pulled out sections of weeds in the bed. I got almost two cans of weeds.

OC, it's not windy here today. When It is, I wear a stocking cap under my sun hat.

robin, I'm glad your nice to the neighbor's guest. I think it's odd that neighbor doesn't
have a way to help when the friend is there to work.
Hellllloooo Friends,
Sorry for the long time between visits, work has me hopping lately, and my evening have always been super busy. I've missed you all terribly and think of you often. Gena has grown so much this spring, she now is 1/2 and inch shorter than me and wearing bigger shoes.

Work is going really well, and I love being a trainer, I just would love a teensy tiny bit more down time so I can visit you all more often.

If you think of it could you all possibly say a prayer here and there for my dad? He had a really bad abscess in his armpit that looked like a pimple on the skin, but was severely infected and had spread all the way into his pectoral muscle. He had surgery to get rid of all the bad tissue, but is currently getting hyperbaric pressure treatment 3 times a week to try to speed up the healing. I appreciate and love you all to bits.

Manda, it's good to hear from you. Thanks for the update about Gena. A woman in my Sunday school class has a sister who is diabetic and had been struggling for a long time with an infection in her foot, Surgeries and the best care and attention to it had failed to do much good. So now she's about to finish doing the hyperbaric treatment and has had much improvement. It seems hopeful and I pray the same will be true for your dad. It's sobering to think how something so dreadful could be going on inside, when he was only aware of the pimple on the outside.

I really do need to get the informed mail service. I get vitamins and supplements, and other things that don't need to be in the heat, through the mail. It gets extremely hot in my black mailbox and sometimes I don't go check my mail for a couple of days, unless I know something is on the way.

I also have 2 hot spots. My son wired one of them in to serve as a Wifi and it has a booster on it outside. The other is one I'd had before that one. I keep it for backup. But it is strange that the woman who works from home doesn't have something to take with her when she's not at home. My RV son has about five different hot spots or whatever to try to insure he can always be in touch with his business. Even so, there are times when he can't get signals. In those cases he drives to the nearest town and works from there.
guess I am lucky now, that tho in small town America, I am able to get service without a hot spot. (I have no idea what that involves, but sounds "not good".
My mom was diabetic, did the daily shots, but when she had the heart attack, it presented a problem to help her. (years ago, things have changed). So many of her side of family were/are also diabetic.......I make sure I am tested all the time, as do my kids. My sis did as well, we all are o.k. so far in that respect.
Hard to believe anyone would push to have meds which have to be refrigerated, be delivered by mail. However.......my older son has some meds (they are injections) which need to be refrigerated, and are delivered here, they arrive in a styrofoam container, overnight, which I put into frig immediately, until I later take over to the assisted living place, where they also immediately refrigerate. A nurse comes to administer the weekly injections.
way back in the olden days.... not that far... but when phone plans had unlimited data, I could use my phone as a hotspot. But then unlimited data became REALLY expensive.... it still can be... on my phone plan it's $60 a month.... but so worth it when on vacation and your children steam movies.... IT took 2 phone calls because they hung up on me the first time when trying to transfer me...... sigh...... but $40 later I have unlimited data till May 19th.....
6 years ago HB had a thing removed from his ankle area of his foot....a wart??? a lump of excess fat??? his brain??(some days this choice wins out) no problem at the doctor's office... packed it with gauze squares put a bandaid on and off he was sent. He went to Costco to get an antibiotic and other meds, while standing in line the woman behind him asked if he was okay.... he was standing in a puddle of blood!!! he ended up getting placenta tissue placed on this open sore and a vacuum attached to a hose taped up his leg and he wore it as an over the shoulder handbag. For over a month.... it healed....it's an ugly ugly scar but it's closed and he's healed now.... Amazing how medical science has progressed....