4/2/2024 - Donuts and Peanut Butter and Jelly/Jam


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
It's National Peanut Butter and Jelly day.
"PB&J's have been around for many years, and are one of the most popular sandwiches in America, with the average American having eaten around 1500 PB&J's by the time they finish high school"

A cloudy spitting every now and then day here today..... Much better than what we were forecasted.... so far the rumbles are not right over head so the Beast hasn't been upset. The severe weather we were told was coming yesterday missed us and went south and east of us. So sorry for them but glad for me.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday....
Raining and 45 degrees. Some areas are under a Winter Weather Advisory for snow! We are going to get heavy rain at some point.

Robin: Thank you for alerting us to the PB&J Day. That is my go to whenever I don't want a full meal. Lately been putting PB by itself on Panera Cinnamon Raisin Oat Bread. Don't have to toast it when the bread is soft and fresh. Comfort food. Glad the nasty weather passed you by!

Wishing all a great day, whether you prefer creamy or crunchy PB. For those who can't eat peanuts, cream cheese and jelly is also a wonderful comfort food!

It's another dreary day here. It was close to 60 when I walked this morning. It's dropped to the 40s. Another
chilly day tomorrow. My area missed the bad weather yesterday.

This morning, I went to the dentist. No cavities, but another tooth is having problems. I will wait as long as
I can. I'll be catching up on my studies this afternoon.

robin, that's a lot of PB& Jelly sandwiches. I have no idea if I ate that many growing up.

Wilde Woman, stay safe with the weather.

I hope everyone can have a dandy afternoon.
I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch almost everyday in elementary school. Not sure I could stomach one today.

So, weather update. This morning was rough north of me, around Lexington. Trees down and roof damage. It was near 70 here this morning, but then we had rain so now it's in the 60s. There is another round coming through this afternoon and we are now in a tornado watch. Praying it passes us and there is no more severe weather. April 3rd and 4th will mark 50 years since the super outbreak that went somewhat near us. This is what I hate about spring.

They storage garage/barn for salt is across the road from me. I've seen trucks/activity there all day. Rain mixed with snow predicted for Thursday! Good ol' Kentucky.

Hope your weather is better where you are.
Nameless, I hope you don't get the severe weather. I know what you mean about spring. Seems like the only way we get the amount of rain we need is in thunderstorms, which often carry a threat with them.

Kat, teeth problems are no fun. Hope yours isn't too involved. Glad the bad storms missed you.

Wilde Woman, it's time for snow and low temperatures to get on out. Wishing you some sunshine.

Robin, sounds like a dreary day where you are but good the severe weather missed you.....and the Beast.

Funny, I don't remember having PBJS when I was growing up but surely I must have had some?? Nowhere near 1500 though. We really didn't have sandwiches much. We had a lot of leftovers, which I didn't like at all. Living on a farm/ranch in those days, three hot meals a day was common practice. I said I'd never have leftovers when I got grownup, and I didn't much but now, being alone, I'm glad for any chance not to cook.

Still washing bedding. Hope to finish today. Also have some paperwork to do. Need to get those things finished today so I can go to town tomorrow. I would have gone today but it is cloudy, windy and cold today, after half an inch of rain last night. By tomorrow things should be cleared out and warmer for the rest of the week.

Oh, I was going to tell a funny thing (at least funny to me). A couple of years ago when my son and his family were here my daughter-in-law got herself a drink of water out of a pitcher in the refrigerator. She sputtered and made a face and asked, "What IS this?" I laughed and told her it was my hummingbird nectar! (I don't put any coloring in it). So while they were here this past weekend she did the exact same thing again. Same pitcher, same place in refrigerator. It was even funnier that she did it a second time. She really and truly is an intelligent person (a lawyer), but she must go on automatic pilot when reaching for a drink of water! I had just made up my first batch of nectar on Friday. The next day, while the kids were here, I got my first hummingbird of the season.d Poor thing must be hunkered down somewhere today, with this cold wind.
used to get hummers all the time out by the lake, always had feeders up........however, don't know why there doesn't seem to be any here in town, and I am on the edge, next to the forest.
snowing here currently, tis cold, of course, and rather windy, supposed to be worse tomorrow.
A couple days ago I bought a chromebook.........am returning it, hopefully. the letters on it so tiny, cannot read anything, no instructions (unless that is what I am unable to read) Guess they must figure everyone "knows" everything about anything. I really liked my old laptop, but it's time was over.
A couple days ago I bought a chromebook.........am returning it, hopefully. the letters on it so tiny, cannot read anything

Press Control and the plus sign together until the font is as large as you want.

Mods...quoting the post above so hopefully Poirot sees the notice before returning the Chromebook.
I wish that would work for a MacBook. I got my son to make the font larger last year but it only made it larger for when I'm writing an e-mail. Not for anything else. Some things are easier for me to read than others. It has more to do with contrast than size (how dark the letters are). Salem Spectator is one of the easier places for me to read. Yea SS!