4/21/2024 - Donuts and I see the sun


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
The sun is out the sky is blue and it is a bit chilly but we are already at yesterday's high so perhaps we will be a bit warmer today???? I went to the big plant sale yesterday, wow those people are brutal about their plant selection.... I'm going to try container squash.... meaning growing squash in a container not a plot of ground..... and a nice heirloom tomato for Hunny bunny..... he loves his tomatoes..... plants were reasonably priced and had I know about the sale I will wait till next year to get my little flowers.... these prices were much better and the plants much healthier....

One year ago at this time I had 90% of my stuff boxed up down to only things I'd need. HB had 0.5% of his stuff packed.....as we started this grand adventure to Wichita.....

Happy Sunday to all......
An overcast 49, but at least the winds died down.

Robin: I can't believe it is one year since you moved. Congratulations on all you achieved, you have come a long way!

Wishing all a lovely day.

Robin, I agree, doesn't seem a year could have passed since you made the big move. I hope your gardening efforts go well. If anything will grow anywhere, it's probably squash.

Wilde Woman, on no, not more overcast for you! But no wind is a huge deal, in my way of thinking. Hope you enjoy the calmer day.

It's ten degrees warmer here today than yesterday, starting out in mid-50s*. Looks to be a nice day but I decided to stay home from church, not knowing how the roads will be after three inches of rain. If I had my truck here I would have gone in it but it's still over at my niece's place. My car is so low to the ground, I don't want to try to manage it on muddy or slippery roads. I miss going to church though.
Good morning all, sunshine here, too. Tho rain is coming for the next couple of days. A bit of wind today, not too back, but always makes it feel cooler, or colder. LOL But, tis 52, so that is a nice improvement, for sure.
I woke up this morning with a bowel problem, and because it continued, stayed home, no church for me today. It has not been pleasant or easy at all, just hoping it will end soon.
Wise of you O.C. to be careful about the road after all that rain. When I lived out by the lake, the road in would not be in good shape when it rained. The town finally paved the portion of the road they owned. (given to them by a long ago previous owner). Guess they figured putting the asphalt down would be cheaper that having to replace gravel, soil, sand because of so much damage on the various unpaved roads every year.......that their own huge tractor size mowers caused when they mowed the sides of the road. LOL
A lot of the roads in this area were dirt roads. The town board would do several every year, so all are paved now. The thing is.....it is weird, because like with me, only a very short piece of the road belonged to the town, the rest was my land........so.......my part is still dirt & gravel. And I had to replace the gravel. Well, now, it is no longer a problem for me, since I live in town. Tho will say you'd think I was still living rural. Huge forest all around with big barn in back, and big expanse of land. Guess this was a huge farm at one time, 80 acres, still owned by same family. Part of it was a Par 3 golf course at one time, then a few houses were built, people wanted to be close to the golf course. And the son who owns the land, finally decided to just build some more homes, no more golf course. And he does not deed any land with a home. You own the home, not the land it sits on. We even have a couple ponds ....yep, they have golf balls sitting at the bottom. Ha. After all, no golf course could work if there were'nt water hazards.

And guess what? this morning there were a pair of bunny rabbit hanging around my house outside, That was fun to watch.
It's sunny here too with temps close to 60. Tomorrow and Tuesday nice too.

I cleaned the bathroom floor this morning. I'll work on studies this afternoon since it's
cool this afternoon.

robin, good luck with veggies.

Wilde Woman, I hope you get sunshine soon.

OC, sorry you had to miss church today.

Poirot, I hope you'll feel better.

I hope everyone has a relaxing afternoon.
Storm blew through in the overnight. I generally wake up at some point in the night Saw a flash of lightning through the window and went back to sleep.

Woke up to temps in the 50s......

Spring is broken
Sure has been up and down....like Muzza said, a roller coaster ride.........and it seems all areas of the country have noted a somewhat different Spring than normal, not that spring is ever really normal. Ha.
Glad to see some life here. Facebook looks like it has died. For three days I've had the very same posts coming up on my screen. They now say "3 days ago." Even the adds and memes are the same. Only a rare, occasional new post. I don't know where everybody goes on weekends but I guess most people have things to do.

My niece's driveway is a mile long--from one hill down into a valley and then up another steep hill. The road gets very bad when it rains at all and she got over 4" so she won't get out right away. I don't like to go out when I know she can't get out because if I get stuck I can't call her to come get me.

Poirot, it was nice the city paved roads out toward your lake home. I imagine because there was a good amount of traffic, with the out-of-town part time residents and the recreational activity with the lake. My house is five miles from the state highway (a 2-lane state highway, not a high traffic one). When I was a kid none of the five miles in my direction was paved but by the time I was a teenager the state had paved about 3 miles of it, making it a "farm to market highway"--- the part connecting to the state highway. Efforts were made to get the remaining two miles paved but it never happened because more people were moving away during the bad drought and hard times of the 1950s. (This, on top of the mass exodus during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl days of the 1930s left very few homes up in our direction). There are still many dirt/gravel roads winding around the countryside and the county barely gets enough revenue to maintain them to a satisfactory degree..... Oh, it's surprising how much entertainment a couple of bunnies can bring!

Kat, I'm glad you're having a nice, if cool, day.

Sexton, I'm glad your storm wasn't severe. I usually go back to sleep during lightning too but not with what we had night before last. Wicked stuff! But thankfully no damage.
Robin.....was wondering....has Vinnie adjusted well to the change in his life, new digs, and especially the big change in the seasons? Don't know why I thought it was just 6-7 months ago. LOL
Good afternoon everyone. An overcast cold day here after a frosty morning. We'll have another frost tonight. That's why no plants or hanging baskets until Memorial Day.

The last few years, I've bought potted tomato plants and pepper plants from my favorite Amish greenhouse. They produce so much more than plants put in the ground.

Sunday dinner was swiss steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. The swiss steak is one of my crockpot cheaters...cut up cube steaks, a can of Campbell's cream of mushroom soup, and a packet of dry onion soup mix on high for 4 hours. It looks gloppy to begin with, but makes a very flavorful gravy.

The mashed potatoes were the Aldi microwave ones. Though they show up as Bob Evans when I scan the receipt with my Fetch receipt rewards app.

Another one of my thrown together recipes...I also had 2 boxes of Jiffy muffin mix that were almost at their use by date. Mixed the blueberry and raspberry mixes together with 2 eggs, a teaspoon of sugar, and a cup of milk. Stirred together until just a bit lumpy. Then poured in a greased and floured disposable bread pan. Baked at 400° for 35 minutes. It came out beautifully as a fruity bread. Taking it to school with me tomorrow to share with the teachers at a kindergarten registration before the kids start coming in.

robinsnest, for some reason I thought you moved in the middle of summer.

Working in rural counties and living in one, I travel on dirt or gravel roads a few times a week.
Phoenix house

if you click on the Phoenix house above it will take you to the zillow page. It's not currently for sale, but you can see the yard.... And the block wall. Vinnie never saw anyone, and his yard was HUGE when compared to this 40foot x 12foot he has now..... Weather wise he hated the Monsoon with the thunder and lightening so Spring here is a similar issue, with one HUGE change. A lot of our Monsoon came in the late afternoon. Spring storms here seem to hit when it gets dark..... We both could do without the snow, but the ice was scarier as everyone would most likely agree walking to the car and slipping in the driveway not something to do on a cold morning.... Our biggest challenge with his is stopping his barking at every single noise. People on their patio laughing, or just sitting and reading a book gets him barking. There is a house close by with a bunch of dogs one will bark then the other join in and soon my little idiot will be barking but he is getting better at that. Not barking when the pack starts up as they are doing now.... Over all he's okay with the move, he has his peeps and we throw the ball for him.... he gets to travel in a car more as we can never leave him alone in the house as he barks when alone. Something he didn't do when we were in Phoenix....

May first will be one year here....9 days....
My, that home is really very spacious. Love that, but do not want to have to clean something that size.......or even vacuum.......lolol. Love the pool, really miss the one we had in our back yard. Hubby built it, and gotta say, my kids had lots of friends who started coming over a lot during the summer. Was hard to keep up with the soda, snacks and koolaid. Ha.

So evidently the person who bought your Phoenix home already had put it up for sale? Or are the pics from your realtor. ?? You certainly had a huge yard, and the home itself is just lovely. Tis nice for me to see the different kinds of plants, trees, etc. in AZ compared to here. Bet it was something different for you, too, when you moved further north.

I know when I moved from Chicago to the really far north, was amazed at all the pine trees. Very short growing season here, as Robin mentioned......you do not plant anything til Memorial Day. Heck, don't even put up my American flag til then. AND you begin bringing things in, so that all is done by beginning of October. Smart to get things in pots, especially the veggies. Have not done that yet. Tried tomatoes the lst or 2d year here......Disaster. But I was used to Illinois seasons back then. Remember I was able to get pansies and marigolds. Doubt if folks that bought the lake house still have them. They did a lot of remodeling of outside of the house, even covered the brick with siding.

Hope Vinnie gets comfortable enough eventually so he won't bark at anything that makes a sound. LOL Tis hard for pets, am sure. heck, hard enough for the grown-ups. All your items are in different places now, YOU put them there, but can't quite remember where, Oh, it comes in another couple seconds, and eventually, will automatically. :)
Actually this place in Wichita is bigger than that house. When our landlord sold the place, he put it on the market middle of May last year. The new buyers took the house to the studs and added a bedroom, moved the kitchen to the living room and the living room to the kitchen. Changed all the windows, which was needed they were single pane, and moved doors. It sure looks good in pictures. I'm hoping to be able to go through it to this summer when I stop by on my way home from the family cabin.....

Went to Lowe's this afternoon, to pick up a tomato cage, and I saw they had mini CHRISTMAS trees!!!!!! I got it and I hope that it will live through the summer so I can have a porch tree this November!!!! It's so cute... I was able to get a red pot for it too.... it will be so Holiday Spirit..... Pictures to come after planted....
Wow, Robin........that sounds a lot like what the buyers of my house at the lake did. They did gut the inside to the studs, put the living room where kitchen had been, & the kitchen into the where the living room had been. (I saw it just completely one big open space. They took the one enclosed porch area and used it to expand a bedroom. And completely changed the outside. I haven't been inside since all the work was done, but my daughter was. The couple now live there year round, permanent residents.

Love that you found a mini Christmas tree. I will have to check around, tho I do have a fake mini one right now sitting in the garage. needs new lights, (presently all one color) but have been unable to find any like that yet. ) I did not put it up this last Christma. And I did originally purchase it on sale. Was funny, I saw it one day, 50% off. Went home, decided I would buy it, went back and it had been marked down again, 50% off the sale price. So, it was a really big huge bargain, for sure.

But you got a LIVe tree, which is sooo much better. Our owner here planted this tiny one in a space between huge tall pines.....I guess to block view of his home from the others......heck, will take 20 years for it it grow that big. Next time son comes, will have him show me how to put phone pics on internet. Take care everyone.