4/26/17 - Donuts & Stayin' In


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Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, and sincerely hope yours is way better than up here. We have freezing rain, it is 33°, the wind is making it seem even colder. Nasty, nasty. They are using the "s" word (snow) but the icy rain is here, warning to be careful out on the road, etc. More than 1/2" of rain has fallen so far....And this is exactly why no one in this neck of the woods even thinks of "planting" yet. LOL

My youngest son decided to try raising bees, got the "homes" up over the weekend, and guess the bees arrived yesterday. LOL, as he has that whole protective outfit. (he posted a pic on Facebook)

Some neighbors are happy, figuring their gardens will benefit. Will be interesting to see how this goes.A friend did this for several years, then gave it up for some reason. Tho really got lots of honey at the time.
Have a good day, my friends, sunshine and calm. :)
Good morning. Poirot, you've inspired me to quit complaining about the winds we are having daily right now. At least they aren't chill-to-the-bone winds here. Ice is the very worst condition. I hope it passes very quickly for you.

Your son's adventure in beekeeping is especially of interest to me, since we have beekeepers using our property but not near our house. My husband's nephew has gotten into it at his home in Harrisburg, PA. He loves it! I wonder how that works out in such close quarters on a city lot. I hear so much about honey bees being endangered but sometimes I think they've just left every place else to come here. My niece and I both have them making hives in our houses and/or outbuildings with some frequency. A. Guy, I guess that's because we are surrounded by large areas that are not cultivated.

Does anybody have any personal experience with the Roomba? I've been seeing the commercials and read some about them. Due to my upper back problems, cleaning floors is hard for me. If those things work well, it could be a good solution for keeping the dust minimized on all my wood floors. The reviews on Amazon were kinda funny. A lot of people were making jokes about cats riding on the Roomba, etc.
@A Guy, my son lives in the middle of the state, I am up north. He visits here, but doesn't live here. My other son does live about 1/2 mile away, but he is not the beekeeper.

OC......I have a friend who was finding it more and more difficult to get around, (bad knees), so tho she could walk, she began using a wheel chair quite often. She got a Rhoomba, and liked it, has not complained. I have no idea, really, how they work. I know I prefer a canister type vacuum myself, but they are rarely made and even a good brand (Hoover/Eureka) will suddenly stop working, and you have no idea why.
Morning Everyone,

OC - my in-laws had a Roomba, it worked okay for them, but I think the poor little thing just couldn't keep up with all the cat hair. It seemed to work better on the hardwood than it did on the carpets.

Poirot - Brr, we're still warm here for now, but it's supposed to get colder later and rain this afternoon. Best of luck to your son and his beekeeping.

My backsplash tiles are scheduled to be delivered on Friday, so very excited for that. Apparently hubby made an appointment for Saturday to get an estimate on replacing some more windows for the upstairs. I guess that's a good thing, 131 year old windows are very good insulators. :rolleyes:

My city just passed an ordinance allowing backyard chickens. Hubby wants some, I say no way. I so don't have time to be worrying about chickens and everything that goes with them.

Have a great day everyone!
Good afternoon everyone. I had a beautiful 3 hour round trip drive to a senior center (the one in the old bank) in a teeny tiny old fashion town in my northern county. I love the people there. A big plus was seeing my co-worker's sweet great-grandma.

Temp is already up to 80*F. Geez, where did spring go? This should be our July weather.

I've had an O'Cedar O'Duster for a few years to clean my hardwood, tiled, and congoleum floors. (It doesn't work on carpet.) It moves around like a Roomba, but has dust cloths that go on the bottom netting. The generic dry cloths for a Swiffer sweeper also work. I love it because it moves under the microwave stand, pantry cupboard, beds, and dressers to clean so I don't have to be a contortionist or move furniture. A big plus is the cost....$24.99 at most stores. Aldi has them a few times a year for $19.99.


Some of you already saw me post this on Facebook early this morning about the local Early Today Show...

"I'm still shaking my head over what was said on air by a local reporter this morning. "Her and her mother was shot" was like fingernails on a chalkboard to me."

Later in the show, the anchor read the same exact phrase from the teleprompter. This was coming from college educated ladies! Still shaking my head when I think about it.
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It's a rainy and cool day here. It's been raining since after 11PM last night.
I'm not sure how much rain my area has gotten, but flooding here and there.
My ditch is a river. It's slowed down since this morning. More rain coming Friday.

Goldie and I went out early during the heavy rain. She had to go. We finally
got out again an hour ago during a gentle rain.

Poirot, I hope your son has good luck with his bees. I know they like flowerbeds.

manda, does the ordinance say chickens only and no roosters? Roosters aren't
needed and they make too much noise.

I hope everyone has the best rest of the day and evening possible.
Good evening everyone,

It's in the 60sF here and overcast/muggy. Everything is in bloom now---all the azaleas, leaves coming out, dogwoods...just beautiful and smells great. Had our last class for the Cyprus study-abroad today before the actual travel in two weeks. I also walked the dog and met with my personal trainer this morning for a (hard) workout.

Gotta get to some homework for now. Poirot, hope better weather comes your way soon.

Have a nice day, all.
Hello everyone. I've been outside most of the day watching the mockingbirds. The little ones flew the coop this morning. They are learning, but doing some crash landings, lol.

Hopefully, any lawn mowing duty will fall to the beekeeper

I can relate to that! I bought some unimproved land years ago and the seller's son had some beehives there. I told him there was no hurry to move the hives. Meanwhile, I started planting a garden using a rototiller to break the ground. I apparently got too close to the hive one day, was attacked, ran while ripping my shirt off, and wondered how to get back to my jeep with the dogs. The top was off the jeep, but it was parked away from the beehive. I had two choices when I got in the jeep: drive by the hive or drive through the garden to get away. Yep, I drove straight through my garden, lol.

Take care folks.

So I figured out how to sleep. Or was so tired that I slept till 5 minutes till I had to get to work, Hence the lateness of this post.

Work was work.

Bees. My brother has had two sets of bees. For some reason, the first colony fell victim to something and the entire colony collapsed. He had folks out to study. It was one of the mysteries of bees. So far, group two is still doing well.

One of my boys has chickens. The kids love them. They have the run of the yard. Check your shoes at the door, if you know what I mean.

Wow, it didn't take long for those baby birds to take off. Or am I loosing track of time?

Happy Wednesday.
wow it didn't take long for those baby birds to take off..... or am I loosing track of time.....

When the chicks were all huddled up, I couldn't tell if they were partially or fully feathered. It's strange you mention that, though. When the young leave the nest, my data collecting is to be finalized for NestWatch. I kept getting a warning that the incubation period wasn't consistent with the species. I checked and recheck my data and couldn't find any that would generate an incubation period of two days, yes two days. I saw the first egg April 8th and the young fledged this morning, so I don't know what the problem may be.
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fantastic Wednesday. Today was an okay day. I went to work, came home and watched a bit of television before I had some dinner. For dinner I had some carrots, chicken and rice. After dinner I have just been relaxing as tomorrow evening I am going to be super busy with things I have to do so I am trying to rest up before then. I have to tell you, it's nice not having to do anything. I should do this more often.

The weather was fair for most of the day but got better in the evening. Right now it is partly cloudy and 57 F, a pretty nice spring evening here. Tomorrow is supposed to be really warm here before it cools down again. I am embracing tomorrow's forecast.

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday evening. Much happiness to each one of you.
So, after subjecting you all to my Luddite rant re car radios and CDs, I would like to vent, again. A Comcast tech visited Tuesday, to swap out the DVR for a new-fangled X1 version. I should add that this was a forced update. The very nice tech was here for 3 1/2 hours! :rolleyes: She must have run the basement stairs at least 20 times, and the hill about 5 times. She had trouble locating a "splitter," was on the phone with Comcast many times, and had to add some kind of booster, for which I had to find a power strip. After giving me a tutorial, she was finally able to break for lunch. She was way over time on this job, and was concerned that the company was going to give her a hard time about it. I told her that I would welcome the chance to assist Comcast with a review of her service. Strangely, I have not yet been contacted. :confused:

The new DVR has some nice features, in particular, voice-activated closed-captioning. :clap:

However, aside from that, I am pronouncing it not worth the trouble. Would much prefer the old box, but that is not an option.

PS: I can't get it to delete recorded "assets." I will rest for a couple of days, gird my loins, and call Comcast. Hope I'm not on hold for too long! :rolleyes: