4/28/2024 - Donuts and it's still storming


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
It's still cloudy and cool outside and of course windy.... but we made it through yesterday. The thunder was amazing, the rain for us was more off than on fire hydrant style. Some counties of Kansas picked up 7 inches of rain yesterday..... They were also the counties that had more tornadoes than we did. Power flickered but never went off..... so that's great.....
Today we will venture out to the mail box at the end of the street..... pick up our mail.... and then head to the grocery store for something for dinner......

Good Sunday to all
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Really got colder and windy, which makes it seem even more so. Skies have been dark cloudy all morning and now into the afternoon, looking like rain any minute.....but so far, no rain, even tho in the forecast. Wonder where it goes???
Went to church, then afterwards, this one couple invited 3 of us out for breakfast, so 5 of us got to jabber a bit over the pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, etc. and especially the coffee! LOL
I decided to leave before all the Sunday papers were gone........however, I swear they are thinner than a daily newspaper. Sure remember when Sunday papers were big and fat and took a long time to read. think I will forego the sunday paper. not worth the extra money.....$4.00 is just over the top.
It was storming this morning so no morning walk. I was able to get neighbor and my paper
when there was a light rain. No rain after lunch so I took a walk. More rain expected later
this afternoon. Since I couldn't walk this morning, I did cleaning.

This afternoon, my church is having a choir concert. I was planning to go, but woke up sneezing.
So, I'm staying at home. The other online host for my church told me 16 people were in the
hospital with Covid. He and his wife haven't been out much since the pandemic.

robin, I'm glad you didn't get heavy rain. I hope you found something yummy for dinner.

Wilde Woman enjoy the sunshine.

Poirot, I'm glad you had a nice breakfast with friends. I hope you won't get bad weather like
some of us did.

I hope everyone will have restful rest of the day.
Aha, the rain in Spain that fell mainly in the plain moved north and is falling on the streets, sidewalks, lawns and back yards, LOL Finally arrived, am glad it held off til I was back home. You can laugh, but I moved my car out of garage onto driveway so the rain could posibly wash off some of the dust. Just have not been able to go to the car wash, so, next best for me. I have a small meat loaf in the oven, and made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce, which I intend to freeze in small containers, if I have enough, lol. Should last me a while, used to make it all the time, but has been quite a while now. Hope it works out, is bubbling away on the stove right now.
So the sauce is now all in containers and in the freezer.......except for the lst one I did. So have this nice little container, perfect for one person. Spoon in sauce & hamburger, am fitting the lid on to seal it all in, the container slips, slides across the counter and down on the floor. (Hardwood floor) You cannot believe the mess. My back gives me a problem, so bending over to clean up......well, difficult and took a long time. And lots of paper towels. Cannot tell you how upset I was.......heck, you can imagine! And I still had more to fill. Fortunately, the rest went o.k. All in the freezer, which I had to rearrange because not enough room. Ran out of small containers, so used a few larger ones, heck with it. But the last one is a tall one and only a third full. Looks silly, but all I had.
The meat loaf was done, but is probably barely warm, probably cool, since it took me so long to clean up and fill up the freezer items.
So now, I am here, with a small glass of white wine, lol, delaying dinner, which just might be a meat loaf sandwich. LOL. Exhausted!

By the way, it is 37° and still raining........LOL
Oh that's such a bummer Poirot! Stuff like that happens to many of us.
Hope your meal was still good!
Oh Poirot, how frustrating! Everybody's problems/capabilities are different so I don't know if this would work for you or not but I got something a few years ago that's been so very helpful for me. Until about three or four years ago I could squat all the way down and did so with ease, to pick things up, wipe up messes on the floor, or whatever. Then one knee I'd injured a few years earlier got so it would no longer allow me to do that. I was at a loss as to how to do things. You've probably seen ads for those Garden Kneeler seats or stools (I forget the exact name) that you can turn one way and sit on it, then flip it over and the seat is lower to the ground or floor so you can kneel on it, while holding onto the bars on the sides, which allows you to use your arms to help lower and raise yourself. I keep mine inside and I use it all the time. I ordered it from Amazon.

Kat, I sure hope you're only having allergy sneezes and NOT COVID. However, over the past couple of years I've known many people who've gotten it and yet I'm the only one I know who ended up in the hospital because of it. I don't doubt there are others out there, just none that I've known.

Robin, I hope you found something good for dinner. I had leftovers and I'm still hungry. Going to have to scratch up something else. Glad you got through last night's storms okay.

Hi, Mrs. Clean and Wilde Woman and anybody else out there.

Can't remember if I checked in late last night or not. The storms went on until 2-3 o'clock in the morning here. I got 3" of rain. There was wind and lots of lightning. If there was any hail, I wasn't aware of it. Thought I heard some, maybe, a couple of times but didn't get out of bed to look. I kept trying to sleep but every time I'd doze off the lightning/thunder would wake me up. I went on to church and was surprised the roads weren't as bad as I expected, though they were worse coming home than going out. I was the first one to drive on them when I went out but others had come along later and made it messy. Looks like we have a couple of nice days before the next round.