4/30/19 - Donuts and a tortoise


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Dec 29, 2012
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Goldie and I saw a tortoise in the road on our walk this morning. It was by curb. I took it across
the street.

Rain is delayed until lunch time. I was going to start cleaning my bedroom, but I'm going out to
work on the side bed instead. I didn't get much done there yesterday since I did something
else first. I hope they are wrong about the severe storms later today.

I hope everyone has a good Tuesday.
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Good Morning,

Last night our area was surprised by a thunderstorm with rain! Ok........the rain only lasted a few minutes, but wind with thunder was a real treat. It sounded like Indiana for a moment, although missing the fragrant floral scents. Just enough rain to wet everything and hopefully wash some of the filthy dust off the roof, porch, and driveway. It made me smile!\

Today has a long list of items to complete following work. Baking for Hub's supervisor birthday party on Wednesday, helping kiddos with science projects, and Bible study for Wednesday too. A schedule like that makes time fly by so quickly during the week. Unfortunately the cleaning and laundry catch up must faster than I do.

Kat: enjoy your outdoor time and thanks for moving the tortoise out of harms way. I love turtles/tortoise -- gentle creatures who are so vulnerable to human harm.

Wishing everyone else a great day and blessings galore.
Good morning everyone. It is cool again here after a cold and stormy night. More storms to hit later.

I woke up at 2:17 this morning with a migraine. Now I'm sitting at my desk working on reports while construction workers are pounding, drilling, and sawing while mounting cabinets on the other side of the wall that is directly behind my back. Between the weather, tiredness, migraine, and awful noise I guess I just can't win today.

kat - That was so sweet of you to help the tortoise safely across the road.

Noel - I'll gladly give you some of this nasty rain that is to plague me all week.

OC - My first thought with your unwinding tp yesterday was that your hubby is trying to remind you of something.
Hi all. I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night. I really hate my insomnia. We have a busy day. I have another visit with my pastor this morning now. This afternoon hauling in a few boxes into the house and my mom's brother and wife are coming to help. Family is so great to have.
RS: that type of construction noise is more than exasperating! Sure hope you have an aspirin fir the headache today. I would gladly take your rain storms to help you out if only possible. Chin up friend.

RKN: yes lack of sleep is draining. So glad more of your family is helping with your move. Enjoy your visit with your pastor too.
Good morning. Oh Squirrel, I hate to hear about that migraine. Talk about a rude awakening! Between your stormy weather and the continuing remodeling work going on in your office, you've got a lot going against you. I hope you start to feel better and not worse as the day goes on.

Noel, it was nice you got enough of a rain event to make you smile, even if it was short lived and something of a teaser.

Kat, yes! Save the turtles! I forget if there is a difference between turtle and tortoise. "Tortoise" always makes me think of the old fable about the tortoise and the hare. Kids today probably wouldn't know what either of those words mean.

Rk, what a great family you have! Also very nice that your pastor is available to meet with you. Several of us here can certainly empathize with you on the insomnia. It's exhausting and sometimes there just don't seem to be any good solutions. I hope maybe yours will improve once you are moved and settled into your new surroundings.

I'm enjoying overcast skies today. Means I can keep all my curtains open and see green in every direction. Grass and trees are all lush right now. I haven't been able to get my weather site to load this morning but I did manage to see something that showed we are in a slight risk of tornadoes so I guess that means thunderstorms will build as the temperature rises. We left my truck at the shop yesterday. Now to wait for a call to learn what is wrong. Sure hope it isn't major.
Good morning.
Squirrel ~ I was so hoping the construction was finished. So sorry to hear about the migraine and the hammering!!! I hope you can get a decent night's sleep tonight.

Beautiful sunny day here. I've been getting a bit of gardening work in each day. Still lots to do, but it feels good to make a little progress. We actually need some more rain. I will have to water some of those little seedlings if we don't get rain soon.

Wishing you all a good day.
Good morning...another overcast, dreary, grey day here...we probably already reached our high....46! They say rain tonight.....we will see. Laundry in machine, time for the dryer. Yesterday my phone was ringing constantly, it seemed. Was odd. Yes, calls, not just the weird rings. LOL. Most of the snowbirds have returned now. Tho I imagine they are not too happy with the weather. LOL. At least it isn't snow.........Saw pics from northern MN. Sheesh.
But I remember once it snowed 3 or 4 in. on opening day, which was May 4th that year. Some couple was camping on an island out on the lake, were shocked to not only wake up to all that snow, but bear tracks by their tent. I believe they packed up, got in their boat to shore, and managed to rent a cottage for a few days. One never knows.
rk, am glad your mom is taking your dad over to the new place early......he can get settled in, and tell folks where to put the furniture. LOL. By the way, make sure he takes some food with him, and something to drink. Gotta tell ya, I was the one who went early, to empty a couple boxes into cabinets, and then tell the movers where to put things.....and I was soooooooo hungry. LOL
I had most of the dishes, etc. already brought over and put away...but did not even think of food, and could not leave to McDonalds, etc. as the phone & TV people were coming to install the hookups. Sorry about the insomnia......AS OC noted, yep, some of us know exactly what you mean.
RS..amazing you can even go to work with the migraine, Bless your heart......I did not know they were still working there. Ugh. You need some Headphones to block the noise.......but then you would not hear the phone. Double ugh.
Robin, Am so glad you are progressing so well, your therapy is doing the trick....did not know they started that so early now! OC....hoping for good news about the truck......but you ARE getting to see green already......am jealous!
Off to the laundry room. !
Good Late Morning Everyone,
I would have been here sooner, but I was working on a training manual for work, apparently I'm the subject matter expert for the entire department when it comes to this topic. Lucky me.
Last night Gena and I attended the Girl Scout Volunteer appreciation dinner. She ate leftovers, I had 1 little helping of each of 3 different pasta dishes and a salad. Surprisingly, I really liked the Thai Green Curry with shrimp, I don't usually like curry. We left a bit early so she could finish up the part of her homework I had to help with.
Tonight we'll be getting a converter box for the TV (found one for free, yippee) so we can watch local channels again and my mom is stopping by to drop off curtains that she made for Gena, hot pink with white polka dots. They'll match the quilt my mom made for her 6 or 7 years ago.

Noel - I'm so glad you got some rain.
Robin - what great progress you've made already on your recovery.
RS - so sorry you have to deal with all that noise on top of a migraine, ouch.
RK - So sorry you're insomnia is hitting you hard, hang in there.
OC - I had a roll of toilet paper do that once, but the holder was right above the heat vent and the heater had kicked in.
Poirot - It must feel strange having so many extra people around.
Lil0 - enjoy your time in the gardens.
Kat - how lucky for the rain delay so you can tend to your flowers.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
I was able to get two bags of mulch down in the side bed today. The side bed has three
sections since I took out part of the bed that was under the faucet. That area is now full
of gravel. I was trying to reach weeds in between the iris. I stopped since I was breaking
off flowers/buds. I thought about buying more mulch after lunch, but rain is almost here.

rs, sorry to hear you have a migraine. I hope it won't last long.

manda, I'm glad you found a converter box for free.

Noel, I'm glad you got some rain even though it was just a little.

OC, be careful with the weather today. I'm under a tornado watch too.

rk, sorry to hear about your insomnia. I hope your visit with the pastor went well.

Lil0, enjoy your day outside if you get there.

Poirot, I hope you have a good rest of the day.
The thunder and lightening storm last night was fun..... if a bit odd.... normal for July and August......
Today is more of the same..... exercises, nap, moving around, nap.......waiting for the moving around to be easier so I can get out back and work on my trees....

rk... keep up the good work packing and moving..... it is always exhausting..... doesn't help when insomnia kicks in....
manda hot pink with white polka dots?? I'm sure my mother would have loved them...... I hope Gena does..... and yippee regular tv can return.....
OC hope the truck repairs are minimal......

Happy Tuesday.....
I was so busy yesterday it was your evening before I even got a chance to come and read here yesterday. We had a fun weekend. Our daughter and us went on a Ghost Sign tour downtown on Saturday. It started at 8:00am and we finished just after 1:00pm. A lot of walking but so interesting. We learned about things we see every day and not realize what it really is for. Like along the curbing on the sidewalks are these steel rings - I have noticed them before but never thought much about them - they are where people tied up their horses when they came to town. I thought it was so cool they have kept them there.
On Sunday we went to her house for a barbecue and then we all played baseball until dark. It felt so good to be outside.

Kat - sounds like you are getting your yard all taken care of already. Thank you for saving the tortoise.
Noel - Do you sit outside on the porch and watch the storm and smell the rain?
RS - so sorry about the migraine and noise behind you! Wish you could go home?
RK - insomnia is not fun - hopefully tonight you sleep like a baby.
OC - We have the same type of door bell and ours ring randomly all the time - I hate it!
Lilo - I'm so jealous of your garden already. We are still having low's in the 20's so we can't plant yet.
Poirot - I bet the snowbirds by you are a little shocked weather wise!
Manda - I bet you will be glad to have some tv to watch or just the noise can be helpful.
Robin - I hope your knee gets better soon - I bet your itching to get outside

Have a nice Tuesday
Robin - Gena picked the fabric, her quilt alternates between hot pink with polka dots & laughing monkeys and purple with sparkles, she was trying to talk me into monkey curtains, and then she saw the hot pink with polka dots, I figure they will grow with her better than monkeys. Glad you're able to get up & move more.

Shan - we've only had Netflix to watch since we moved, so while I'm grateful for that, our subscription ends in a few weeks and I really miss watching the news (never would thought I'd miss the news). Sounds like you had a fun weekend.
Shan, I loved hearing that about the rings for tying horses. I always enjoy hearing about local history. It was reassuring to hear my doorbell is not the only one that's done that. It was surprising because I've had it for a couple of years and it's never done that before.

Manda, it was kinda reassuring too, to hear about your toilet paper rolling out. Only mine didn't have a heater or any air moving around it. Still, there has to be some explanation. If my husband were here, he'd probably give me some kind of scientific explanation for the toilet paper and the doorbell. He was like a walking encyclopedia/scientist, before he got sick. He always gave me way more explanation about things than I ever wanted to know. :rolleyes:
we've only had Netflix to watch since we moved, so while I'm grateful for that, our subscription ends in a few weeks and I really miss watching the news (never would thought I'd miss the news).

Amanda, you can watch NBC and ABC national news on Netflix. They're separate FREE apps than the ones for the entertainment shows. I have them added to my favorites for when I miss the news. There are also other free news apps. Two of my local stations have news apps on Netflix, too.
RS - it's next to impossible to find anything on the streaming thingy that I have for Netflix and it didn't come with any instructions (it was given to me by a friend) so I'm rather lost. I suppose I could look at the Netflix website on my computer, but I'll have the converter box in a few hours so I should be good soon, if I can figure out how that works. :rolleyes:
Hey! Just popping in for a quick hello. Took a long hiatus to deal with a lot of things personally. Been a long rough ride. Also took a Days hiatus. Saw some casting news today and said, "Oooh! Ooh!" and started missing you all like crazy. Anyway, sorry to have been gone so long.