5-1-19 - Donuts and Spring Has Sprung!


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. It was warm and sunny when I left for work this morning at 6:45. The birds were singing, and the squirrels were scampering. All that will turn into 80* and unsettled weather as that nasty storm (extends from Texas up through Indiana) moves closer. It will hit us later, and the weather folks are saying everything from light rain to torrential downpours can be expected. Some are talking about the possibility of tornadoes, too. Yes, you know I'm thrilled. :rolleyes:

I'm in the office today and tomorrow to work on month end reports. Then I have to work Friday at a resource fair after already putting in my 4 long days. Then 5 days again next week at different school districts for kindergarten registration screenings. I shouldn't complain about working the extra hours/days since Noel has to work so many double shifts at the NICU plus gets called in on what should be her days off.

LS - It is good to see you stopped in yesterday.

If you grew up celebrating May Day at grade school - like I did - you may feel ancient [like I do] but in the Indiana countryside this was the normal routine for May 1st. Hope it is the start of a glorious Spring for those of you needing sunshine, flowers and no more storms!

Before leaving for work I did some baking for this weekend, prepped a couple of meals to save time, and did a little more time-management planning on my calendar. The last two days were beautiful weather so I feel energized right before we hit the mid-90+ plus range again. I have to catch the energy train early in the day.

RS: what a busy schedule you have ahead of you! I hope your office is now clean [again] and the workmen are finished nearby so you can concentrate while working. Your weather sounds lovely this morning and I certainly hope it remains that way despite the storm warnings.

Take care everyone and have a great Wednesday.
It's still raining here. There might be a break after lunch before it continues.
Sunday might be the first day without any rain. So far, the ditch is running
fine behind my house. No one on the other side has water in their yard.

I got lucky last night no tornadoes close to me.

No plans today except working at the library and doing Bible studies.

Noel, what time did you wake up to do baking and other things? I hope
you're getting plenty of sleep and you have enough energy to last
the rest of the day.

rs, sorry to hear you're getting rain like I'm getting. I hope it will be just
rain and no severe weather.

Wishing everyone a good Wed.
Rained during night here, but at this moment, just the grey overcast skies, and chilly temps (38*) We won't get any "warmer" til next week...and then it will be in 50s. Boy the torn up roads look worse than before. Traffic is starting to get bottled up, as the snowbirds return, and soon the tourists arrive. Feel sorry for all the businesses that are affected. I had to go to Walgreens using a very roundabout, difficult way, & think I was only customer in the store! Many folks don't know how to get there, except via the now torn up road and blocked entrance way.
Gotta tell ya, was soooooo great to finally get my internet back and learn Patch will be back. !!! Have a good day folks, fingers crossed I stay on line all day. LOL
Good morning lovely ladies and others to chime in. I hope you don't get any tornadoes, RS and you work hard so complain away!!

As do you Noel. Those babies are lucky to have such a great caregiver. But you still have to get some of your baking to me somehow.

Katmouse, please send some rain this way.

Not much new here. Yesterday, a co-worker/friend and I had blowout that was 5 months in the making and glad we did as it cleared up a lot of misunderstandings on both sides and a better understanding of what he is going through. I have to admit, it wasn't one of my finest moments and not his either but at least can move forward.

Same old, same old here. Volleyball, work and wacky weather. This is what we got on Saturday and then melted on Sunday.


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Noel, how do you get so much done before going to work? It is all I can do to make a cup of tea, shower, and dress.

kat, your neighbors better appreciate how much hard work you do to keep their yards from flooding.

Poirot, I feel your pain with the torn up roads. PennDot (Pennsylvania Department of Transportation) has ripped up both major east - west state roads that go through the main business districts of my town and the one directly next to us. (You can only tell they are separate towns because the street signs change color...green/white letters here, and white/black letters there) It has been this way for almost 2 years. I can't even pull out of the work parking lot on to the main road. I have to go through another business' lot to get to a side street. Now PennDot has decided to put in a roundabout a few blocks away so they're going to reconfigure the 5 lane street in front of our building AGAIN! What a waste of money!

Muzza, ooooooh, I'll take your snow.
Kat: enjoy your library service and Bible study today. Hopefully just light rain covers your area. I awoke at .2am to begin baking this morning.

Poirot: we are relieved your internet service was restored too. Traffic congestion in your area sounds a mess. Hope your first day if .May us a good one.

Muzza: the important outcome of your coworker discussion us your wisdom to seek common understanding and resolution. I am so very proud of you!

RS: my to do list us alwsys so long that I am always behind a day or two.

RKN: your family is so loyal and helpful. What a blessing to all of you.
Good morning. We haven't had a bit of rain here so far. I'm not complaining. We're still in good shape for now. I need to go to Wal-Mart and can't decide whether to go today or wait until tomorrow. Trying to outguess the weather is an exercise in futility. I just don't want to get 40 miles from home and have my car get hailed on.

Looks like weather is the topic all over the country. I'll check back later. Have a good day, all.
LOL, I just happened to remember something....Not May 1st when growing up, but when I moved here, and first began bowling, after end of season win in lst place, our sponsor took the team out to dinner the next week...yep 1st of May.....and she recited this little poem, which was evidently well known up here, but I never heard of it......Hurray, hurray, the 1st of May........Outdoor_________ starts today! (I won't put the word in even tho it would not get bleeped, but sounds rather raunchy anyway).

Sure feels chilly today. Woke up at 4 a.m. and took a while, dozed off, woke at 6...dozed again, yep, one of those morning " a few short naps".....lol, but refused to get out of bed.
Morning Everyone,
It's still raining here, boy do I miss the sunshine we had on Sunday. We got our converter box yesterday and antenna for the tv yesterday, but I need to buy the correct size batteries for the remote before I can make it work.
Tonight I have choir practice and Gena will visit her dad.

Sorry I can't reply to you all, work is a bit crazy today.
morning all.... or early afternoon...... tough day here... leg hurts I have PT soon but my heart isn't in it as I hurt......
Mr. Gus and I slept in this morning after waking to turn on the Barr testimony once they started talking we both fell back asleep..... oh well..... I'm sure the talking heads will talk about it all day long so I won't have missed much if anything......
back to doing leg bends..... joy....
The rain stopped before this 9 morning. The sun is out now. More rain expected
after 7 tonight. The ditch is flowing nicely behind my house. I haven't gone
back down where I wanted to go a week ago. The other day I noticed I had
too much sediment in the ditch behind my house and I worked on that. I hope
the narrow part of the ditch flooded and someone will wonder why.

robin, I hope the "talking" heads won't be on this afternoon.

Muzzaman, you can have the rest of the rain I'm suppose to get the next
few days.

manda, is Gena going to see her dad at the office this time? Enjoy choir tonight.

rk, good luck getting more boxes gone before your big move this weekend.

Poirot, I'm glad you had short naps before getting up. Hopefully, you won't
fall asleep before bedtime.

OC, I hope you got some errands done today
RS - your weather sounds awful! One extreme to the other!

Noel - we had a girl in our neighborhood that would always make a bouquet of flowers for my Mom on 5/1/19, she would put them on the porch, ring the door bell and run. I love getting up early and baking.

Kat you have really been getting the rain. Good luck on the ditch if it continues!

Poirot - why is everyone building all these turn around's lately. We are getting them all over! I have heard the expression your talking about only for the 8th of May!

Muzz - I'm glad you and your co/worker hashed out your differences! We spend more time with our co-workers then we do our family -- we are going to have differences! Loved your picture of the snow - NOT!

RK - your move this weekend is going to go great!

OC - I hope if you went into town your weather held nicely for you!

Manda - good luck this evening and have fun at Choir!

Robin so sorry your in pain today - this getting older is not for the weak. I have been fighting a bum knee all winter - I even finally went to a pot store (legal here) and found a rub for my knee! So far so good but I worry a lot about having to get it operated on.

Were leaving on Saturday for New Orleans and Pensacola for 10 days and I'm so hoping we won't have the horrible weather they have been having. We have been watching the weather reports and they change so drastically daily?

Have a good Wednesday!
So glad I decided not to go shopping today! I've been watching the radar for two hours. Tornadoes on the ground all around, on two sides of me. I wouldn't have been in the path if I'd gone to Wal-Mart, but I'd have been coming home when it got bad and I would have been heading in the direction of it so it would have been scary, not knowing how far or how bad it was. One tornado on the ground now is just across the river from me (going northeast so it's out of my path now) right where my internet antenna is located. They're saying it is "rain wrapped," meaning you can't see the funnel because the rain obscures it. I don't know if there is more building but I'm glad to be at home! A watch is in effect until 8:00 p.m.
Kat - not at the office this time, I haven't heard back from my caseworker about that yet. This one is at the house with my sister-in-law supervising. It will be a shortish visit though as I'll taking care of dinner and now that choir is coming to the close for summer, I should be back to pick her up a bit faster.

OC - oh dear, praying for your safety and the safety of everyone around you.

Shan - enjoy your trip
OC, stay safe. I watch radar in the mornings to see when I can take our walk
when the weather is bad.

manda, I hope the meeting goes well this evening. Have you made plans
for Gena over the summer?
Kat - I hope their visit goes better tonight too, if he doesn't figure it out soon, she's not going to want to visit. Gena will be at the Boys and Girls Club for the summer, except for the one week she attends Girl Scout Camp. Boys & Girls Club has copies of the order from child protective services and my restraining order, so she'll be fine there. They also gave me reduced registration and daily fees, so I'll only owe $1 per day for her to attend and they feed her breakfast and lunch both. I love that they also offer counseling during the day if she feels the need to talk to someone about everything going on.