5/10/2022 - Donuts and Miles to Go Before I Sleep

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Well, the message I thought I'd posted yesterday morning came up in a draft just now so I guess I forgot to hit "post." We're planning to go buy a new siren today and take it to a mechanic--somewhere--to have it installed. Were not able to get in touch with my regular mechanic yesterday so who knows where we'll have to go? It's going to be 97*, heat index 102*, with 25 mph wind.

Have a good day, all of you.
Good morning. It is supposed to near 80* today, but people with respiratory problems are being told not to go outside since the tree pollen count is extremely high.

I'm very achy today from cleaning my porch after work yesterday. All but one side of the porch panels are down and out away. Furniture is cleaned, and windchimes are hung. The worst part was cleaning up the mess the chipmunks made behind and under my loveseat. They're nasty critters.

OC - Is the siren what you use when you say you call your cattle for feeding or moving? I feel bad complaining about 80* when you and robinsnest get those really high temperatures.
Good morning......Wishing you the best of luck, O.C. I have a couple of calls to make this a.m. that I neglected to do yesterday. My son got home o.k. We had another downpour in late afternoon, and evidently during the night as patio is all wet this a.m. Wind died down........but who knows if it will start up again. It is 52 this a.m., but to get up into mid-high 70s today. never know what to wear, lol. So chilly in a.m. then warms up, feels warmer with sun out, cooler if grey skies....and even chillier with winds. It wasn't supposed to rain til night time, but I see grey clouds moving in.
Egads, the heat wave is just everywhere, it seems. Walked around the house to see if any hail damage, did not appear to be........my good friend across the street was at her brother's house, said her car really got hit, lots of dings. She called the body service shop.........a wait of a MONTH! so guess lots of cars really got hit bad with the chunky hail.
It's sunny and in the 70s this morning. I got soaked walking this morning because of the humidity.
It's going to be in the 90s the rest of the week. It's suppose to be in the 80s next week.

I'm washing clothes now. Since I'm doing the summary today, I'll be working in the flowerbed
this morning. Hopefully, the mower will come this afternoon and not when I'm outside.

Poirot, I'm glad your son got home ok.

OC, good luck with getting a new siren and try to stay cool.

rs, I hope you can stay in today when you get home.

I hope everyone has a terrific day.
Good morning all. Just popping in for a quick "hi" and to let you know I'm still here. [I haven't watched Days in I don't know how long!]
I've been busy trying to help my Ukrainian guests get settled in their new country. Something as simple as renting an apartment and opening a bank account is taking weeks!!!! So frustrating! On top of that, I've learned that I have "something" in my right breast that needs to be biopsied and so now I'm dealing with our medical care/health insurance system. Grrr. More frustration. So many times every day I find myself saying, "It shouldn't have to be this hard!"

Wishing you all spring weather -- wherever you are. :wine:
Good morning all......
Today I'm packing up some kitchen stuff, bathroom towels, Vinnie's traveling bag and will load the car later tonight in the hopes we can get going sooner rather than later tomorrow. WE are torn between going the safer hour longer way all interstates, or the faster non interstate way. Guess you will hear which way we went on Thursday's post.
OC- Good luck with the siren and other chores today
rs- chipmunks are cute when on OTHER people's property.....or in nature movies.... hope the pollen isn't too bad for you today...
Poirot-- several years ago we had a freak hail storm, it totaled HB's car.... the cost to do the body work was more than the car was worth!! IT was a Honda that he was using as it's owner had to go back home and work out visa issues, so we had a lumpy car, my car a not yet paid for Subaru was $300 away from being totaled.... the storm was in early October and the Subaru went to the shop in mid December, I didn't see it again that year. IT was a freak storm.....
kat- hope you got your flower bed done..... I have a plant I'm going to have to wrap in burlap while I'm gone......
Lil0- thank you for helping your guests.... hope what ever it is is nothing.....

We are still in our plunged temps for one more day.... starting tomorrow they climb up to and beyond 100, we will enjoy while we can.....

Happy Tuesday.....
Lil0, I'm glad you checked in but I'm sorry you have a health concern. Hoping with you for the best. Your guests are so blessed to have you helping them.

Robin, as someone who drives mostly on 2-lane highways because of no interstates within 65-100 miles, I vote for the safer, longer way. My grandkids have been learning to drive in big cities because that's where they live, and honestly, it scares me more for them to drive out here than in the cities, especially when you factor in deer, hogs, etc., but mostly judging distance for passing, people impatient when passing isn't possible, and such.

Kat, I hope your mower came. I've been waiting for mine since April 4 and I sent him a reminder last week. Hard to get anybody to come way up where I live.

Poirot, after enduring your winters, I wish you could get some nice weather now. I feel for your neighbor who has to wait a month for vehicle body work. Wait time for everything seems to be extreme now. I told my niece this morning I think this is probably our new normal.

Squirrel, when I moved to PA, I thought the chipmonks were so adorable because I had never seen them before. I don't remember having trouble with them but I can see how they might be like "glorified mice." It's nice to hear you're getting your porch opened up. Sounds like a place to enjoy. Yes, the siren is how we get cows to come for feed or for moving. It can get challenging during feeding season because everybody uses sirens and they can be heard from a long distance, depending on the wind. Sometimes our cows will hear a neighbor's siren and move toward it, taking them away from where we're looking for them. Also, we have to try to get on the right side of the wind in order for them to hear it. It can mean miles of extra driving just trying to locate them or sitting and waiting for a long time so they can figure out where we are and come to us. But hey, it beats trying to round them up horseback in all kinds of weather!

It turned out I went by myself to get the siren today. The plan we thought we had didn't work out and it still isn't resolved because, while I did get the siren, we haven't yet been able to find anybody to install it. (It has to be wired in underneath and I think the old wires burned up). My mechanic didn't want to do it. Another mechanic said he had 10 vehicles to work on before he could do it. (We need it as soon as possible). Others don't answer their phones, and on and on it goes.

I also got the lenses changed in my eyeglasses while I was in town (ordered them a couple of weeks ago). I had put in the transition lenses that go dark outside and clear inside a year or so ago. Always wanted to try them, but nope, I did not like them. So had them changed back. Then I had to go the long way home to pick up a prescription in another town. But I did get to eat in a nice restaurant today--a BBQ place, and it was so good! I guess I'm feeling my age. When I go out for a day anymore I feel like I've been beat up by the time I get home. True, the hot temperatures and wind don't help. There's been a haze in the sky for a couple of days, dust, I think. It's been kinda eerie. Makes me think of the 1950s, when there was so much drought and dust here.
Good Late afternoon,

I've decided to try to sneak in a visit at the end of my work day rather than the beginning, at least as often as I can. I think my lawyer finally has me just about off my ex's mortgage, thank the Lord, as I'm sure the house will go into foreclosure soon. Gena finished her first of 3 years of confirmation class, and that's about it for new stuff for us.

Lil0 - prayers that you biopsy comes back as nothing to worry about.
OC - good luck with your siren
RS - I sure hope you were able to avoid the pollen today
Robin - safe travels whichever route you take
Kat - I bet your flowers are lovely
Poirot - glad your son made it home safely and that you didn't get caught in the storm.

Have a wonderful evening everyone!