5/2/19 - Donuts & I Guess It’s Summer Now


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2014
Reaction score
Southeast Virginia
Good morning everyone!

It’s supposed to be 90 degrees today. I wish we would have more than a couple of days of spring. At least the pollen is pretty much gone.

So on Monday I popped my knee and caused some wonderful inflammation in my leg. I didn’t work yesterday or today as I’m trying to let it heal.

Tonight we’re going to see Avengers: Endgame and I hope I can sit 3 hours with out making my knee worse. Tomorrow we leave to go to the Outer Banks for our anniversary.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good morning. IamRed, I hope you have a wonderful anniversary. Please tell me it's only been one year (I'm thinking maybe more though). The years are scooting by so fast for me these days. I've never been to any outer banks but it sounds so inviting. Pamper your knee the best you can.

Noel, your second round of spring didn't last long. I don't know if humans were meant to live in the desert. Without a/c the numbers would dwindle in a hurry. Hope your day goes smoothly. Weekend isn't far away.

Looks like I may not make it to Wal-Mart or anywhere else this week, since I won't go on the weekend. I might change my mind and go today or tomorrow, depending on the direction the storms take, and whether there is flooding anywhere between here and there. It rained hard here over the past hour but nothing severe, just rain and lightning. There's nothing critical that I need, just haven't been in a while and there are a few things I've been wanting to get.
Morning Everyone,
I thought I'd pop in before I donate blood this morning. Gena's visit with her dad was better last night, apparently she forced him to not just sit and mope around, but to get up and do stuff, they shredded a bunch of old bills and a few other oddball things around the house. It helped to cheer her up about visiting him.
Tonight is the art fair at her school, so I've rescheduled our Girl Scout meeting that was supposed to be tonight, with a date yet to be determined. Gena is very excited for the art show.

Red - Happy Anniversary. How miserable that your knee is bothering you for your trip.
OC - I'm so glad you are safe, most weather doesn't frighten me, but tornadoes are so unpredictable they scare me.
Noel - Oh dear, so hot already for you, I can't imagine.

I'll check back later.
Good morning all......still cloudy & overcast here, rained during the night, seemed as tho the sun made a short lived, very weak attempt to come out, but quickly went back in hiding. Was worried about you last night OC, taking refuge in your inside closet for a bit, so glad all is well for you. Doctor today, plus a few errands. May be spring or summer starting up for some of you. We are still in "winter" mode.....heck, it snowed up in Duluth yesterday. Amazes me, tho, how, despite being just in 40s, some guys are actually in knee length shorts, & I see flip flops, despite the cold. LOL
Will be leaving soon, take care all. :)
Good morning everyone. It has been raining here since dinner time yesterday. At least the monsoons and high winds went around my town last night so I had a half way decent sleep. We aren't supposed to be so lucky today.

All of my state reports and billing are completed even though I had to wait on one slowpoke to finish her data entry. Unless something urgent comes up, I'm going home at noon today. That's partially in place of having to work at a resource fair on my Friday off.

Red - Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful time on your trip. I hope your knee injury heals quickly so you can still walk along the shore.

Noel - I had to laugh at all of the people on tv and radio news shows telling everyone not to spoil the Endgame for those of us who haven't seen it yet. Some of the folks were getting really angry at their co-workers and followers on Facebook for giving things away.

OC - I said a lot of extra prayers for you last evening and night. It looked like tornado warnings were popping up all around you.

Amanda - I'm glad Gena had a better visit with her dad, but it is a shame that she had to take charge with him and be the adult.

rk - Good luck with the final packing. The countdown for your move is now changing from days to hours.
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It's cloudy this morning. It looks like today's rain is cancelled. Friday AM to Sat AM
my area under flood watch again.

Since I'm not going outside today, I'm cleaning my bedroom. I hope to get the area
on my side of the bed done. I've cleaned off the end table and vacuumed the drawers.
I'm also washing clothes today.

red, do the theaters in your area have reclining seats? The ones in my town do. I
never lean all the way back because I don't want to fall asleep. I hope your knee
feels better and enjoy your anniversary.

Noel, I hope the forecast is wrong for hotter weather.

OC, I hope there is a break in the weather so you can sneak out and shop.

manda, I'm glad Gena's visit with her dad went better. Enjoy the art show.

rs, I hope you can have this afternoon off.

rk, have a good day of packing.

Poirot, I hope you had safe trip to town with all the obstacles in the way.

Wishing everyone a good Thurs.
rs, you don't have a dog or cat like I do :) I noticed the other day all the dust
bunnies inside the drawers. It's faster than dusting and the dust goes in the
vacuum too. I even vacuumed inside my shoes.

I didn't get whole side done today. I have bag-less vacuum and I emptied it twice.
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I received a letter from a former coworker who was very upset with life so I've spent the better part of the morning trying to convince her that she can handle taking on a part time job in addition to her 4 kids..... not sure why I'm the person she reached out to.... but.... anyway.......
leaving in a bit to get the stitches/staples out.....
I saw this as the picture of the day..... I thought it was cute.... so am sharing it......
dairy cows for salem.jpg
Oh my, Robin, those are unusual looking cows! Love that motley face but I also adore the white face. I have some of both, but none of my cows have anywhere near that much white on their bodies. I hope your stitch removal went smoothly. My son was determined to remove his own, from his knee surgery. I wonder if he did.

I would think I was in Heaven if my house was as clean as yours, Kat. I have a friend who takes her pictures off the wall and cleans behind them. If I get the frames of mine wiped off, I think I've accomplished something.

A big thanks to all who had good thoughts and prayers for my safety last night. With 10-13 tornadoes being spotted in the area, it is a huge blessing that there were no reports of injuries. It's true that this is a sparsely populated area--even the towns are very small and far between--but still, there are homes and people.
Wow.... what a crazy day..... so after I posted above I walked to the shower.... love taking a shower and someday soon I'll be able to really shower well.... then pulled the bandage off.... it was STUCK on VERY well.... so went slowly...... and there were no external sutures or staples?????? just skin glue and internal sutures...... got dressed and waited for Hunny Bunny as I'm not allowed to drive for 2 reasons.... drugs and walker........ so as HB is hurrying to make it to the car he rips a hole in his arm.... BLOOD everywhere.... I walk out to the car get in.... he comes with bandaging material.... I bandage him up and off we go, leaving the house at the time we were supposed to be there....... Doctor sees me..... I'm doing beautifully...... need to go to PT for at least a month...... he will see me in a month...... until then walk, walk and then walk some more.....and continue with bending exercises. Sign up for PT..... get next Dr. Appointment and out the door to the car we go.... I had planned to go to the bank.... but shockingly I was exhausted and unable to do much but get my butt into the car..... get home turn on Days take my afternoon pills gripe and grouse over the stupidity that is now Days of our Lives..... then Mr. Gus and I nap........
Meanwhile the front door looks like a murder has happened in the house.... blood drops from the guest bathroom, to the front door, into the kitchen, into the laundry room sadly I can't do my favorite chore of floor mopping.... so spot clean up of the blood.... and a wipe down on the door...... gotta love warfarin..... it does make you bleed......
OC... I am with you on if I get the frames and glass clean it's been a good cleaning day......
robin, I'm going you're doing better. Sorry to hear about HB. I hope tomorrow
is a better day for both of you.