5/6/2022 - Donuts and a perpetually happy Dog


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
The BEAST is an amazing creature... how can someone be so happy and bouncy at 5am??? here it is light at that hour and so we must all get up..... while I am not a happy bouncy person until well into the day.... if ever......
Today is to be the first day of triples for us... but...... wait for it...... the temps will PLUNGE for Monday or Tuesday all the way to the mid 80's...... my weather guesser loves the word plunge.... as if mid 80's is cold for even folks who live in Siberia........
I hope everyone has a super fantastic Friday and a good start for their weekend.....
It's a dark, gloomy, damp day. The high only in the 50s so far. The sun is suppose to come out this afternoon.
I wore my winter coat when I took my walk. I'm catching up on my studies today.

Tomorrow is going to nice to be outside. Starting Sunday, it's going to be sunny and in the 80s for the week.

robin, I hope you get the cooler temps next week.

manda, wishing you a great birthday.

Wishing everyone a lovely Mother's Day weekend.
Good afternoon everyone. Jumping online while watching Days. Can't say I'm impressed with the show so far. Since when does the "twin-connection" mean you can see what the other is seeing? Twins I know would love to be able to do that at times.

robinsnest, I'm sure you seldom have a quiet day when the Beast is in residence.

kat - It is also 50 and rainy here. My front yard looks like a giant pond.
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Good afternoon, all. Sunny and currently 67°! Wonder of wonders! Same is predicted for next 2 days, but then the rains come, along with some days in 70s, (with rain) before we drop back to 50s. This up and down is frustrating, but the warmer temps are so welcome.
Repairman came 7:30 a.m., and the upshot was, he wasn't able to do the job, as the hookup for the boiler doesn't have a couple valves installed. (and should have been with original installation some years ago). So system worked, but once it finally needed purging, unable to do so. Now, I have to have plumbers in to install, meaning draining, completely. I have radiant heat, meaning water pipes UNDER the flooring in the house. (new for me, never had heard of it). This all is very aggravating, and gonna be costly, too.

Wishing Mandy a super happy Birthday, hope it is all fun today!
Hi Everyone,
thank you for all the fun birthday cakes. Sorry to be away so long, life really has me hopping lately, but I think I'll have a bit of a slow down soon, hopefully.

Miss you all so much!
Hope your day was good, Manda. I didn't realize your birthday was the 6th. That was my husband's birthday too. He always said I was as old as him for one day.

Today was another busy one for me too. This morning we (my niece and I) went looking for my cows, as a first step to getting them moved back across the road to where the pens are, down behind my house, so they can be worked in the next week or so. With the weather getting hot, that may be a challenge. Looks like they are scattered. Only about 10 showed up. We had a couple of challenges too. The cube cart tongue slid off the ball hitch as we were just starting out so it had to be lifted up with straps and hay spikes. Thank goodness nothing was broken though. Then in the middle of the pasture a big mesquite limb had fallen across the road. Too big for us to move by hand, we used the straps again, tied to the front bumper to pull it off the road. Those straps are priceless!

Oh, and the siren on my truck burned up. It was smoking from the wiring up front and was scary because we didn't know what it was at first. It was old and had been in decline for a long time. We have to get another one right away to be able to call up the cows. I had no idea it would be so hard to locate one but my niece did a lot of calling around and did find a place.

This afternoon was taken up with going to town for the usual voting instructions, then bringing all the machines out to our community and getting them set up. Didn't get home until 6:30. Have to be at the polling place from 7-7 tomorrow. I must go and set my alarm clocks. Yes, more than one to get me up early enough for that!