6/12/17 -Donuts & here comes the Sun


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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At Last! Good morning, folks. Finally stopped raining here.......we got about 3.19 in. while some areas of the county here got 4 or 5. The TV came back on finally around 7:15 or so, we still have little ponds in the yard, the lake is up, of course, I can imagine all over the lake people having to bail out their boats.

Saw most of the Tony awards last night.....Had to watch The Good Witch on Hallmark for an hour, so just beginning and end. I like to watch the Tony's because the Broadway casts do numbers from their shows, especially the musicals. I really don't know most of those getting awards, but some are actors with whom I am familiar.

Nice to see the sunshine, and especially that it is rather calm. Lots of storm damage, trees down, flash flood warnings constantly were in a trailer across the TV screens for our area.

enjoy the day, folks, Monday or not. :)
Good morning everyone. It is going to be another humid scorcher here. This kind of weather is tough enough on me without being sick, too. At least I only have to be on the road this morning.

Poirot - Wow, your area really got hammered yesterday. Good thing they finished up your new septic system before that storm came in.
Good Morning,

With the new week I begin working my new hours for the summer 7:30-4:30 Mon-Wed & Fri and 7:30-1:30 on Thursday. Gena doesn't mind either as she gets more one on one time with me on Thursdays.

The miserable heat and humidity of the weekend (upper 80's to mid 90's) continues today, but thankfully is supposed to break at least for a little bit tomorrow. Tonight Gena and I will venture out to the library to get some new books and her first set of badges and prizes for the summer reading program. She's super excited to borrow new books from the library.

RS- Girl, why are you working when you should be recovering at home? You need a chance to get better lady!!

Poirot - that's a lot of rain for one day. Glad you did get flooded out.
Just heard on radio that there are a lot of flooded roads here, that some areas in this county reported 5-7" of rain, that a few culverts have failed, one is on the road where where my driveway ends and the one I travel about 4 miles on, to another road that takes me to town. No idea just where the "flood" is, so I have to run into town today, will definitely not travel thru any flooded area. Boo hoo, they are talking 50/50 chance of rain tonite after midnight, and maybe tomorrow a.m.
Oh no Poirot, you sure don't need more rain. Although I believe we have rain in the forecast for tonight as well, which explains the temperature break.
Poirot, glad you made through the storms safe. Have a wonderful experience late yesterday. Ran into a guy I used to date and our "hi how are you?" turned into a two hour sit down. We caught up on life and I left with a beaming smile on my face. So nice to know he is in a good place in his life. I hope he continues to find happiness the rest of his days.
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Morning all.

After a quick trip to Long Beach to celebrate grandson's 1st birthday, most of his friends were there. So cute to watch 5 kids playing, all independent of each other. But then they are all around 1 or so. These are the children of the birthing class. They have remained friends. And some childless friends also came. So it was fun to meet my son's friends as well as my grandson's friends. Printed off the pictures I took and created a picture book for stepmom, so she can see the pictures and have big print to read the caption.

Termite day moved to tomorrow, so Mr. Gus will come with me to work. I'll get to see if Mr. Rat is still hanging around.

Stay safe with those summer rains, and cooler temps, while Noel and I will stay safe as our temps are not terrible today. But can't say the rest of the week looks good. Water and a/c will be needed.

Happy Monday.
Good morning. It's been busy around here. The girls' t-ball and softball seasons are finally over. Annabelle's team had a pool party and Ava's will have a bowling party next week. Annabelle has been going to a half-day art camp last week and this week. After that, we can settle down into the library reading program and relaxing the rest of summer break.

We finally settled the long-term issues with a home insurance claim for storms last May (over a year ago now), and finally got a new roof last week. And this morning, we finally got our Dish back up...luckily I didn't miss much with Days being preempted. The contractor is coming back out next week to put new siding on the back room of the house and do some drywall work inside.

I hope everyone has been doing well....and it sounds like I need to chime in and tell RS to go rest and get well!
Good Morning,

It definitely was cooler this morning and I am luxuriating in the feel! Tomorrow should be under 100 and then the heat roller coaster notches up a giant step. The A/C usually runs until November now but I am hoping for an earlier, colder climate this year in October.

This past weekend went by so fast and yet nothing special happened at our house. Well the strawberry moon was gorgeous, but other than that just another summer day.

Poirot: hope your rain has passed the area and the sun is shining to brighten up your day. The Tony Awards are very political so I stopped watching them years ago but glad you enjoyed them.

RS: what?! you are working today?! Sure hope it is an easy day for you.

Manda: those are great summer hours to beat some of the late afternoon heat. So happy Gena loves books! Your summer plans sound like great mother-daughter times.

Supercouple: what a lovely encounter with your ex-boyfriend. A good way to begin a new week. Enjoy.

Robin: does Mr Gus bark at the termite roots on the ceiling? My dogs did and alerted us to the intruders. Your mini-vacation sounded such fun and your grandson is adorable. Thanks or the pictures you posted yesterday.
I stayed up to watch the game, and tired today. Plus I didn't want to rub things in too much for Muzzaman that my Pens took Lord Stanley's Cup two years in a row.

How's this?

Oh my goodness. It was 105° in the paved parking lot at work when I left at 4 : 30. It is currently 92° on my front porch, and 84° on the back porch. It is 78° in the house, but stuffy with the windows closed all day. (The sun is shining on my front porch through the trees across the road.) I'm heading to the back porch with a glass of sweet tea and my Kindle.
It's summer now where I am. I wore shorts when I walked Goldie this morning.
I took cat to his pet sitter today because tomorrow is my small trip away
from home. I hope to get away before 10. It's a four hour drive.

I posted a couple of videos if anyone wants to check them out. Short video
of the flowerbed. I decided to make it since daises bloomed again. I'm
disappointed how the rest of the garden looks. Too much rain the past few weeks.

rs, I hope your day wasn't too tiring for you while you're sick. Congrats on
your teams victory.

rocky, I'm glad your insurance company finally helped you getting your home
repaired. That's too long a wait.

robin, I'm glad you had a good weekend.

Poirot, sorry to hear you got so much rain. I hope it dries up quickly.

manda, I hope you and Gena had a good time at the library.

Noel, I'm glad you had a cooler morning. I hope it continues all week.

I hope everyone sleeps well tonight.
Robin: does Mr Gus bark at the termite roots on the ceiling?

We actually have no, zip, zero, nada, termite signs in the house. But termite goo on the palm tree outside. So in the manner of being safe, we are getting sprayed. Decades ago when we lived in Redwood City, our duplex neighbor had a termite sniffing beagle. She was a bartender the dog was a wash-out because of his lovely constant baying.

Our neighbors are having their termite guys come out this week too. So, die termites, die.