6-16-17 - Donuts and Summertime

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. Another short night for me. Went to bed at midnight, woke up before 5:00. I need to go to town today. Tried yesterday and couldn't make it. Hoping to get off earlier than usual. We're into summer weather now and I don't have the endurance for all the in and out of shopping in the heat anymore. We'll be around 100*. Wishing all of you a good one and a good weekend too.
Happy Summertme,

I took the trash out this morning before leaving the house. It was 75F! Today we should begin our 10 day above 110-120 adventure. Enough said!

So glad it is Friday. Last night I dreamed of sleeping in a cold swimming pool! Like, who does that?!:clap:

Make it a great weekend everyone!

OC: sure hope your energy lasts the day in your heatwave. Be a hermit, like me, when the sun is out.

AGuy: Keep on healing, and resting this weekend. Hopefully you have turned the corner to being well again.

Shan: continuing in prayers for you.

RS: hope your Friday is a quick, easy one and you can go home and heal up this weekend!
Another cool morning because it rained last night. I slept through the wind
and storms. Several branches down in neighborhood. I won't have to worry
about watering my flowers now. Goldie and I walked around five times today
because I made several stops talking to people. Sun is out now. It won't
take long for the heat up.

Nothing special planned today since I still have to unpack things. I need to wash
dishes and get caught up with my Sunday school lesson.

OC, sorry you had another restless night. I turned the fan on since I have my
AC off at night. I hope you get to town today. You know if I lived closer, I would
lend you a hand.

I hope everyone has the best Friday they can with the heat, humidity and other
things going on out there.
Morning all. Hope everyone who is sick starts feeling better, those in hot hot weather get a receive, those who can't sleep get a nap today, and I know I've missed referencing other posts over the last week or so but I'm keeping my eye on all of you. :tsk::)

Currently at my sister's in Saskatchewan and leaving to camp at our friends cabin 2 hours north of Saskatoon for their surprise 4th birthdays. Been busy working in the yard a lot lately, working camping.

Congratulations, RS on your team's Stanley Cup win. I will be sending your winning package next week. Hope you like like it.

Take care everyone. Have a good weekend.
Early start of the day for me. Two of the 3 people I work with are off today. Actually, one of the folks I work with retired 15 years ago but came back to work 20 hours a week with Mondays and Fridays off, so she's always off on Fridays. The other is attending parents weekend with one of her kids. So things will be very busy for me.

Off to the office. If time allows, I have 3 meetings in addition to being the sole support person today. Customer support is gonna be iffy today!!!

Have a great Friday if I don't get back to the board till later today. And have a great Friday even IF I get back to the board.
Morning Everyone,

Another hot day here, but cooler than the last few. Only supposed to get up to 86*. I got to sleep in today as I have the day off. I managed to sleep until 6 instead of getting up at 5 like normal. Right now I'm packing, and picking up the house before I have to leave to take Gena to my mom's for the afternoon so I can leave for Chicago.

Robin - good luck being the only person at work today. That sounds stressful.

OC - good luck with your trip to town. I hope you can fit a cat nap in sometime today.

Noel - be careful in that heat

kat - glad the storms didn't cause too many problems for you.

muzz - I bet your yard is lovely as much as you work on it.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Muzza: your life reads as an adventure some weekends. Enjoy the birthday party. I would love to see a photo of your manicured yard sometime. Happy Weekend.

Manda: how exciting to be leaving for a fun filled weekend with your sister. Enjoy the New Kids on the Block concert. Rock out woman! Gena will be spoiled with love while you are gone.

Robin: soldier on as the only customer service sentry on duty today. Hopefully the meetings will provide a nice nap or speed up the day to closing.

Kat: just watched your front flower bed video on YouTube. You are some gardener -- gorgeous! Plus the sounds of the songbirds us beautiful. Oh, how I miss the sight and sounds of those warblers.
Good morning everyone.

I'm off until the 26th!! Woohoohoo! Then it'll be a different school everyday until the end of July.

Another hot and humid day here with temps going to 90°. Tomorrow is supposed to be 94°and very humid. I'm sitting on my front porch right now, drinking tea, and reading the newspaper before dragging off the downed tree branches from last night's storm. I can hear a lot chain saws going in the neighborhood so I must be lucky with only smaller branches to clean up.

A family of gray squirrels is shaking the branches of a tree next to my porch. One of the babies is scared to go out on a small branch to jump to the ground. The dad keeps going up the trunk of the tree, and showing him how to do it. The little one wants no part of it, and sounds like a duck squawking. Mom and the rest of the family are on the ground mewling and pacing.
RS: congrats on being off work until the 26th! That is lengthy enough time to heal, relax and have some fun.:) Just loved your description of the squirrel family with patient dad, frightened baby and teaching mom. Enjoy your day.
rs, enjoy your time off and get plenty of rest.

muzzaman and manda, enjoy your weekend.

robin, I hope your day goes quickly and there aren't too many problems.

Noel, try to have a good day with the heat. Maybe treat yourself to something
cold to eat after you get home.
Noel, I heard stories, when a kid, about folks wrapping wet towels around themselves in bed; trying to sleep. :eek:

RS, that's a good story about the squirrel family! :)

Stayed in today. "Discretion is the better part of valor!" And joy, will be having weekend guests. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

If saltwater pools are Hollywood, I don't want one! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Have a good day, all!
Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. No sign of stone yet.

Our weather has been cold & rainy. This weekend is to be a busy one. My daughter is graduating with her Masters at 10:00am tomorrow and then her daughter has her recital from 2-5:30pm. Sunday is Father's Day and our 40th wedding anniversary,

OC - Hope you get some rest and get to town and back smoothly.

Noel - I do feel for you and your heat. I was in Las Vegas once when it was 119 and I thought I would die. To think you're looking at 10 days straight, so sorry!

Kat - good luck getting unpacked!

Muzza - enjoy your camping this weekend.

Robin - good luck being all alone today. Hopefully time flies!

Manda - enjoy your concert and "girl" time!

RS - enjoy your time off! Hopefully it won't be spent picking up after storms.

JS - the doctor did mention the shock procedure. I guess if the stone is in a good place to shock it, I can try that before surgery. On my last ct scan, it was just above the bladder!

It is raining so hard right now I can't see across the street. I immediately thought of Noel and smiled and I will enjoy the rain. It could be a lot worse.

Good evening. We made it to town and back okay but I had trouble staying awake on the drive home. The heat was oppressive (loading/unloading groceries, etc.), with a higher humidity than usual. I almost didn't make it up the long wheelchair ramp with the husband. A combination of being so sleep-deprived tired, and the heat, I guess. I may not be able to continue taking him with me, at least during these hotter days.

Squirrel, I do hope you will get plenty of rest during your time off. Relaxing on the porch and watching the squirrels sounds therapeutic.

Shan, congratulations to your daughter!

A. Guy, we never wrapped ourselves in wet towels but my mother did sprinkle water on the sheets where my sister and I slept, to try to cool us off. This was when I was young, before we had electricity for even fans, let alone a/c. As I recall, it didn't help much but we thought it was fun.
Noel, if you should ever get a chance to dance in AZ, share the video! :drunk: Are there any big water fountains nearby, where the wind blows water on bystanders? Or someplace wth big sprinkler systems? A water park? I hope you are able to be comfortable during the coming heat wave!

OC, I'm sorry to hear about your ramp difficulties. Some kind of power chair might be helpful, but the ones I've seen are too heavy to take in/out of a car, unassisted. I hope that someone will volunteer to keep your husband company when you make a trip to town. You are in my thoughts, and prayers.
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OC: is your niece able to help you with your hubby or errands in this high heat time? I am sure he needs to get out at times but heat/humidity saps everyone's strength. Between categorizing and chores an outing like this must exhaust you. Prayers.

AGuy: most fountains are under water restrictions. No water parks except for the big wave types but out in the sun/heat it is not much fun for even the kiddos. I do promise to post a picture if I ever get to dance in the rain here. Gosh I miss that almost as much as snow. Keep healing AGuy!
Good evening everyone!

It was very humid and mostly cloudy today but only 75F or so. I worked an 8-hour shift today, and trained two new people. Both were very nice yet different---one was super talkative, the other very quiet and shy (like myself), lol.

I'd love a saltwater pool. I love saltwater--have always preferred swimming in the sea to anything else. And I bet it's better for your skin.

Shan, that's wonderful! Congrats to your daughter!

OC, good luck to you with those errands. Is there any way you can do it in the wee hours of the morning or evening to avoid the worst of the heat?

Have a good one, all.