6/16/22 - Donuts & fierce wind


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning....bad night's sleep, or rather lack of. Don't know why when one is so tired, sleep still won't come. Tho sun out early in a.m. , clouded up again, the wind really has the trees swaying back & forth, scares me at times, as those huge pines could come down right on this house. But it is the huge branches moving up, down, sideways, back & forth, not the tall trunks. Fingers crossed. Suppposed to be 71 out there, probably feels like 50 with that wind. LOL
Was bugging me why June 16th was a date I always remembered......yep, got engaged this day. LOL, lots of years ago.
Birds sure are not as active today as they have been, guess it is hard fighting the wind. !
I was gonna grocery shop, but don't want to go out with this wind. So am doing laundry, and right now, the dryer shut off, and I believe the washer is done with the next load........Take care, all.
Good morning..... HB is out with his van getting the oil changed..... as it is estimated to get to 112 today the oil change was scheduled for really early.... The Beast felt I wasn't safe sleeping so he bounced in and on me to keep me "safe" from well honestly who knows.... But as I'm able to type I must have been saved.....
My kids are slowly getting over COVID..... my son was able to do laundry yesterday... so there is that great news....
my stepmother is ill, I called her to see if she was free Saturday she's been sick for over two weeks.... She won't let me help her and she won't ask anyone.... I've told her if she changes her mind, give me a call.... she needs a stool sample and being blind she can't "catch" the sample and get it into the container and then the container to the lab as where she lives you need 48 hours advance notice to take the bus and being blind she can't just use her phone to call an Uber.... but it's stool... too embarrassing to ask for help.... or to tell your doctor you simply aren't able to do this because you are too limited in vision so she will go on.....sigh....

We are expecting rain for the weekend.... sure would be nice to get some.... it would be fantastic to get some.....
Good Thursday to all....
I just read I'm under a heat advisory this afternoon. I was going to stay in anyway.
No outside work this morning since it's library day.

The mower finally came this morning. I hope he'll get all his work done before it
gets too hot this afternoon. I'll be putting water for the birds after this.

robin, sorry to hear about stepmom. I hope she'll contact you for help.

Poirot, enjoy your afternoon.

Wishing everyone lemonade afternoon.
Robin, what a difficult situation for your stepmom. There probably aren't any solutions that would be acceptable to her but the thought went through my mind that she might be able to go in a disposable diaper or disposable panties to make it easier to retrieve. Honestly, I don't know how she functions at all, with such impaired vision. I hope your kids get completely well soon.

Poirot, sometimes when I think it would be nice to have the really tall trees for shade in my yard, I rethink when I hear of them falling on houses or threatening to do so. I hope that wind dies down soon, if it hasn't already. I think I saw something about a tornado in WI earlier today. Oh wow, you remember your engagement date! I don't think I ever knew or remembered mine.

Good day for you to stay in, Kat. I'm glad your mower came. The birds will appreciate your refilling their water supply. I'm having to do mine often. There hasn't been much mischief in my yard since I got rid of the big calves last week but the cows do still come and drink the birds' water so it keeps me busy refilling it. Today a cardinal was having the biggest time bathing and splashing in it. That's the kind of thing that motivates me to keep filling it and at least the cows are keeping the yard mowed.
Yes, just saw on TV, the damage in a town in southern Wi... Mauston.....where a tornado hit. Not only tall trees came down. Fences ripped up, thrown up onto roofs....Then, did you all see the destruction from flooding in Yellowstone? Been cloudy most of the day, but right now, sun came out, and wind has let up some. no where near the 30 mph now, with the 40 mph gusts. Ugh.\
Did my laundry, and then put together all the items & papers I need for several errands tomorrow. Every time I thought....o.k. that is it.....I remembered something else. Sigghhh.
Have a good evening one and all.
Poirot, there was a 2nd tornado in Seymour, WI, a small town about a thirty minute drive from where I live, it took out a good amount of crops and a few barns, houses, and more. Wednesday was a bit scary in my area, Gena and I were debating whether we needed to camp out in the bathtub with the cat, or go one step farther and head down to the lower level hall.
EEK, Manda, that's a scary situation! Not always easy to make the call on where to take cover.

Poirot, I did see about the flooding in Yellowstone. My first thought was I was thankful my son's family wasn't there and I feel for the people who were. Then my grandson told me they have in their schedule to go there in a few weeks to meet with a bunch of other RVers, but I'm wondering if the place is going to be accessible by then. It seems many roads were washed completely away.
tHEY have closed off parts of Yellowstone to the public.

Park-wide Closures​

Date Posted: 6/14/2022All park entrances and roads are temporarily closed due to extremely hazardous conditions from recent flooding. The backcountry is also closed at this time. Visitors planning on traveling to the park in coming weeks should check updates and stay informed.