6/28/21 - Donuts and another scorcher


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. It looks like most of the country is having horrendously high temperatures again. We'll be back in the 90s with high humidity, and a chance of severe thunderstorms.

I'm in the office all day, and for once my office is cool. I guess that's from being closed up all weekend. Not much going on today since I'm all caught up with my work. Guess I'll have to dust shelves and equipment.
Sounds like a fun day at work for you, Squirrel. :rolleyes: I feel for everyone who is suffering from extreme heat. Strangely enough, due to all the clouds and chances of rain, we're in a "cool" spell (mid-upper 80s*) for most of the week. Still, the humidity is not a pleasant factor.

Poirot, you're going to think I'm making this up. This morning I found three of my south windows crawling with house flies! In my case it's not surprising that bugs can get in. Most of my windows are bound up so that I can't open them. The double hung ones have a bit of a gap where I can't push them far enough down to lock them. So I know how the flies can get in but never have I ever had a bunch of them come in at once and hang out on a window like that. When I saw them I thought of you first thing and wondered how this could have happened to both of us.

For the past two nights I've gotten a migraine at bedtime and have tossed and turned with the pain all night. Not my usual time to get them but over the years they've changed so much, I really don't have a pattern anymore. I finally woke up enough to have to get up at 4:30, then went back to bed and dozed until 7:00, when a bull stood outside my yard and bellowed incessantly until the other bull came up. They sniffed and pawed the ground and talked things over and finally lumbered off down the driveway in different directions. I got up and took a pill, which has settled my stomach enough to eat so I'm going to get my breakfast now.

Wishing a good Monday to everyone.
OC, I'm so sorry that you have a migraine. With a change in when you get them, there must be a new trigger at night. Is there any plant around your house that releases pollen this time of year?

Just curious...Do you have screens on your windows? All of the houses in this part of the country do, but my cousin in Washington state doesn't have them. There also weren't any window screens in the UK when I was there.
Morning Everyone,

I'm not sure what we're supposed to have for weather today, but it's 70 already, so I imagine it will be hot. Makes me glad that Gena and I decided to weed our garden yesterday. It was very wet and muddy, but the weeds pulled out really easily. So despite having muddy garden clogs and a little mud on our feet in the areas where the mud oozed in through the little holes in the shoe, we made quick work of the 2.5 gallons or so of weeds we pulled. I use a 5 gallon bucket to collect the weeds, so that's how I know how much we pulled. We even found a beautiful red tomato.

I'm back to work today and Gena is back at the club. Thankfully her foot seems to be fully healed now.

OC - I had fly problems like yours last summer, and I have no idea how the got in. Thankfully I've only seen 2 big flies this summer and both were swatted promptly. I always seem to have a million fruit flies. Every time I buy bananas I have to battle to get rid of the fruit flies.

RS - I hope you can find something more interesting than dusting to keep you busy today. Hoping it stays comfortable in your office.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Good morning all, busy week. I have screens on all windows, which are double fastened closed. In fact some windows cannot be opened at all!!! Screens on inside, except those unopenable windows where they are outside. Also, there are storm windows attached outside, as well. What is odd, NO flies outside! AND extra dead ones appear ......I mean there were 7 in the one area, then 10, then 14! I cannot find my fly swatters which is super annoying. I know if I buy a couple, of course the others will appear. LOL

Sun shine now, to be in 80s today. Caregiver took hubby for a blood draw this a.m.
It's a cloudy and humid morning. After getting my haircut, I cleaned out the bird basket. I noticed this morning
how filthy it was. And a female finch was singing a song, "Like ok. I'm ready". I knew the basket had to be
cleaned before the next bunch of babies came. Since it's trash day it was easy to put everything inside the can.
I had saved some dry grass and used to get it started.

When I working in the flowerbed, two female finches came by. One had her husband. The other one flew to the
basket with dry stuff. The couple flew off. I guess there's a housing shortage for birds :) If a bird uses it again,
it will be the fourth bunch of baby birds this year.

I'm in for today. I wish I could have stayed out longer, but it's so humid. Rain in forecast later today. If it doesn't come,
I'll have to water tomorrow.

Poirot, I'm glad the caregiver took your hubby for his blood draw. I hope she can help more this week.

rs, too bad you can't do a summary today since you're having a slow day at work. Enjoy it while you can.

OC, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Are your night migraines lasting the whole next day? Can migraines start
because of stress? I laughed when you talked about the bull waking you up. Now that's a wake up call.

manda, that's a lot of weeds. How are the rest of the veggies coming?

I hope everyone will have a cool, dry day.
Good Monday to all. This was not a good weekend for my little family. One was almost taken out by a tree the other had his second Pfizer on Saturday and had the same reaction I did, low grade fever, body aches, the works. He's at work today but not sure how long he will last.

I honestly did not mean to share my heat with the rest of you. It's brutal and my best advice keep the blinds down and try not to move much, and drink lots and lots of water. I'm a room temp water girl while HB is a cold water guy.

Have a great Monday.
@OC..........cannot believe you also got invasion of the houseflies. I vacuumed up the dead ones this a.m. , so will see if the sill tracts get any new bodies. Have not been feeling all that good this a.m. no idea why. No fever or anything. Robin, that is odd about the reaction.....My Texas daughter had the same thing happen with her shot.

Couple of neighbors have humming bird feeders up, but sure don't see any.....that is odd.
How are the rest of the veggies coming?
Kat - we picked our first tomato yesterday, and another fell off when picking the first so it's on the windowsill to finish ripening. We started the tomatoes from plants. The beans, sweet corn, cucumbers, and lettuce (all started from seeds) are coming along nicely considering the drough-like conditions the first few weeks. Then the drowning rain last week, it makes it hard for those little seeds to get going.

I'll have to go out in a few days, assuming the garden dries up a bit, and put up the bamboo poles and netting for my cucumbers to climb. They should be ready for that soon, and I don't want them spreading out into other people's plots.

So nice of you to take care of all your neighborhood birds.

Poirot - I'm glad the caregiver helped get your husband to the doctor today.

Robin - hope everyone is doing better now. Stay cool out there.
lol, DESPITE not being in the forecast, the sun vanished, 5 min. of rain, sun returned, having won that round a couple hrs. ago. But, about 20 min. ago, heard a clap of thunder, skies began to darken, trees began to sway, and yep, raining, and hard.........LOL. Patio turned into a lake, lolol. I doubt this will last long, but while it's here, we needed it. :)
Manda, it's exciting for you and Gena to start seeing the tomatoes from your little garden. I actually like pulling weeds, when the ground is damp and soft, but I think not so much in the mud! I had to smile about the amount of weeds. I never heard of measuring them by the gallon but hey, it makes sense!

Robin, it's hard to know your kids are hurting or sick and there's nothing you can to help them. I hope the injuries from the tree are healing and that the reaction from the vaccine will be gone soon.

Poirot, I know there are flies around all summer but I usually notice them being worse in the fall. I just thought it was odd that mine showed up on the window the way you described yours. I can't imagine how any got into your house, with all the barriers you have on your windows. I hope you are feeling better by now.

Kat, thanks for your kind thoughts about my migraine. They would have lasted all day if I hadn't taken a prescription pill. I'm just hoping it doesn't come back tonight because I can't keep taking the pills. Yes, stress can cause migraines but I'm not stressed about anything that I know of right now. A haircut sounds good! I laughed about your lady finch telling you she was ready. Right before I read it I'd been looking out my windows and watching a cow, standing at the bird watering pan. I've quit filling it since the cows moved over here last week because they drink it faster than I can fill it and besides, the birds have quit coming up for feed so I quit putting that out too. No use feeding the raccoon that was coming up at dusk to eat what the birds left. So this cow just kept standing there. She'd look down at the empty pan, then she'd look up toward the house, as though she was expecting me to come out and fill the pan. I don't think so! She'd drink all of it in one or two big slurps.

Squirrel, mesquite trees are blooming right now. Much of Texas is covered with them, including my pastures and my yard, and I've definitely tested positive to them and just about everything else that grows around here so pollen is always a suspect. I've only realized over time how much allergies and migraines can be connected. But I have so many migraine triggers (food, smells, light glare, etc.), it's hard to know what to blame and often there's no way to eliminate the offender anyway.....I just remembered, they've been harvesting wheat in the area. That can be a problem too.

I do have screens for my windows but all of them are in storage except for one. There's only one window in the main part of my house that I can open so I have a screen on it and open it only occasionally, if things get too smoked up from cooking. My last allergy doctor (I went to many from my teens to my 50s) scolded me repeatedly about living with open windows, especially for sleeping with them open. He said never, ever open a window between 6:00 pm and 9:00 am because that's when the pollen is at its worst. I had no choice at the time.

I wouldn't open windows much anyway. About 10 years ago I had all new windows installed. Nice, expensive name-brand wooden windows. The screens that came with them are a joke. They are flimsy and barely clip in with little do-dads, one on each side. I can see daylight around them in places and it's no problem for wasps and dirt daubers to get through, not to mention anything smaller. In the sunroom I had built across the back of my house six years ago, I have "fixed" windows across the back (so no screens needed) and roll-out casement windows on the ends. So there are only screens for the casement windows. Those have to go on the inside so the windows can be opened out. I don't use those either. They are of the same quality as the ones in the house. All expensive windows. In the guest house I had done a couple of years ago, there are three windows, which came with the building so they're basic, inexpensive metal windows. They're single hung so the screens only cover the bottom half and can't be removed. They are of the same quality, if not worse, than the screens for my house. I have to assume this is a universal feature of modern windows. But hey, at least the windows in the guest house open and close easily.