7/10/21 - Donuts and clouds


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's cloudy today, but the humidity is bad so no outside work for me today. I thought I
would work outside tomorrow, but it still might be raining. Rain starts early this

I'm making poke salad today for tomorrow's dinner.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Thanks for starting the thread, Kat. Your mention of Poke Salad always takes me back in time. I haven't heard anybody around here mention it in many decades. Hope you get the rain you need to water your flowers.

I had the nicest treat last evening before dark. I was able to sit out on my back steps and read without any mosquitoes or gnats abusing me. It was about 80* at the time but the back of my house is in the shade in the evenings and there was a nice south breeze. It felt perfect to me. I did appreciate it too because it's probable that soon it will be closer to 100* at that time of day.

Oh, I did get menaced somewhat by dirt daubers and hummingbirds. It seemed both felt I was an invader in their territory so they kept diving at me or buzzing past my face. Then a curious calf came out of nowhere and stood about 6 feet in front of me, still as a statue, just staring at me before finally ambling away. I stayed still too. If I'd made any kind of move, he would have bolted.
Good aternoon all...sunny and to get into 80s today, I do miss seeing occasional wildlife...so lucky you, OC. Admittedly when I first moved up north here, by the lake, I did not much care for the porcupines, skunks, raccoons, badgers that wandered around a lot (they eventually vanished!). But black bears, deer, fox, wolves, (the latter two more in winter) & then the squirrels & chipmunks. The chipmunks vanished, too, maybe from predators, or maybe human traffic, don't know. But here in town, it is rare to even see a deer, or even a squirrel.
Good Morning. Going to be hot here. The Beast is removing EVERY toy out of his box in an attempt to find something I'll play with him.


Is this the poke you are using making poke salad?

Poirot - I'm glad you enjoyed the clip of dancing I posted last night. I had hoped you would. Silly boys.

I've got to do something with this dog. Be back later.
robin, it looks like the same kind with berries. I usually pick it before the berries
get that big and turn color. Never eat berries.
Thanks kat. HB was told in the Army that poke was survival food. The entire plant was edible.

The beast is finally sleeping. Now my hope is that HB doesn't disturb him so I can get this done.

I've gotten my weekly letters written and stamped and are ready to go to the post office. Last year in May I started sending a newsletter to the adult kids and postcards to each grandchild. The group has grown to include a sister, a good friend in Sacramento and a co-worker who has health issues. The postcards depend on my mood. I have stars and planets, Disney villains, Pixar, animals, vintage comic book covers. Amazing the selection of little boxes of post cards that Amazon carries.

Hope everyone is having a nice day.
robin, did you get any rain or just dust?

I had a storm last night that included fireworks. Yep, I called the police to let
them know about the extra booms. Sunday's high will be in the 70s.