7/12/17 - Donuts & thunderstorms


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning, sun is out right now, but boy, the rolling thunderstorm woke me in the wee hours this a.m. Supposedly some cold front came down from Canada, and wisked across and down Wisconsin, but has now move up to Quebec!!?? We may get more of this in the afternoon/evening, but, for now, seems to have cleared out. Lots of clouds, though, rather see the blue sky, lol.

A Guy, you really had a grueling day yesterday, and while you mentioned wanting to bail, gotta tell ya, I did that last month for an eye appt. Was called and asked to come in a half hour early. So,naturally, am there 5 or minutes ahead of time. No cars in parking lot, no one else in waiting room. But after 45 minutes with no end in sight, I bailed. I had other appts. I had changed, I was now past my ORIGINAL APPT. time, LOL
Good Morning,

Poirot's 3 AM thunderstorm has settled into my neighborhood. It's been stormy since 5 and is still stormy now. I couldn't believe how dark it was when my alarm went off at 5, seemed more like winter than the middle of summer. We got our walk to the library in last night. Hubby thought it was going to rain, so we brought our umbrellas, but not a drop until this morning.

Gena's at home with hubby today. She had a tummy ache and was super sleepy so I let her have a day off from Boys and Girls Club, although if he gets called for a short notice interview, she may end up going to club for a little while anyway.

I'll have to go check in on yesterday to see what happened to AGuy.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Good Morning,

Surprise, surprise - our low was 89F. Rain sounds wonderful for here but you all seem to be getting enough for a one year period. The weather this year is completely unpredictable everywhere.

Poirot: I think we could all relate when you shared the story of bolting your appointment when staff left you sitting there so long!

Manda: hope hubby gets the job he wants very soon. And hope you day goes smoothly. Plus it is nice for some daddy-daughter time once in a while.

Friskie: handmade gifts are the best, so enjoy your baby shower project.

Wishing everyone a great day!
Morning. Need to drive off to work today. Oh how I'd like to have thunderstorms and rain to knock down the dust off the plants and tree.

I had fun with the nerd-ing out via email last night with my kids. Will get to be with them all briefly this weekend, when it may actually rain here. But as we all know, and Noel can attest to, the weather guessers are wrong with rain more often than they are right. Otherwise, weather here is easy. Sunny and either nice or warm or hot.

Have a good Wednesday.
Friskie - happy crafting.

Noel - I'd gladly share our weekly Wednesday rain with you. I think we've had some level of rain every Wednesday this summer. I too hope hubby can find the job he wants soon. I think the problem is he's not exactly sure what he wants, as he had been hoping to retire from his former employer. :rolleyes: I'm glad to have you back to posting, it seems so quiet when you aren't around.

Robin - hope the day in the office goes smoothly for you. I love it when I get the chance to nerd out and not have anyone judge me for it. :)
Summer has arrived. I wish it had stayed away. It was so humid this morning,
Goldie and I only walked around three times. We need to get out earlier tomorrow.
Then I went out and raked the grass that was sitting on the front yard. Every time
I mow the pile gets bigger. Then I used weed eater. Then I raked grass in backyard.
I hope to get out late this afternoon and work in my flowerbed.

A. Guy, I hope you have a better day today and that your eye problem is finally fixed.

manda, I hope Gena feels better today and hubby gets a call soon for a job.

friskie, enjoy the indoors today.

Noel, I hope your day goes well.

I hope everyone has the best day possible.
Robin: I attest to the weather here being almost hot, hot and hot as heck.

Manda: losing a job near retirement is gut wrenching. Maybe a day with Gena is just what he needs to recover ambition.

Kat: you are so energetic each day. Love watching your new garden videos too.

A Guy: thinking of you
Thanks, all! I seem to have recovered enough to meet a since-junior-high friend at the buffet. Under the circumstances, I promise to be conservative with food types/portions.

Re doctors' waiting rooms, it would be helpful if they had very comfortable chairs. Some of them should probably have a bunk room available. :rolleyes:

Have nice days, everyone! :)
Has clouded over here now, and of course rain in forecast. Don't you love how they hedge with the "chance" or possibility of rain? Really, it seems the weather does not know quite what it wants to do here, thus the back and forth with sun and cloud cover.

And while they are saying mid-70s next couple of days, it then jumps to 85 on Fri or Sat. Ah, such summer fun. NOT!

Those in the really HOT areas, take care, stay in, hydrate. I found a couple of bites, no idea what...on lower leg area, just above ankle......and I was not outside all day yesterday! ??? Odd. Spider? Ant? Chigger? Mosquito?
Manda: losing a job near retirement is gut wrenching. Maybe a day with Gena is just what he needs to recover ambition.

He's not that close to retirement, he'll be 51 in November, but he really liked what he was doing and had been there for 9 years, so he was hoping to stay another 17 or so until he retired. Now he's just overwhelmed. There are so many job openings, his head is spinning from the phone calls for interviews. I don't think he was expecting things to move so fast. The last time he was out of work, he was laid off for 6 months before he found something new.
Good afternoon all,

We're getting that heat too. It's 90F today but the humidity makes it feel so much warmer than that. There's a chance of thunderstorms later today as well, and the clouds are already moving in. I finished another book yesterday afternoon and started one this morning, but tonight I've got to get back to those labs at last. I've put it off too long.

I'm also going to a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) class at the gym tonight. Never done it before, but always wanted to try, so that'll be my workout for today. Yesterday I just swam laps instead of going for a run, due to the heat.

Manda, although it may be really fast, I'm glad your hubby is getting a lot of calls for interviews. That's always a good sign. Best of luck!

Kat, I'm impressed you do all that yard work in such hot weather. When I mow the lawn, it's usually just after I go to the gym or before swimming, rather than just going to do it. Also saw you did yoga yesterday! I know there's one channel on TV dedicated to fitness. Early in the mornings, the channel (can't remember the name, but maybe someone else knows it?) sometimes has a half-hour yoga show that you can follow along with.

Noel, I'm so tired of the mosquitoes that this rain brings, that I'd gladly give you the rest of the rain for this month! Y'all sure could use it, especially since it would cool things down a bit for you.

Have a nice day, everyone.
@mandy......our local newspaper is running a series of articles about the shortage of employees in the state of Wisconsin. The paper only comes out once a week, last week was the lst article.

All winter both WalMart & the big Supermarket had signs out looking for help, part time, full time. A town about 40 miles from me had TWO job fairs, where they advertised they even would hire immediately! It is mid-summer and the motels, resorts, restaurants are STILL looking for the cleaning help, cooks, waitresses, etc.

Evidently the population in Wisconsin is aging, the young people don't want to work! Would rather mooch off their hard working parents, I guess.

Usually you get high school & college kids all looking for summer jobs. Nope.

There are more articles to come (I think 2 more) but no wonder your husband is getting so many calls, etc.
My brother is 17 and works during the summers at a pool store. Yesterday, he got something in the mail about owing a $20 fee for "late tax payments", even though he's a minor. I'm wondering if other young workers have gotten this, or heard about it, and it deters them from working? Also, seems a lot of youth are moving away to places like New York, San Francisco, LA, and away from the middle of the country, so that might have something to do with it.
Another hot one here! Supposed to be through next week. I have my appt. today with the urologist and I'm hoping for better news than surgery.

Noel - keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for your surgery tomorrow!

Manda - Hope your husband finds a job fast. I didn't realize there was such a shortage of employees!

Poirot - your area even made our news for the storms that were to come through your area today! Stay safe.

Kat - you sure get a lot done in the humidity! Enjoy

Aguy - once I arrived for my doctor appointment and the sign in sheet said doctor is running behind 2 hours. I looked at the girl and said you couldn't have called me? I turned around and left. Nobody is worth a 2 hour wait.

Enjoy your day
DaysD - good luck with the science labs

Shan - everyone around here is hiring. It almost makes it worse to try and find a job, because while a lot is available, most are low paying.

Poirot - sounds like an interesting article. I hardly see younger people with jobs when I'm out and about. I don't get it either, I loved having my own money as a teen. There are so many help wanted signs in town that your head could spin. Some companies have taken to renting full billboards to try to get people. I've heard radio ads too.
This is going to be short because the new security software at work mixed with the ads on the site keep making my computer freeze up.

This is what was in the saved draft message I kept trying to post:

Hi everyone. This was a long day at school. At least it was only a 1/2 mile from the office.

The weather is very strange today. We were supposed to have heavy rains, but we got a few short showers instead. The air is very very heavy with moisture . That combined with an 89* temp has our relative humidity / temperature in the high 90s. Breathing is hard for everyone, and there are warnings for people with lung and/or heart problems to find somewhere that is air conditioned.

We have a lot of job openings here that go unfilled. People fail the drug tests or just aren't qualified for the trade jobs. There aren't enough electricians, construction workers, mechanics, etc. Yes, even Walmart and Kmart can't fill positions because of the drug testing.
JS - I started babysitting at 12, and continued through my junior year of high school. Once I turned 16, I started working at Burger King, so I could pay for my gas and car insurance. My parents bought me a junk heap of a car so that they didn't have to drive me to the stuff I was involved in at school.

With 3 younger sisters in the house (when I was 16 the youngest was 2) that was a lot of work for my folks in the winter. I loved the freedom of being able to go when I wanted. I do suppose you are correct, too many people just give kids what they want and don't make them work for it.

Gena gets an allowance, but she helps wash dishes, fold laundry, make dinner, and she loves to clean the toilet (which is so weird to me). For the most part, she puts her money in her savings account, which I set up with the money we/she received for her baptism. Every so often she'll decide she wants to buy herself an ice cream sundae. :)
Manda, Poirot, Shan and JS, Days and RS: that amazes me that there is a need for employees. I started babysitting at 11 and typing "term" papers at 14. I purchased my typewriter new from saved babysitting money. My generation wanted spending money and to purchase gifts for family and friends.