7/12/21 - Donuts and spring


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Dec 29, 2012
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It's another cloudy, cool day. I'm enjoying the cool morning for walking, but the weather isn't good
for my flowers. Some are growing and others are not. It rained during the night so I won't have to
water for awhile. Wed is supposed to be sunny and in the 90s.

This morning, I'm inside doing chores. I'll be outside working after lunch.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day.
Good Morning,

It's a beautiful sunny morning here, currently 60*, but I have no idea what the rest of the day will bring.

After church yesterday Gena and I attended an event sponsored by our local Center for Grieving Children. It was learning to deal with your grief and anger through drumming. The speaker was amazing, and we got to make our own bucket drums and received a new set of drumsticks. It was so interesting, educational, and fun. We were referred by Gena's counselor, but color me surprised when our doctor was there with her husband and kids. It was fun to see her outside the office, doing normal mom things.

Back to work for me today and Gena's at the club, per our normal.

Kat - enjoy the cool weather while it lasts, I'm sure it makes working in the flower beds more enjoyable.

Have a terrific day everyone
Manda, it's good you and Gena had a fun and beneficial day.

Kat, I'm glad you don't have to water your flowers. I hope they get whatever they need to perk up.

It will be 94* here today. Still in the 80s* right now. I'm trying to get some things done inside. My sheets are in the dryer. I guess I have to face the dreaded paper clutter on the table next. It multiplies faster than rabbits, mice, or pigs!
Holy smokes, Batman. I thought I had posted here already. Where has the time gone??? I got the summary up, so that was good. Another hot day today and maybe tomorrow, then we cool downish, to, hold onto your hats, 99!!!!!! On Wednesday the humidity will be up so it will be nasty out. But it won't be 110+

I have some shopping to do. Didn't make it out early so will have to brave the heat. Bleck.

Drums. That sounds like an interesting way to deal with anger/grief. I may have to give it a try with this rather-than-clean-off-my-bed-to-sleep, I'll-put-a-mattress-on-the-floor person I live with, ya know??

Poirot - I hope your day goes well.
Robin, it was really interesting. The speaker explained that since so many people want hit things or break things when they are upset or sad, drumming is a healthy outlet for the need to beat up something, but the pattern and rhythms begin to change as our feelings are released and can go from loud and angry to sorrowful and quiet. It was rather incredible.

I'll try to post pictures of our drums later, if I can get them to upload from my phone.
84 today, hubby got called to get blood drawn, so he got a visit to the lab. I ran a bunch of errands , surprised I was able to get to them all, then went to supermarket, big mistake as empty shelves meant all kinds of restocking going on, huge carts filled to the brim with boxes of whatever, in all the aisles, plus tons of tourist customers in town to stock up on groceries. Bedlam.

Tomorrow is the doctor exam...........and was able to finally make appt. for haircut, but not til next week. !! Now to try and get oil change for the car.
Good evening everyone. Today got away from me.

We had a huge school today, and the weather didn't cooperate with getting our expensive equipment in and out of the car.
Had employee evaluations dumped on me this afternoon. I just love doing someone else's job. :sarcasm:

Amanda, a local agency has a drumming group for children who have lost parents, in foster care, etc.
Amanda, a local agency has a drumming group for children who have lost parents, in foster care, etc.
RS - The leader of our event is from Pennsylvania, I wouldn't be surprised if he's part of your local group. His name is Josh Robinson, from Josh Robinson Drums