7-13-17 - Donuts and More Rain!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. I think some of us need to start building an ark. The heavy rain just won't quit. I don't even want to go back out in it to go to today's school.

JS - I can tell you're a city girl by your post of having to look up an earwig. They live in the damp leaves and dirt in the woods here, and sometimes get in the house. People here better not leave wet towels on the floor because they're a magnet for earwigs. I smash the dang things when I see them.
Brrrrr, good morning, well, not all that good here. Looks and feels more like November than mid-July. Tis cloudy, overcast, foggy on the lake, and just 51°. Yep, we are to only hit about 60 today. Some nasty small little cold front came slipped down from Canada, I guess. Last night, the weatherman in Duluth was shivering and bemoaning that the high there yesterday was 54! My niece is up there, trying to "see the sights" and wanting to escape her 100° temps in MO, but did not expect to be freezing. LOL Her husband was part of the crews sent up to restore power a year or two ago after some devastating storms, so was wanting to see the area "normal". LOL
Good Morning,

Today is my short day at work. Hoping to iron out my plans for Vacation Bible School this year, and finish my children's sermon for Sunday. Our pastor will be in Missouri with the high school kids for a mission trip and the person filling in would rather not do the children's sermon. I rather enjoy doing them from time to time, so this will be fun for me. Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) theme this year is Treasure Hunt. I wanted a pirate theme, but pastor says pirates have an evil connotation, so better to do treasure hunt. :rolleyes:

Poirot - I'd love some 50*-60* weather right now. It's been so hot and humid

JS - ick, earwigs are nasty, and look evil. They get quickly swatted with a shoe when I find them at my house.

RS - I sure hope the weather dries up for you soon.
Morning all.

Today, with luck, will be the 12 step walk to the office day!!!!!

It helps as I have physical therapy this afternoon and it is about a 5 minute drive. Or a 30-40 minute drive from the office.

Weather guessers say rain is in the forecast. Apparently rs's area of the country, but not my area. I am getting passing by clouds and dust. And a "cooler" morning. It was 88 at 6 this am.

Loved the picture of the cowboy flip flops from yesterday. Not sure of their purpose. But hey, they are sure interesting.

Happy Thursday.
Hello everyone. It's been pretty quiet here. I had a talk with Remmy about her selfishness (yes, I do that, lol). It was probably like talking to a brick wall, but it made me feel better, lol! I was trying to watch yesterday's Days and she wanted to go out. She was staring a hole through me and pouting. When I finished watching the show, I took her out. She stayed out there for about two minutes and was ready to come inside. :rolleyes: I guess she wasn't as bad off as she implied, lol.

Take care and I pray Noel's surgery goes well.
Another summer day here. It's sunny now and feels close to 100. I will go out at
5:30 like I did yesterday and work in the flowerbed. This morning, I went to
the Farmer's Market. I bought some okra and squash. I'll be cooking some of it
in a few minutes.

rs, stay safe from the rain and germs today.

manda, enjoy your time doing vacation Bible school.

kt, my cat insists sitting on my lap when I'm on the computer. No other time.
Last night, I was finishing up before bed. He jumped on my lap. Then I got up
and said time for bed.

robin, I hope you got to work from home today.

Sending more positive thoughts to Noel for her surgery.

I hope everyone has a the best rest of the day possible.
RS & JS - one of my husbands biggest fears when he was a little kid was having an earwig in his ear. One night he and a friend slept outside and he woke up with an ear ache and yes, he had an earwig in his ear! Doctor pulled it out!

Manda - my granddaughter is sure enjoying VBS. Their theme is fitness. They had a run last evening for all the families to participate, so we all went. Really fun but so many people!

Robinests - enjoy the long walk to work. 5 minutes to physical therapy is better than 30-40.

KT - I picture Remmy rolling her eyes the whole time you were talking. LOL

Kat - I really enjoy the farmers markets here too! Right now they are only opened on Saturday but as the crops start producing more they will open more.

I sure hope Noel is done and everything went fantastic.

My doctor visit yesterday didn't go how I had hoped but we will see. I had no blood in the urine so that was good, but I have to have another CT scan and if stone is gone. Great. If not, I have surgery next week.

Have a great day.
Robin, I reckon those cowboy flip-flops' primary purpose is to serve as a conversation piece. And, those in the photo looked pretty expensive. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Left out early (for me) and headed right over to the pre-op blood lab. I think the implant problem will be dealt with about 2:00, Friday. Huge sigh of relief when I found out that the device manufacturer's training technician will also be there. The device is only about the size of a flattened out little finger.

"Let's be careful out there!" -- Phil Esterhaus, Hill Street Blues
RS & JS - one of my husbands biggest fears when he was a little kid was having an earwig in his ear.

This reminds me of a show I saw years ago. I had to look it up because I couldn't remember what show it was. It's a Rod Serling classic from "Night Gallery" called The Caterpillar (for some strange reason). A guy has an earwig in his ear and goes through a horrible ordeal, until the earwig eats its way through his brain and out the other ear. Of course there is a catch, lol. I won't spoil it for you if you want to see the episode, just don't let your husband see it Shan! LOL
Good evening all,

Very hot today, about 95F but with humidity making it feel nearly 110F. Needless to say, I got in the pool for a bit, before a thunderstorm rolled in. Going to the gym tonight. I just finished a show on Hulu last night called The Handmaid's Tale, based on a 1985 book. Very good! Time to see House of Cards!

Have a nice night, everyone.