7/14/21 - Donuts & Fog!


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning .....awake since 4, unable to get back to sleep.......we got rain around 5 p.m. yesterday, at first just very light and only lasting a few minutes, then a while later it poured for a while. Currently, very foggy, not sure if more rain expected, or the sun. LOL Sure hope it is nicer weather where YOU are. Have to make sure to remember to call for oil change appt. Take care!
I woke up at 5 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep so I hear ya. We have gotten so much rain my tomatoes are splitting open. It’s rather depressing too. I binge watched Chesapeake Shores this weekend. I enjoyed it. Looking forward to the new season next month.

Have a good day all!
Good morning. Hot, humid, and sticky here already after yesterday's monsoon. Thousands are still without power. Luckily, my power never went out plus my basement stayed dry.

Fell asleep on the couch shortly after 8:00 last night. Woke up around 1:00 this morning and went to bed. My 11:00 medicine was gone so apparently I was aware enough at that time to take it. Never got back to sleep until after 3:00. Of course the alarm had to wake me up at 5:00. Now I feel like I'm not put together. Thankfully I only have 1 class this morning though I'm going by myself. My sidekick will be going to a different school in the same district. They're both about 5 minutes from the office.

Poirot and kat, I blame you 2 for my home laptop now having problems since you had the most recent things go bad with each of yours. (I still love you!) The battery suddenly did a total discharge Monday, and now isn't holding a charge for long. I have no idea if it is the charging cable or the battery so decided not to mess around. I ordered both last night for a delivery from Amazon today. If that doesn't solve the problem, I'll go looking for a new Samsung laptop. I guess there is no shame for it since I bought it about 8 or 9 years ago, and never had to replace the battery or cable.

dachsie - Your poor tomatoes! Mine are getting rot/mold on the bottom from the rain running off them, and not drying completely. It just seems so sad to see them like that after all of the time and money we put into growing them. It is much cheaper to buy tomatoes in the store, but they never taste as good as home grown.

I'm also fighting slugs on the zucchini blossoms. YUCK!! I pick them off each morning and night then smash the heck out of them. I've already lost a lot of tiny baby zucchini to those little slimy creatures, too.
Good Sleepy Morning Everyone,

Sunny and beautiful for now, but it's supposed to get hot and humid and then storm later. Better today than tomorrow when we have Girl Scouts.

Gena and I are both super tired this morning after a long night of painting, cutting, and getting decorations ready for next week. The good news is I think we are just about ready for Vacation Bible School, and Sunday after church we'll get most everything set up for it all to start on Monday.

Poirot - I was awakened at 4:30 by the sound of my cat getting sick, that was a great wake up. I hope your day is calmer than it has been lately for you.

Dachsie - I'm having that problem too with some of my tomatoes. I hope I get some edible ones out of my garden.

RS - Eww, slugs yuck. I read somewhere how to get rid of them, I'll see if I can find it. Your poor laptop, I hope the new battery and charging cord fixes the problem.

Have a terrific day everyone!
Kat...I heard on radio about the increase in Covid cases, & how ARK. say a huge jump in cases yesterday!

I will say that the battery I got from Amazon only lasted me a week or so, but JS's suggestion about using big rubber band has definitely worked to keep the cord plugged in and thus battery charged up 100% all the time. The minus about that is......always have to have it plugged in, which means it stays in one place all the time. Grrrr.

Mandy, rained here yesterday, so foggy this a.m., cleared away as sun tried to peek out, but is clouding up again, & we have forecast for storms this afternoon & again this evening. Then, the horrid heat wave returns.
Busy morning for me. It was cool this morning for my walk. The sun is out now. The high will be in
the high 80s this afternoon, but feel hotter.

When I was eating breakfast, I saw a shadow flying past the windows. I keep the blinds closed since
the front gets morning sun. I knew it wasn't the finches. I looked out the window and saw a
hummingbird. So, I had stop and put out some hummingbird food.

Then my friend came by since she overslept and didn't walk with me. She told me the limbs on my
tree are too low since you can hit your head. Which means the mower hits his too. After breakfast, I
trimmed part of the tree. Then I worked on the front bed. I did what I could with the sun on me.
Then I finished working on the tree. There still might be branches that need cutting, but it's better
than it was.

After lunch, I need to clean my stove. It hasn't be cleaned in awhile. Oh well.

Yes the COVID cases are going up everyday in my state because less than 40% of adults have gotten
shots. There were 1400 new cases on Mon. I wonder what the count will be for Tues. And people
who aren't getting shots aren't wearing masks, but I am. When I got my tires looked at yesterday, I
sat in my car. I wore my mask when I talked to the man who filled them up.

Poirot, I hope you'll sleep better tonight.

dachsie, sorry to hear about your tomatoes.

rs, sorry to hear about your laptop. I hope the new battery and plug work when they arrive. I was lucky
the manufacturer had a battery when I needed one three or four months ago. It was easy to put in. I
hope work is going well for you today.

manda, for some reason I thought VBS was this week. I hope you and Gena will get to rest this weekend
before VBS starts.

I hope everyone will have a good afternoon.
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God morning all, or afternoon, depending on time zones. We got a very nice rain this morning, per the Beast and HB. I slept through it. The Beast's tummy woes continue, but are getting better.

I find it odd shopping with less than 50% of adults vaccinated, that I manage to shop at Target, the grocery store with all the fully vaccinated people. If fully vaccinated, you DON'T need a mask. If NOT vaccinated, you DO need a mask. I wear a mask because of the virus spreading idiots in the store without a mask. I was confronted in one store about my mask. I told the person my reasons were none of her darn business and walked away. She continued a conversation in space. (I didn't use darn as a word but the real word would be bleeped). Really, who appoints these people to be the mask monitors?? Useless souls..

I saw on Facebook that a work friend had passed away. I had never met him in person but we talked on the phone a lot. He was a programmer who could take my problems and fix them in minutes, even though we talked for hours. I knew about his kids and his joy with his grandchildren. I posted a message on the funeral home's board. Arrgh.

Off to do some repotting as it's monsoon and several plants need it.
My Sunday school ladies are wearing masks in stores and all of them are fully vaccinated. You can't take a chance
with the Delta variant. One of them told us she was the only one in Aldi last week wearing a mask. A man kept looking
at her. We told her next time that happens to ask what is problem is. We still space ourselves out when we have lunch
on Fridays.

robin, sorry to hear about your work friend.
I had a man (as we waited in line) ask me if I was vaccinated. Oh, yes, & he says, then WHY are you wearing the mask? I said ...uh, well......he just nodded his head......"I understand".....(& he was not wearing a mask). There are more NOT wearing now then ARE.......
Good afternoon. I went to a meeting at the church this morning, came home and got myself some lunch, and then slept for an hour and a half. When I got up this morning it was 70* with 70% humidity. It's in the 90s* now, no rain in the forecast until Sunday. Roads are dry but some places are washed out and rough to get over. The county maintainers are stretched thin.

I have some papers to fill out. I hope all of you get some rest and relief from the rains.
dachsie - Your poor tomatoes! Mine are getting rot/mold on the bottom from the rain running off them, and not drying completely. It just seems so sad to see them like that after all of the time and money we put into growing them. It is much cheaper to buy tomatoes in the store, but they never taste as good as home grown.
RS. You need to go buy something for blossom end rot. They need calcium because of all the water. I got this on Amazon:

It took care of it.