7/15/21 - Donuts and pea soup


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Hi everybody. Wow! I can't believe I'm starting the thread after school today.

The pea soup in the title refers to the nasty thick and heavy humid air here today. Yep, just like walking out into what the old timers used to call pea soup air.

dachsie, thank you for the info on Rot Stop for my tomatoes. I checked, and the Lowe's across the back parking lot from work has the ready to use version in stock. Will pick some up after work.
Good Morning,

Today is supposed be in the 70's which will make for a pleasant Girl Scout meeting tonight. A friend of mine who works for the Boys and Girls Club is going to come talk to the girls tonight about ways to keep kids of different ages entertained while babysitting, so it should be an easy night for both Gena and I, as Gena is in charge of running the babysitting badge activities.

RS - yuck, that humidity sounds just dreadful.
Good morning, a bit hectic here. I saw the "pea soup" and figured it was thick fog...which is what that refers to when I lived in Chicago, and up here. A friend from International Falls decided to pop in for a quick visit with hubby, then drive back home, sure is nice of him. Also, the procedure for next week Friday is now up the air, as one of the docs doesn't think he should have it. Sigghhhh. Too much goin on.
Good morning. I used to have pea soup when I lived in Sacramento before it became a desert wasteland with no rain. Made driving November through March challenging.

Yesterday we had a "cool" day it was 99 but our humidity is up into the 50's so it isn't nice outside. I hate July and August when the monsoon comes, some got rain in the afternoon. We only had rain in the morning. No thunder and luckily the Beast isn't phased by the booms and flashes.

Manda - I know Gena will do well tonight, she has this.

RS - thanks for starting the thread. This time of year I never get up in time to start the thread.

Poirot - GRRRRR it is must maddening to have your life controlled by others.

Costco and Target are calling.
Another busy morning. I went to the library earlier than usual so I could get home and
work in the front bed before tomorrow's rain. I decided it was hard to get all the little
grass up so I picked up a lot of mulch and dirt in some areas. I worked outside over
90 minutes. I can't get all the little pieces, but hopefully I got most of them with
seeds on them. I stayed out as long as I could. All my clothes were wet.

I found out tonight is when the city will vote to give money to the library. I want to go,
but I'm too tired. Hopefully, all the library board members will go and support the
head librarian when she asks for money. Or however that works.

Please give a big thanks to Jason for doing the summary today. I was going to, but
the front bed need to be done before the five days of rain.

rs, I hope you don't have too be outside too long today with the icky weather.

manda, I hope the Girl Scouts meeting goes well this evening.

Poirot, I hope your hubby enjoyed the visit with his friend.

robin, I hope you don't the flooding rain I saw on the weather.

I hope everyone will have good rest of the day.
LOL, Robin, love it!

So, my vaccinated hubby has to have a negative covid test done before the heart cath, but the team is hesitant about going ahead with everything, (the heart valve replacement) as he is so frail & inactive. Monday will be some sort of zoom meeting with him & the doc. Meanwhile, the caregivers are coming earlier now in late afternoon. starting at 4, so that is helpful for dinner for him. (a.m. begins at 8 & only bothers me for having to get dressed, etc. However, tis o.k. , I wake so early. Slept well last night for a change. Probably means just 4 or 5 tonite. lol

We are back into too warm/hot...Ugh. Yes, I know, it's summer. LOL Daughter was planning on leaving today, now is thinking perhaps the 20th. They have 2 day drive home, & he has something he has to go to in Dallas on the 25th. They have not been able to even go fishing all this while, so......I think the next couple of days that is on their agenda.

Thank you all for bearing with me these days..........