7/16/21 - Donuts and rain


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I was able to walk before the rain this morning. It's pouring down now with thunder. It's rained so much in 30 minutes
the ditch is flowing. I'm under a flood watch part of the day. I won't know until later if Sunday school lunch is
cancelled. We sit in a garage so maybe we won't get wet.

I should be cleaning, but I'm catching up on my Bible studies.

Wishing everyone a nice day and weekend.
Good Morning,

It's another bright sunny morning here. I have no idea what the temperatures are supposed to be today, as I was more interested in watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman while I ate my breakfast than the local weather guessers. Our Girl Scout meeting went well last night, other than getting the sad news that one of our girls has decided to quit due to having too many activities at the moment. Losing this one saddens me more than most, as I was sure she'd be one who stayed all the way to high school graduation and she'd been with us since first grade. I told her how much we would miss her, but that I understand and if she ever wants to return we would welcome her back with open arms.

Kat - As Jesus told Martha when she complained about Mary, I think you are focusing on the more important activity. I hope your ditch doesn't flood too much.

Have a wonderful Friday!
A quick hello. I have to get to town today.

Kat, I thought of you and your spider web this morning when I was in the kitchen, about to open the refrigerator and a spider ran across my cheek! It wasn't a small one either. :eek: I can't stand spiders and I have no idea where that one came from or how it got on my face. I do know it was the last thing he ever did!

Manda, sorry about your girl dropping out.
Good Afternoon.

OC - it would be the last thing a spider ever did if it happened to me too!!!

It rained this morning here. It RAINED here this morning and we have rain in the forecast for the rest of the day!!! It's cloudy now but not rainy. So not sure what will happen. Last night's weather guesser was a guy I've never seen before so if he's the new guy I may have to change channels. He was more into jokes with the anchor news casters. Sad when you have to rely on twitter for weather information.

kat - I hope your lunch was held.

Manda - I'm sorry you lost a girl. But letting her know she'd be welcomed back with open arms is good for her to hear, it gives her permission to return if things don't work out.

Happy Friday.
Lunch was cancelled. I think we could have had it since the rain stopped before lunch.
The ditch only had a the heavy flow for awhile.

manda, sorry to hear you lost a girl. Maybe she will come back.

OC, sorry to hear the spider. At least, you were awake.

robin, I'm glad you got rain.
Robin, rain for you, yea!

Kat, I'm sorry your lunch was cancelled. It might have been fun to sit in a garage and watch the rain.

I made it to town and finally got done what I needed to do. It rained lightly on me most of the way home.