7/18/21 - Donuts and clouds


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone.

The rain has finally moved out. Well, at least for today but the clouds are still going to hang around all day. Temps are to only hit the low 80s today after starting off at 58° this morning.

Trying to decide whether to start cleaning or make a Walmart run. Neither sounds appealing.
It's supposed to be another day with scattered thunderstorms. After 2 yesterday,
we had more rain and severe weather on and off. After 8 it finally settled down.

I was able to get my morning walk in. I took a windbreaker and umbrella. I got
sprinkled on for awhile. I got four times around. It's supposed to rain off and on all
day. Monday will be clear and cooler.

Has anyone heard if the NW has gotten cooler after the hot weather two weeks ago?

rs, I would shop first then come home and clean. I'll be cleaning today too.

I hope everyone has a refreshing Sunday.
Has anyone heard if the NW has gotten cooler after the hot weather two weeks ago?
Yes, it is cooler. We had a few cool, cloudy days, but it is sunny again now. We still haven't had measurable rain and it is so badly needed. Still on high alert for wildfires. At this point, I have not heard predictions for more of the extremely high temperatures we had a couple of weeks ago. That was murder!
Hello. I'm just getting settled in after going to church. Having hot dogs. Weiners in the oven. No bread in the house so I'll just slice them open and put in a little cheese to melt, then dunk each bite in mustard. Wish I had some potato salad and baked beans. I'll have to look for something else to go with them.

Squirrel, what a relief for you to have the rain gone for now! I hope it doesn't get too hot.

Kat, I'm impressed with how steadfast you are with your walking, in all kinds of weather. Reminds me of President Truman. I read a biography of him one time and it said he always took his walk in the mornings, come rain or come shine. Do you go around a block or do you not have blocks in your area?

Lil0, the cooler temperatures will sure make things feel better but I know it doesn't stop the fire threat. We have some of our worst grass fires in the winter here. I've kept a closer eye on the northeast lately because my son's family has been parked in Oregon for several weeks but now they moved on up to Washington. I don't know anything about the geography of those states but they must be not too far from Olympia because they had to take their youngest son, age 2 1/2, there to an ER there over the weekend.

When they were getting ready to move, they had leaned the heavy tripod thing that helps support the 5th wheeler part of their camper against the pickup truck, while they were loading their bicycles and other stuff. The little guy loves to help with everything so he was right in there, when the tripod fell, knocking him down. It busted his lip and hit his hand and smashed it against the asphalt. His thumb was broken, and there were a couple of cracked bones in his hand. Now he has a cast for 4-6 weeks.

Last night I was surprised to get 0.7" of rain. It came down hard and in a hurry. I found out at church that nobody else in the community got enough to measure. I think I just got the southwestern edge of the thunderstorm.
There's an area in my neighborhood that's oval shaped. One end of the oval area other
streets then end in cul-de-sacs. My street is one of the off streets. I walk to the oval shape
and walk around and around.

OC, sorry to hear about your grandson. I hope you found something to eat with your
hot dogs.
Good afternoon. So last night I got caught up in an old movie, Far from the Madding Crowd, the 4 hour version, or so it seemed. The one with Julie Christie and Terrance Stamp. So it was well after midnight before I got to bed. The movie has a freaking intermission!!!!!!! It was slow but I did enjoy it. It was a request from HB to see the film.

We are under a thunderstorm warning for another hour. Currently we have high clouds over us, but that really doesn't mean anything.

OC - that is so sad about your grandson. Luckily they heal really fast at that age. Too bad you can't sign his cast, but then again I get he got to pick out his favorite color.

Have a great Sunday.
J.S., that is incredible! But wonderful. Yeah, it does sound like something that would happen only in Salem.

Thanks for the caring comments. I was thankful my grandson didn't get a more severe injury. This child and his 6-year old brother are constantly doing things that alarm me, although this incident was an accident nobody would have anticipated. Still, I bet that tripod gets packed and secured early in the game, for future moves.

Kat, your neighborhood sounds pretty. I imagine your yard is the prettiest though.

Robin, my son said the doctor was good with my grandson. He showed him the x-rays and pointed out the details, which no doubt appealed to the little one. I've never seen a child that age so observant. He studies details on everything and figures out mechanical stuff..... I hope you get some decent rain. When are you leaving for the cabin?
When are you leaving for the cabin?
Not soon enough!!!!!!!!

We have a Hunny Bunny family lunch out of town on Tuesday. Up at 7 am to drop off the Beast at daycare and then on to Prescott to eat at the Palace Saloon. The family is bringing their dog and we figured two young pups at one time might be a bit challenging so ours is going to daycare.

The Palace Saloon is historical location in AZ. Wyatt and Virgil Earp and buddy Doc Holiday and my personal favorite, Big Nose Kate, used to consume whiskey there. I've never been but the folks we are meeting are bringing their dog and the saloon has a dog friendly patio.


Should be fun, if it doesn't rain. No rain yet today but the skies are weird-looking, so maybe.
Robin, probably a wise choice to leave one of the pups behind. Vinnie will likely enjoy his own vacation at the daycare. That Palace Saloon looks pretty fancy, as I was thinking of how those same four people you mentioned also hung out around Fort Griffin in Texas and I knew the saloon in the small town near the fort was nothing more than a tiny shack. It was a very rough town in those days. I am familiar with the history because my ancestors were also living there in that area back then.

But I got to thinking, some of the tiny clapboard buildings were moved into a nearby town a few decades ago, and turned into an upscale steakhouse, saloon, etc. The outside still looks like a string of ramshackled shacks but inside it's a different story. Maybe the Palace Saloon in AZ has had a makeover as well. Hope you enjoy!