7/19/21 - Donuts and blue skies


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good afternoon everyone. You all must be super busy today.

I'm just back to the office from a school in the southeast area of my county. It was an absolutely beautiful day for a drive on country roads. Blue skies, birds singing, Amish buggies being pulled by gorgeous horses, then the car in front of us hit a skunk!! Thank goodness there was no oncoming traffic on the 2 lane road so we could swerve to miss the critter.

Hope you're all having a good day.
I guess everyone is busy this morning.

I got home about 30 minutes ago and found my mower at the last house. He's going to have to let me know when he's coming so I can have the
gate unlock. He must have have come just after I left since he did five houses on his own. I stopped at the house and he knew it was me. My
neighbor across the street is gone for a few days. I keep my fence locked so he couldn't do the backyard. I got home just in time. I need to
remember to keep lock undone when it's close to mowing time again. The side of the house and flowerbed are better this time.

I went to Lowe's and Home Depot today. I couldn't get the saw my friend had. I got a curtain rod for the garage door. The door between the
garage and house has a window. I need a curtain on it. I usually leave the door open when I'm outside and window looks in to bedroom. I went
to Kohl's too and returned an item. I went out later than usual because my Kohl's isn't opening until 10 now.

I hope everyone is having a good day.
I went to start the topic but the next time I refreshed the page there were already two topics so I waited till they merged. It's going to be a long day here. Lots to do but no drive to get it done, which means I'll wait till the very end and have to hurry to get to the stores before they close cursing myself. ARGGGGGH.

I did see this and I resemble this sign:

Afternoon Everyone,

I'm having a very busy day off with last minute preparations for Vacation Bible School tonight. I also found out this weekend that the landlord needs to check all of the cross pipes with a plumber on Thursday so Gena and I are trying to get the chaos that is our apartment under control. I just don't have the energy to clean up after her all the time. Although I will say, just getting all the supplies for VBS to church yesterday made a huge dent in the mess.

Wishing you all a terrific day as I try to find some lunch now that I have the show summary posted.
kat - You sure were busy this morning.

robinsnest - I love that sign. Maybe we wouldn't have as many nasty bratty kids and young adults around today if they had met a wooden spoon or slipper once in a while.

Amanda - Gena is old enough, and should be picking up after herself especially now that school is out. We were always taught that cleaning up after ourselves, chores, and school work were our jobs as being members of the family. Nobody got to go anywhere or have treats until everything was done.
Even though it was sunny and in the 80s I went out and did some trimming after lunch. All the mowers that have come to
my house never trim like I want it. I'll be taking my 2nd shower later this evening.

manda, I have to agree with rs. I don't know if Gena gets allowance (do they still do that?), but she needs to do her chores
first before she gets to do extra activities. She has to learn now or else her home will look awful since you won't be there
to pick it up :) Were you able to get a cello? Maybe that would be a good incentive. I hope VBS goes well this evening.

rs, I'm glad you had a nice morning to go out and work. Will you be working five days a week until school starts?

robin, I hope you got some things done today.
kat - It is 4 days this week. Then I get next week off. WOOHOOHOO!!! For now, I won't be back to 5 days a week until September. Working 10 hours a day is bad enough without tacking that 5th day on. If I don't do that, I won't get the screenings done by the deadlines for Head Start (federal) and Pre-K Counts (state).
Kat, I found an organization that is working on getting a cello for her that will be hers to keep once they can get one. They had hoped to find it early in the summer and then she could have gotten 8 free lessons, but apparently gently used full size cellos are hard to get. It's an outreach program for kids from abusive households or with mental health problems. Sadly we qualify on both fronts.

Kat, Gena gets an allowance if and when she does her chores and I pay per item done, not a lump sum, with a maximum of $5 per week.

RS, she has lost out on many fun activities due to not getting her chores done.
manda, I'm glad you were able to find a place to help you with finding a cello. I hope they can
find one before school starts. I guess Gena doesn't need money if she doesn't want her

rs, I'm glad you're only doing four days a week for now. I hope you've got fun things planned
for your vacation.
Yesterday I drove past a church of another denomination than mine, and there was a sign out THAT said VBS, & I muttered aloud, if it wasn't for Mandy, I would not have known what that meant.!

Well, went to church yesterday, it was a close friend's birthday, & I knew she'd be there. Was hesitant as expected church to be packed, but really.......only half full. Surprised me. This friend recently moved into town, sold her lake home, ...in fact, most of the former red hat bunch who all lived rural, now live in town. LOL

My daughter left this afternoon, rather late, but there was a zoom mtg. with the cardiologist she had arranged for hubby, so when was over, he had to go for covid test to hospital, as they won't do a heart cath without one, even tho he is vaccinated. They have a 2 day drive home......and her husband has to fly to Dallas this weekend, so at least they will get a few days to recoup, read their mail, grocery shop, etc.
I wasn't sure whether I stopped in here today or not. Seems not. Something unexpected came up this morning so I had to make a trip to town. That pretty much blows my whole day, since it leaves me with no energy to do much else.

Poirot, will your husband have the heart cath locally? Glad your daughter had her husband with her. It's interesting you weren't familiar with Vacation Bible School. Most of the churches around here have it--or they used to. I'm not out and around enough to know about now. The church I attend is mostly old people, now.

Squirrel, I bet it's especially bad for the Amish in their buggies when a skunk gets hit near them. Sounds like none were nearby in this case though. The drive sounded lovely. I'm always glad to hear when you are getting some time off from work.

Kat, what is it with mower guys? I don't understand why they can't call or send a message to say the day they're coming. One of the very rare occasions when I text is when I have to ask my mower to come and mow. I only do because he won't answer his phone. or else his voice mail is full. But he won't even respond to my text so I have to wonder if he has seen it and if so, when he'll come.

Robin, all those things on your sign were true in my life. My mother used a wooden spoon or a hair brush. Thanks for the picture of Vinnie snoozing away. I hope you get everything done.

Manda, I don't suppose you have to be at home when the landlord has the plumber come but it made me wonder, if you ever needed to be at home for some reason like that, could you still work from home occasionally?

When I was growing up I never heard of kids getting an allowance. Some kids had to take time off from school in the fall to help pick cotton on their family farms. I doubt they got to keep any of the money though. It was probably needed for the support of the family.

I got another 0.7" rain last night. Looks like it has cleared out for a few days now.