7/2/21 - Donuts and clouds


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's a cloudy morning. I was going to use the trimmer this morning, but the grass is too wet. I'm staying in this morning because of the
humidity. I'll get out Sunday and Monday mornings.

I need to finish getting the address book updated before tomorrow. I'll be meeting the Sunday school class at noon for lunch.

I hope everyone has a nice day and wonderful weekend.
Hi, Kat, and others who stop in. I hope you get your address book done and enjoy your noon class meeting. Your weather sounds like mine. It's cloudy with 96% humidity here. 75* and I think it's supposed to get to 89*. 50% chance of rain and thunderstorms.

I need to go to town for some errands. Hoping I can get off fairly early, since it looks like I might avoid the rain that way.
Good Late Morning,

66* here right now and the humidity is low for now. Starting tomorrow it's supposed to be ridiculously hot and humid. Yuck. It's a very quiet day in the office as far as the number of people go, but I'm swamped with work. I did take my morning walk though around the building. It was nice to get outside before we're down to a skeleton crew and then I'll only walk away from my desk if I really need a restroom break to make sure we have sufficient phone coverage.

We're having a new adventure, as I learned yesterday that the club is closed today. With such short notice I had no time to plan for someone to watch Gena, so she's home by herself. She texts me about every 20 minutes though to tell me what she's doing. Which is reassuring in it's own silly way.

Kat - I hope updating your address book goes smoothly.

OC - yuck, 96% humidity is the worst. I hope your weather gets better.

Happy 4th of July weekend everyone!
Good Morning. We had thunder and lightning last night, no rain, but lots of rumbles and flashes in the sky. We still have clouds but we don't expect any rain today.

Manda - a loooong time ago when I was married but also working, the kids would have to walk home and call me at work when they got home. Once my oldest got hurt at school and the nurse called my place of work (I worked for a veterinarian) demanded to speak to me. I couldn't come to the phone. Spawn1 had broken his nose and I had to leave to get him and take him to the hospital. I couldn't leave at that moment. My now ex was not available and all my neighbor emergency contacts couldn't be reached. A cluster mess.

I told the nurse to keep him and when school ended let him walk home and I'd get there when I could. I also reminded her that as long as his nose was actively bleeding he needed to lean forward not back. (This was the 4th broken nose between the boys) I got home, made sure he kept ice on it. Next day we went to the doctor who said there was nothing he could do for the broken nose. I had heard that 3 previous times and 2 more times in their childhood. My darling latch key kids survived. I'm sure Gena will be okay today, she's got a better head on her shoulders than my boys had.

I'm heading to the store to fight with all the other folks who have waited till the very end to get food for the weekend. boo
Oh Robin, poor you and their noses. So far Gena has been fine, she made herself a Lipton Chicken Rice pouch for breakfast and was playing Roblox until a spider crawled onto the computer monitor, so now she's hiding in her room and video chatting with her best friend. Today I'm grateful for unlimited texting as she texts me constantly.

Good luck at the store, I hope my normal store is deserted tomorrow.
I'm sorry, Manda, but I could help laughing about the spider. I understand her reaction though. There are still times when I wish I could hide from some hideous creatures. I also understand your uneasiness about Gena being alone. There were no cell phones when I went through that with my children but it sure would have been a comfort to have one.

Robin, your poor boys! I'm surprised they haven't needed surgery to repair damage from all those broken nose events. I wish you'd get some rain. Lightning is scary when things are so dry.

No rain here so far, just clouds. I made it to town and back by about 12:30. That may be a record.
OC - one of my sons did end up having surgery but only because his snoring was so bad his wife threatened to move out of the room.

None of the breaks really displaced the cartilage much, just lots of swelling and bruising. I was present for two of the breaks. Both for the younger son's nose. A gymnastics meet where he stopped his fall with his face and once when we were climbing the tree in the back yard and he slipped and zoomed by me too fast to catch him and he stopped the fall with his face. The others all happened at school, and if their stories are to be believed, they never involved fighting.

Still clouding here. But alas, no rain, yet.