7/20/2021 - Donuts and Later Sunrise

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good sunny morning! We've had so much cloudy, rainy weather this summer, I haven't been noticing the sunrise as usual. I was a little surprised to see it not coming up until nearly 6:45 today. That's about 15 minutes later than the last time I'd noticed. We have a cool front, light north breeze, to enjoy for now, not for long. It was 68* when I got up, with 80% humidity. The first will quickly go up, while the other will go down. I think I may get to stay home today. A welcome change. Wishing all of you a nice day!
Good morning!
Happy Tuesday! Busy week of volleyball conditioning in the morning and camp in the evenings for my oldest. Thunderstorms popping up every afternoon make me super pouty when I get off work that I can't enjoy the expensive pool membership I'd like to use. I'm steady singing 'rain, rain, go away! mama wants to use the pool, for which she had to pay!'
LOL, DaysLady......my favorite weatherman moved to......I think North Carolina (station WIS) & has been talking of the rain, etc.
Woke up to 60°, very cloudy, hazy, something like that. Humidity is 87%. Yep, warning out for those with allergies & other problems that air quality is lousy. No idea if it is to rain today, is supposed to do so tomorrow, then back into the high 80s, 90s, etc. Ugh.
Today, finally getting haircut. With this humidity, nothing will hold my hair in place, it will jut plop flatter than ........a thin ribbon. LOL
A bit breezy which is nice, but gotta tell you, my newly problem allergies really acting up, nose running, yuk.
Hope things are better wherever you are!
P.S. Yes, our sunrise has been getting later for us, tho it is now around 5:45 a.m. Gotta say tis weird to see it getting light out at 4 a.m. (Get to see it of late being I have been so many sleep issues. ) I have to laugh, as the official time is 5:30....and there is nothing here then, so when I see that orange ball barely appear on the eastern horizon...yep, that is sunrise. LOL. And trust me, I watch out the window for it. Ha. Granted, there are days you just don't see it for the fog, clouds, haze etc. but you know it is there.
My granddaughters' husbands are doing a kayak race on the Missouri River today. It began at 7 a.m. They did it last year as well. I think it is over 340 miles, takes around 24 hrs. Grueling, for sure.
I had fog again this morning which is nice for walking. There was nice breeze when I was outside.
It's sunny and it's going to be in the upper 80s today.

Another busy morning. I went outside after breakfast and worked on the side bed. It really
needed some care. Then I used my trimmer again. I won't be doing outside work again
probably until next week. I put clothes in the washer after I came in.

I haven't said much, but Thurs I'm suppose to have company. So far, things are not going
as planned. I'm doing my best not to get upset about that.

OC, I hope your day goes well.

DaysLady, I hope you'll be able to get in the pool soon.

Poirot, good luck with your hair cut.

I hope everyone has a jolly day.
Good morning everyone.

A very warm day here, but still searching for that ball in the sky you're talking about. We're getting a lot of smoke from the Canadian forest fires, and everything looks quite hazy. Pittsburgh National Weather Service has issued a Code Red for my area saying the air quality is dangerous. People with pulmonary problems are being told to stay inside while everyone else is told to limit their outside time to a minimum. Now I know why my throat , nose, and mouth have been burning since Saturday, and my lungs have been very very wheezy and crackly. My inhaler doses haven't been lasting a full 6 hours.

After over an hour and a half on the phone with various artificial intelligence programs and people last night, I finally got to some one who could ping my home phone line since everyone who calls it is getting a busy signal. The lady told me she was getting the same thing on her end, but couldn't tell if it was their lines or my inside line line. She scheduled a repair man for the first open appointment...Monday, July 26!!! All I'm going to say about that is thank goodness I've been spending all of that money on inside line coverage so I won't have to pay for the appointment or any repairs that are done.

OC - Enjoy your day at home. Maybe you'll have a little calf come to visit.

DaysLady - Having the pool membership and not being able to use it is definitely the pits.

Poirot - That kayak race sounds amazing.

kat - Be careful working outside in that heat and humidity.
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Our friend who lives in International Falls called this a.m. When he got back home yesterday, the smoke from the fires had darkened the skies there so much, it was like night. Said it was like terrible fog, could not even see. All coming down from Canada.
That kayak race is called the MB340, I think it ends where the Missouri meets the Mississippi near St. Charles. Last year one of the guys came in 29th, out of 153, had terrible conditions. So will be interesting this year. The race attracts people from all over the country, tis amazing. Guess the racers grab an hour nap when they can, but really, only do maybe 2 of them. But I think many drop out at some point, because there are wayyyy more starters than finishers. LOL
rs, stay safe from the smoke. I didn't realize there was smoke where you live.

Poirot, the kayak race sounds interesting. I didn't realize both of your granddaughter's husbands were doing it.
Poirot, at least kayak racing should be an activity that isn't so hot for this time of year. Hope your grandsons-in-law do well. I hope you are pleased with your haircut. Funny, humid weather is the only time my hair isn't plopping flat. I lost the body years ago but humidity gives it some fluff and fuzz. I'm not sure which is preferable--flat or fuzz.

Kat, it's been in the 80s* here all day too. Nice and unexpected for this time of year. I do hope your company issue works out the way you'd like. No fun to get expectations up, only to have them fall through. Oh, I did see a couple of little calves just outside my yard first thing this morning, when a few cow walked by.

DaysLady, I just saw your prayer request. Thinking of you and hoping for the best.

Squirrel, that smoke must be awful for you. You'd surely need to shut your windows to keep out the smoke and I don't know how you could stay shut up in a house with no air conditioning this time of year. I hope it will end soon. Any chance of a change in wind direction?

I haven't done anything today. I woke up at 5: 30 (pitch dark) to the sound of at least two owls talking back and forth, and a bellowing bull in the distance. Then there were 2 bulls, hollering at each other. Lots of conversations going on for so early in the day. Got up at 6:30 with a migraine. Finally took a pill before noon and slept a bit. It took the edge off but I still didn't feel like doing anything. I wonder if the wind changing to come out of the north caused it. Seems to happen a lot in the winter when we get north winds.
Hi all, well, am now a shorn sheep, lolol. Got it cut really short, really! A bit too short over the ears, but it does grow, a good friend asked me about "setting" it still, nope, doubt enough hair. Ha. I really did not want to have to do that as pointless since this humid weather takes any curl out. Been so long since I had it so short.
Quite breezy which is nice, still hazy, tho sun did try. Mid-70s, will enjoy while I can, as the heat wave is returning. I checked & we lose almost an hour of daylight the month of July!
You know, we can complain about the sun now, but boy, sure do miss it in winter. More grey days from Nov. to Feb. than one wants. LOL
Just learned that they are figuring on perhaps finishing this race on Thurs. evening..........about 65 hrs. after start. Exhausted will probably be a mild word to use. Remember, they started at 7 a.m. but were at the start around 4 or 5. Egads.
No wonder some don't make it.
Good Evening..... what a day..... up way earlier than normal took the BEAST to Day Care then off to Prescott a two hour drive.... got there and was able to park in front of the restaurant and sat in the shade of an old tree by the court house and waited for the family to arrive. We chatted for a bit then walked over to the Palace for lunch, the guys walked around the corner as they brought their puppy, Cousin and I walked through the bar to the patio. We sat the guys joined us, not a second after we sat down the biggest loudest thunderclap happened so I looked around quickly and asked if we could eat on the balcony.... which is where they allowed smokers to be..... We got there were rearranging the chairs when the skies opened up and poured..... thunder it's friend lightening just kept coming..... for over an hour as we ate outside under the wooden roof..... When it finally finished the temp was a pleasant 63° down from 85° we walked around and window shopped a bit then back into our cars and drove off, They to return their dog to doggie boarding, dogs aren't allowed at the hotel they are staying (boo) us to pick ours up from Doggie Day Care... we got home to a wet dog and 108°
I snapped a picture of our waitress.... this is the bar that Virgil and his brother Wyatt used to drink at along with Doc Holiday and Big Nose Kate
Thumbnail..... picture you can open it larger.... in her waistband at the back she has a knife for protection she said......
Interesting day, Robin. An extra treat that you got to enjoy some rain and cooler temperatures. That's a cute picture of the waitress. In the stories I've read about Big Nose Kate it seems she wasn't called that because of an oversized nose but because she was always sticking her nose where it didn't belong. I don't know if it's true or not but either way, she must have been an interesting character.