7/28/23 - Donuts and another muggy day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's in the 80s this morning.

Since mower is coming today, I picked up petal. It]s too icky outside to use trimmer. I'm going to Crystal
Bridges this morning, to see a special exhibit.

Today is National milk chocolate day. If you have any, eat it fast before it melts
Currently 85 with 70% humidity. Thunderstorm last night. Heat wave to end tomorrow night. We had a 30-minute power outage last night. You can imagine how unbearable that was. With the planet on fire becoming an unwelcome norm, what are we all to do when we can't control the environment, and the infrastructures are outdated and unable to handle the power capacity we now need?

Kat - Glad you are using a mower, too hot to do anything yourself. Enjoy the exhibit.

Humdinger of a storm last evening. WOW. Rain so hard you could not see. thunder, lightning, rain lightened up finally, but the skies were just so black at first. Scary.
Today, sun is out, right now, is 74, with 83% humidity. On it's way up up to eventually, 82...which is a lot better than 90!
Have a blood draw this a.m. so will be leaving in a just a bit.....take care all. (I have veins that just won't pop up, so it takes them a bit to get some of that red stuff. :) )
Good morning... I'll be leaving in a few to attend a new employee inservice.... I have no idea what I'll learn but it will take 3 hours to tell me.....
it's going to be over 100 here today.... not sure of the humidity.....
we now have 3 toads in the back yard.... I'm not letting the Beast attack them..... just doesn't seem wise.....

Happy Chocolate Milk Day to all.....
Hi everyone!

kat, hope you enjoyed the exhibit.

Wilde Woman, a power outage with this heat is no fun.

Poirot, your weather sounds heavenly.

robin, hope you didn’t fall asleep during that 3 hour meeting.

Another day…another Excessive Heat Warning. I think we get relief Sunday.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Not sure if we had any rain today. I was at a funeral for my friend's husband. Please pray for Babette. She is heartbroken. After the funeral, I went to Chili's for lunch. It was really cloudy as I drove home. Caught a few sprinkles during the drive. Got home and ended up taking a good nap. It could have rained during my nap.
rf, sorry to hear about Babette's husband. I'll say some prayers for her, her family and you.