7/4/21 - Donuts and 4th of July


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I hope everyone has a nice day.

Today, we are all Yankee Doodle Dandies.....Always call my cousin that....yep, she is born on the 4th of July......Wonder if any of the movie channels will be showing that wonderful James Cagney movie tonight? Long day yesterday, more of same today. My son-in-law got my flag up, am so happy about that. Been awake since 4:00, hate when I cannot fall back asleep. But, tho it was getting light out, the time came for sun to be rising, I could see some faint orange tinted streaks, but 5:30 passed, no sun.......aha, but 5:45 there it was, bright, shiny, and saying Good Morning America and Happy Birthday!
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Good morning everyone!

It’s sunny and beautiful here this morning. Not very humid but since we’re between the ocean and the sound there is almost always a breeze.

Poirot, how long is your family visiting?

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th!
Daughter will be here a week......maybe 10 days or so.

And I just checked......Turner Movie Classics will be showing Music Man at 4 p.m. (Central) followed by Yankee Doodle Dandy....then 1776. Yep, all musicals, too. I really love the 1st two....
Good morning. It rained last night!!!!!!!! Not a lot but enough to keep the Beast from going outside without being highly encouraged. It didn't help we had folks celebrating explosions in the neighborhood too.

Beast still feeling less than best He HATED the expensive food I purchased for him so this morning we made some rice and I thawed some chicken and feed him about a 1/4 cup. I'll feed small amounts today see if he gets more energy as he hadn't eaten since Wednesday night.

I found Yankee Doodle Dandy on TV. It's on now, with commercials. Boo. But it's better than watching the corn hole championships, which I did watch a few minutes of only to discover I had no idea there was so much more to the game.

Congrats to Joey Chestnut for his amazing 76 hot dogs in 10 minutes and Michelle Lesco took the woman's prize with 30 3/4 hot dogs in 10 minutes.

Food consumption contests are something else.
Robin, I guess a little bit of rain is better than none, if it settles the dust. Hope Vinnie eats your chicken and rice. I've never seen corn hole played except on tv. I'm thinking it's popular in the more southern states. In past years, lots of people here played pitching washers. I'm not sure I could stomach watching contestants frantically stuffing their faces now. Haven't watched in a long time.

Poirot, thanks for the info on the movies. I've seen Music Man and often will stop and watch parts of it. I don't think I've ever seen the other two. Have never cared for James Cagney and his tough guy characters. I don't guess I've ever watched him in a musical so maybe I'll give it a try.

IamRed, enjoy your beautiful view and refreshing breeze.

Kat, I hope you're having a good day.

We had a good church service this morning. Then one of the ladies had fresh vegetables from her garden to give away afterwards. I got small amounts of okra, yellow squash, and a couple of small tomatoes. Roads were muddy and washed out in places. I'm going to need the county to level up my driveway.