7/7/21 - Donuts and Storms

Good morning ...........grey, overcast, and looking like it will rain any minute. However, not in forecast at all, but will be around 69-70 for a high.......quite the nice cool down Won't last but another couple days, but glad to see it.

Got a real surprise yesterday, when my niece, who lives in central IL. surprised me with a visit. She & her hubby were visiting friends' at their lake cabin, which was about an hour and half from here. We went to lunch, which was hard to do, since this is a tourist area and it was July 4th week, raining, so tourists left resorts in droves to go into town for lunch. LOLOL Gave up on 1st place, 2nd had just one couple waiting, so we opted to wait there (about 1/2 hr.) Lines galore behind us. But sure was great to see her, (& the couple she was staying with..) Their vehicle had a huge step up, so her hubby had to lift me up into the seat, as I just could not do it, too high. LOL
Good Rainy Morning,

It started raining at 4 PM yesterday and hasn't stopped since, our current temperature is 58*. I'm loving the cool weather and I won't complain about the rain after all the heat. It also saved me from having to come out to water my garden. Not much going on today, but tomorrow will be busy, as after work while Gena is sewing with my mom, I'll be working with another lady from my church to do some preparations for vacation bible school, which starts on the 19th. We're doing a carnival/circus theme this year, with some over the top decorations and ending the 3 days with carnival games, snack booths, and prizes. Since we couldn't have vacation bible school last summer, we're going big this year.

Poirot - How nice that your niece stopped up for a visit.

RS - be safe in the storms, I hope your basement stays dry.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
This morning, I went to town to make a couple of stops before library time at church.
I found a folding chair at Walmart I can use at my folding table. And candy (don't
tell anyone) I can't find at my regular Walmart anymore.

I'm debating to contact Dell today. I need to, but don't feel like it.

manda, I'm glad you're getting rain and you won't have to water your garden. I hope
your vacation Bible school is great success.

Poirot, I'm glad you had a nice surprise visit with your niece.

rs, I hope you didn't get rained on at school.

I hope everyone has a lovely rest of the day.
Hi all!

We were supposed to get storms today but looks like we are getting a reprieve, but it's cloudy and feels like spring outside. So odd.

Work is steady today. Hope this afternoon goes as smoothly as the morning did. I discovered I still have 12 days of vacation I need to allocate for the year - will take some at Christmas and then carry over the rest I guess. I can carry over 11 or I lose any over that so won't let that happen.

Poirot - glad you had a nice visit.

RS - hope your weather is better than predicted.

Kat - what kind of candy did you buy?

Manda - hope the kids enjoy your VBS efforts
I bought caramel creams. They haven't had the small package in my Walmart for over a month.
This past week, I noticed the tag gone and the big package wasn't there either.

dachsie, I hope you get rain if you need it. It looks like I may not get rain for awhile. I'll
probably water the beds Friday.
Good morning from the Costco parking lot in Scottsdale. HB's car broke down so all the folderol getting it to the shop, picking him up, following the tow truck and off to Costco where the Beast and I are sitting in the 100 degree shade. We were a mild 111 yesterday and should be there, if not warmer, today. No more rain. We got a 0.25 of an inch, what more do you want????? Ack, I hate typing on my phone. Stupid fat fingers. More when at a keyboard.
Kat, I buy the Werther's caramels with the creamy white inside. Is that what you get? I usually keep almonds, and walnuts, which I roast and keep in the refrigerator. I've found eating the nuts, along with the caramels, is a good taste for me.

Robin, a car breakdown in your temperatures is torture. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.
No, it's a different kind. They are soft. I found a picture.

robin, sorry to hear about your adventure with HB's car

In the when it rains it pours, no word on the car today. AND the A/C has had enough and has stopped running. We have a call into the landlord. It's 109 outside currently and a mere 84 inside. The sun going down so it shouldn't get much warmer. Fingers crossed.
One can tell it is summer......so many are busy with other things. Tomorrow is hubby's big day, the CT scan for which he was supposed to prepare, but was reluctant to follow directions. i.e. drink 4-6 8 oz. glasses of water today. Nope. Told the caregiver he doesn't have to do anything unless he wants to, and he is the boss! LOL

So tomorrow he has to be dressed, ready to leave, by 6 a.m. They won't be back til maybe 6 p,m.

I have a blood draw tomorrow at 8:30, fasting, so will be meeting a friend I have not seen for over a year, tho here in town (Pandemic rules) for breakfast after.

My daughter has been huge help in sorting out all the medical stuff that has been piling up and confusing me. (Hubby & son with same name, both with E.R. visits, and hosp visits to same place, nightmares. And son-in-law is handy man we all want around. Bless them.

On Friday, hubby's brother from IL is coming up especially to see him, so I am really in over my head here. Take care all, sorry I just cannot reply to you all. God Bless. Thank you.
ALAS, been awake since 3 a.m. Actually woke up nearly every hour from midnight, but then after 3 a.m. just tossed and turned. And I cannot have anything to eat, coffee, tea, nothing, as this blood draw is a "fasting" one.