7/8/21 - Donuts and library day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Another cool morning for walking. It's going to be partly cloudy with high close to 90.
There might be a chance for pop up showers this afternoon. I hope so.

I'll be at the small library. I'm not sure what I'll do this afternoon.

I hope everyone will try to have good day with all the stuff going on in our lives.
Good morning.

Kat, I hope you get a shower. Enjoy what's left of your cool morning.

Poirot, you and your family are on my mind today. Hoping the blood draw was uneventful. That always makes me think of Lovo and her visits to the "vampire." I learned from her to drink lots of water beforehand. It helps to deal with the gnawing hunger when fasting and according to her, it makes the blood flow better--easier to get.

We have sunshine for a couple of days, highs in the 90s*.

Stinkin' on it, I'm getting mosquitoes in my house!
Good morning, I guess. When I went to bed at 11 last night it was a chilly 91 in the house. It has cooled down to a current 88 degrees. The repair guy is here. Fingers crossed for relief soon. If parts need to be ordered, I'll be looking for dog friendly hotels. Can't do another night like last night. Oy.
robin, I'm glad it was an easy fix. Enjoy your nap.

OC, I'm sorry to hear about the mosquitoes. One morning last week, I woke up with
spiderweb on me. I kept trying to get it out of my hair and face.

Poirot, I hope you'll sleep better tonight.
Good afternoon,

It's super busy at work so I can't stay long. It's cool again today and the rain stopped this morning sometime. Gena should be with my mom by now for her afternoon of sewing. Tonight is my night to meet with the lady from church to work on vacation Bible school, so I'll miss dinner at my mom's, but we need to get everything ready and organized.

Poirot - I hope the tests went well and that you're able to sleep better tonight.

Robin - thank heavens that your A/C is fixed.

Kat - I hope your time at the library goes well today.

OC - I've heard that putting dryer sheets in your pockets helps keep the mosquitoes away. You may want to try that if you don't have allergy issues with dryer sheets.

Have a wonderful afternoon!
I finally called Dell and he did a remote with computer. He fixed problem and now I can play the games on my big
computer. It had something to do with Chrome and flags. It's in an area I wouldn't know where to go. I told him
that people asked how to fix, but I didn't understand. Maybe he did a search on another computer. The list under
flags is very long. I saw the name of item on the error message and got excited. All he to do was turn it on. It wasn't
that important, but I get higher scores on the big computer than the laptop. And maybe I need it turned on for
other things.

manda, good luck getting work done for VBS.
Hi everyone!

kat, hope you got some rain today and I’m glad you got your computer fixed.

Poirot, hope everything goes well for you.

OC, I hope you can get rid of the mosquitoes in your house. That is not fun.

robin, glad your ac was an easy fix but how did you sleep in that heat?

manda, good luck with the VBS planning.

Tropical Storm Elsa is moving through my area but other than the tornado warning earlier it’s been pretty uneventful. Although when the building you work in has been hit by a tornado before it’s a little unnerving.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!